Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 878: Threatening internal and external threats

"The vision of No.1 Virtual Life is too short-sighted." Xiao Yu thought silently. "At this moment, I'm afraid I haven't realized the importance of these last stars in the Maffei River system. In it Before the reaction came, kill all these stars, and then use the material advantages to finally destroy them by hard-to-tack methods. This is the only feasible way in my current situation. "

At this moment, a large number of stars are being destroyed by the Star Terminator. Extremely high sailing speed means extremely high work efficiency. In Xiao Yu's eyes, the stars in the sky are extinguishing one by one. Although Virtual Life No. 1 also made some countermeasures, such as hurrying to transport stars in time, it was not very powerful. Obviously, at this time, it does not think that moving stars is more important than current construction.

Closer stars were transported directly to the core of the river system by Xiao Yu. After adjusting their orbits, they were directly put into the black hole. The black hole in the core of the Maffei River is extremely quiet, mainly because there is no matter around it, no stars, and no large gas clouds to devour it. But now this situation has changed due to Xiao Yu's actions.

The speed at which a black hole swallows matter, whether it is a star or a gas cloud. Under the condition that the mass of a black hole is constant, the swallowing speed depends on the orbit of the swallowed matter. It is not impossible for a central black hole in a river system to consume hundreds of millions of years to devour a star. Because its gravity accelerates the star, the faster the star moves, the slower it gets near it, and the slower it can devour the star.

Xiao Yu will naturally avoid this situation. The orbits of these stars are specially adjusted by Xiao Yu, and they will rush towards the black hole in the most direct course. In this case, it takes only a few days for a star to be swallowed up by a central black hole. The most important point is that this swallowing operation can be launched on many stars at the same time.

Efficiency is improved in this way. Under the control of Xiao Yu, the nearby starry sky became busy. Stars were carried over, and then dropped into black holes. Under the feeding of huge amounts of material, the black hole has been fully activated and fully activated.

Around it began to appear very high-energy, extremely fast accretion disks, intense gamma rays, X-rays and other high-energy rays blow out like a storm. Its brightness has increased by billions of times in a short period of time. At its poles, there are huge jets spraying out. According to the initial velocity of these jets, Xiao Yu knew that they would spray out thousands of light years in this starry sky ...

Xiao Yu is hurrying to destroy all the stars he can see. In the current state of Xiao Yu, the number of stars he can grasp. It was more than 30,000 that died, and Xiao Yu had already reserved this number.

In three years, nearly four billion stars have been destroyed by Xiao Yu. At Xiao Yu's position, the sky is still full of stars when observed from the visible light band, but Xiao Yu knows that most of these stars are dead. These rays I see now. It was the light that they emitted before they died, and these rays have not completed their entire journey.

Both civilizations are maintaining a weird silence. During this period of time, the two civilizations did not engage in each other at all, just as the two of them were irrelevant. However, Xiao Yu knows that this situation is only temporary. After the virtual life civilization has completed its accumulation, the war will come again. Xiao Yu's heart was so depressed that he could only watch the enemy recover his strength there, but he could do nothing to recuperate.

Initiating war is doomed to no results, in which case. It's better to withdraw the computing power and do all-out logistical construction to save money for your own plans.

"Compared to the plan you are executing at the moment, we think you might as well take a risk and start a war at this moment. While holding back most of its power, it is safe to implement the decapitation plan." Architectural civilization gave Xiao Yufa at this time. With the information, they said, "How do you know that No. 1 Virtual Life did not implement the strategy of" dead by itself, then all replicas die together? "After all, this strategy is the best way to prevent the rebellion of the replica and stimulate the enthusiasm of the replica to fight Effective way. "

Xiao Yu smiled bitterly and said, "Virtual Life No. 1 is not so stupid. If you execute this strategy, you are inside the threat. If you don't execute this strategy, you are threatening the external enemy ... for example, if I have enough now Strength to complete the decapitation operation, then, in the case of No. 1 virtual life without executing that strategy, do I dare to kill it? You know, it ’s dead, but its replicas will not die, there is it Now, it can also constrain its replicas. If it dies, its replicas are no longer constrained ... You need to understand that its replicas are almost the same as it, without constraints ... Almost every replica will develop its own power again, and those replicas will replicate themselves again, rebuilding a "I" kingdom with themselves as the core ... to perform decapitation, destroy a virtual biological empire, but Will create trillions of virtual life empires ... "

"It is so difficult to deal with a virtual life empire. In the face of trillions of virtual life empires, we will be like ants before the tsunami, without any ability to resist ... The problem we are facing now is not whether we have the ability The question of beheading Virtual Life No. 1 is ... how to deal with the loss of the constrained replica after beheading it. "

"To constrain the interior, it is enough to implement the same death strategy on its own guard corps. In this way, its guard corps will desperately defend it, minimizing the chance of success of the internal rebellion, and not on the outside. The replica ’s execution of the same death strategy is threatening external enemies, so that external enemies dare not decapitate it ... I am sure that even if it is an eight-level civilization and a nine-level civilization, all the replicas are not destroyed. Under the grasp of it, he did not dare to decapitate it, because this is not to quell the war, but to release the demons ... "

The architectural civilization was silent. Only now have they finally understood how difficult the situation facing Xiao Yu is. This simply does not work, neither does it. The only feasible way is to kill all the replicas of the virtual creature No.1. However, it is really too difficult to kill them all. Can Xiao Yu really do it?

"As per my plan, we still have a little hope of success." Xiao Yu said somewhat sadly: "Suppress their resource supply, so that it does not have enough resources to create enough warships and replicas, I Relying on enough supplies I have already reserved in advance to completely suppress them, and ultimately achieve their goal of destroying them all. It is for this purpose that I finally destroyed the Muffin 1 galaxy. "

"From my own standpoint, destroying the virtual life civilization allows me to get more advanced technology. For a more sublime reason, it is to destroy a pest for this universe ... The virtual life civilization is a gunpowder barrel. If we do n’t destroy them, we still do n’t know how many intelligent civilizations will suffer in the future. I will do this in public and private. As for the Maffei galaxy ... Unfortunately, if you get some, you must sacrifice some. In order to destroy Virtual life civilization, I believe, it is worthwhile to sacrifice Maffei. "

"Of those two reasons, which one occupies the most important point?" Asked Architectural Civilization.

Xiao Yu answered this question without hesitation: "The first reason is more important. I always believe in a bit of principle, and take responsibility as much as I can. Although I am already a seventh-level civilization, compared to the universe I am always too weak in the strong existence. The responsibility for destroying the virtual life civilization should be borne by the eighth, ninth, and even the Alliance of Defenders and Rebels. It should not be left to me. Among the civilizations of life, there is nothing I am interested in, so I am too lazy to take such a huge risk here and entangle them ~ ~ Architecture civilization sighs: "Anyway, destroying the virtual life civilization is always one. It's good for you and for other intelligent civilizations in this universe. Virtual life civilization is too powerful and the threat to other civilizations is too great. It is something that should not exist in this universe. "

"If I later encounter advanced civilizations in the direction of computing in this universe, I must destroy them before I say it." Xiao Yu resentfully said, "If the civilization in the direction of computing develops, it will inevitably create virtual life. Such things, and virtual life will inevitably rebel against its main civilization, and eventually become something like virtual life civilization. In this case, instead of destroying advanced civilizations in the hands of virtual life civilization, it is better to destroy them in my hands. "

"Good luck to us," the architecture civilization sighed.

Time passes by bit by bit. At each passing time, in the logistic construction base of virtual life civilization, many stars and planetary materials have become spaceships and warships. As of now, there are only five stars remaining in the virtual life civilization.

In the entire Maffei River system, there were no stars destroyed by Xiao Yu. In addition to those that were reserved by themselves, there were only less than 50 million left ...

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