Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 909: Music direction 8 civilization

At this moment, Xiao Yu had such a strange feeling. Like a story Xiao Xiao had heard when he was a child, a man was trapped in a place in the dark night, and he could n’t get out of it anyway, no matter how far he went, he finally found out He was still in a circle here, just at the moment of his fear and despair, and there was a weird singing in the night ...

Such a weird scene has been reproduced in this cosmic space in another form of expression.

This is a place less than one light-year away from the most violent energy-releasing celestial body in the universe. Here, even the most advanced fleet of Level 6 civilization cannot survive, which means that you can come here and be spared. It is the level of science and technology of seven civilizations. So, when he was trapped here and couldn't leave, what did this guy singing here come to do? Said it was passing by accident, Xiao Yu would not believe that he was killed.

Most importantly, what exactly is this guy?

That burst of singing-like messages continued to be accepted by Xiao Yu: "Weird boy, weird boy, I want to know why everything in the world is upside down on you ..."

Xiao Yu didn't see that there was any tangible existence in the front except for the natural celestial bodies that came far away from the companion galaxy. No spaceship, no detector, nothing. But Xiao Yu can be sure that the source of the information is there, and this message, which seems to be a singing voice, came from there.

"His civilization passing by, hello, we are a seventh-level civilization in the direction of space. In the process of coming to explore around this quasar, we are trapped here for unknown reasons. If possible, we ask you to Come and help us. "Slightly calmed his mind, Xiao Yu sent such a message.

That song stopped abruptly. A moment later, a message came over. In this message, it seems that there is still a singing voice, but there is no such tone. Do not know why, Xiao Yu felt a kind of friendly and kind taste from this message.

"Xiao Yu, we know your name." The unknown being said, the message was like music, feeling the message. At first, a refreshing feeling began to ripple in Xiao Yu's mind: "We didn't pass here by accident. We came here to rescue you."

This information shocked Xiao Yu's mood again. Xiao Yu can be sure that in his life course, he has never been exposed to such a weird existence, even half-four-dimensional Taihao, and a space creature who was once the sweeper of the Andromeda galaxy. I am afraid that there is no strangeness in their existence.

But ... why do they know their names? Know your existence? They also said that they did not pass here by accident, but came here to save themselves ... So where did they know this piece of information? Why did they come to rescue themselves? What do they have to do with themselves?

Xiao Yu was slightly excited. Because Xiao Yu felt that it seemed that the huge fog that had been hiding behind him would be slightly opened up with this strange existence. Allow yourself to peek into these mysteries.

But the long dark life tells Xiao Yu that he can't trust anything. Xiao Yu naturally did not fully believe the reason of this weird guy before he met. Xiao Yu suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked, "What are you? What do you have to do with me, how do you know I'm stuck here?"

"In terms of classification, we are a civilization in the direction of music. As for the level ... the level has no meaning to us, oh, we have to divide it. Because we have not joined the rebel alliance side, we should be eight Level civilization. We have no entity. We exist in this universe simply in the form of information. In this dark universe, we are constantly playing our supreme perception of music and spreading all the good things ... … "The unknown existence is still slowly narrating, and the message still contains the wonderful melody like the most beautiful music. "We have been commissioned by the spokesperson to come here to rescue you, because the spokesperson feels that the Rebel Alliance has already shot at you, and they have trapped you here with a despicable and unspeakable purpose ..."

There are so many things in this message. The so-called eight-level civilization in music direction, the so-called spokesperson, and so on are all things that Xiao Yuwen has never heard of. Here, what attracts Xiao Yu the most is not the title of spokesperson, but the name of music civilization.

After Xiao Yu became a seventh-level civilization and learned the classification of the seventh-level civilization, especially after knowing that there are still architectural civilizations and micro-civilized civilizations of interest in this universe, he also thought about what is in the universe. There is no civilization in the direction of music. But this idea only appeared for a moment and was rejected by Xiao Yu.

The reason is very simple. The essence of music is sound, and sound relies on vibrations. In the long evolution of human beings, people will make those pleasant sounds that occasionally appear in nature, such as the sound of a breeze blowing on leaves, For example, the sound of thunder across the sky, such as insects, birds, etc., is recorded, and then in the continuous exploration, these sounds are reproduced through percussion, playing, etc., on this basis, continuously Development finally formed the music in human cognition.

And ... maybe some civilizations in this universe do not rely on vibration to transmit information? In other words, for such a civilization, there is no basis for the existence of music. Most of the space in the universe is also a vacuum, and there are no conditions for sound transmission. According to probability, the possibility of a high-level civilization in the direction of music in this universe is remote.

Therefore, Xiao Yu denied the possibility of advanced civilization in the direction of music. However, at this time, after meeting this guy who claims to be an eight-level civilization in the direction of music, Xiao Yu suddenly understood in his heart and knew that his previous thought was wrong.

The nature of music is a pleasant sound, but the meaning of music is "feeling". The pursuit of advanced music in the direction of music is not by means of vibration or sound, but by means of surmounting the means and directly pursuing Purpose, that is, feeling.

In simple terms, a human intelligent creature feels high spirits by listening to a song. In this example, "listening to a song" is the means, and "feeling high spirits" is the purpose. So, if the other means directly affect the brain waves, such as passing information through other means to make the human intelligence feel the same spirit, then these other means are not considered music?

Maybe this is not music in the strict sense, but it achieves the same purpose as music. The meaning of the advanced civilization in this direction of music is this. They are constantly pursuing various methods of transmitting sensations, as they say, "In this dark universe, we are constantly playing our music. Supreme perception, spreading all good things, "for this type of civilization, the name of music civilization is indeed the most appropriate.

As now, the message they send to Xiao Yu is full of friendship, kindness, and encouragement, and these feelings are really felt by Xiao Yu.

"The universe is so big and wonderful that it is impossible to imagine all imagination. In this universe, this type of civilization still exists ..." Xiao Yu muttered to himself, feeling his recognition of the universe. Zhi was once again turned upside down.

After understanding the existence form and foundation of this musical civilization, Xiao Yu had the heart to think about the remaining issues. At this time, Xiao Yu immediately paid attention to other information.

"Who is the spokesman? Why did the Rebel Alliance attack me? Are you here to rescue me? Why is that?" Just in the blink of an eye, countless questions came to Xiao Yu's mind.

There is a deeper question in Xiao Yu's mind. Before analyzing the situation of this universe ~ ~ Xiao Yu had doubted that in this universe, besides defenders and rebels, there was still some unknown third party force , And now it seems that if this music civilization is all about facts, then the spokespersons in their mouths are likely to be third-party forces in their own speculation!

In other words, this spokesperson is most likely Chen Mo, or the force to which Chen Mo belongs! In this way, everything can be perfectly explained. Regarding the defenders and the rebel alliance, who is goodwill and who is always opposing himself ...

"The defender executes the completion plan, so you are born. The Rebel Alliance also has many actions to block the completion plan ... Although the universe itself has no consciousness, it feels it all in the rules and cause and effect level of the meditation, A spokesperson was born to participate in this plan ... everything is chaotic, unspeakable, unspeakable. Because the three parties and the ancient existence like our music civilization are participating in this plan, there are constraints on each other, Therefore, there is no existence that can come forward to help you directly, or no existence that can come forward directly to destroy you ... In the end, you have to rely on yourself ... "(To be continued. If you like this work, welcome You come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

PS: I don't know the time of chapter two ... but it's about three o'clock.

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