Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 926: 4D Technology

"The rules are left to the eight civilizations, and the universe is up to you."

In the darkest civilization's largest ship, the familiar light group is quietly changing here, and all kinds of messages are sent from it and enter the leader's mind. "Your task is to Guard the central black hole of the flying kite galaxy and prevent it from being destroyed by Xiao Yu ... "

"You mean, in the Flying Kite galaxy, there will still be a struggle between eighth-level civilizations?" The leader asked respectfully, "but we don't understand why there are eight-level civilizations, why should we serve as the guard center?" The mission of the black hole? And ... can you tell us why we are doing this? What is the purpose of the Great Rebel Alliance? "

Guangtuan said quietly: "Because the two warring parties are not ready for the outbreak of the final war. Therefore, the defenders, the spokespersons, and our rebels have a mutual understanding to control the scale of this war. Do not let it evolve into the final battle. Therefore, we will have an eight-level civilization to fight against the enemy's eight-level civilization. Your task is to fight against the enemy's seventh-level civilization, which is the Shenzhou civilization you are familiar with. Xiao Yu ... "

"This battle is a crucial battle. The ability of the central black hole to defend it is related to our follow-up strategy. Since we are rebels, our ultimate goal is to master the rules of the entire universe and let this universe be, As small as a microscopic particle, as large as a river system, or even a super galaxy cluster complex, we want all the material in this universe to operate according to the rules we have established. The Flying Kite galaxy is how we achieve this. The first attempt by purpose ... "

"The flying kite galaxy is the core of the entire Virgo super galaxy cluster. Controlling the flying kite galaxy is equivalent to controlling the entire Virgo super galaxy cluster. We will first separate the entire Virgo super galaxy cluster from the universe and in Virgo The rules of the super galaxy cluster follow our rules. For example ... if the battle is successful, we can make the speed of light in the Virgo super galaxy change and the gravitational constant change. We can then formulate any physical rule. Then, we Then based on the Virgo super galaxy cluster, and gradually eroded the rest of the universe, and finally brought the entire universe into our grasp ... and the central black hole of the flying kite galaxy. It is a key point of this battle. Now, Do you understand? "

The leader nodded thoughtfully: "In this way, our enemies intend to destroy our entire river system. This will defeat our plan and prevent us from moving forward ..."

"Yes. It is for this reason that we have chosen your Dark Star civilization to help you break through the seventh-level barrier. Let you become a seventh-level civilization. Give you logical weapons ... Fight for our good future, go Struggle. "Guangtuan said quietly, it gradually faded, became smaller, and eventually disappeared without a trace. And after it disappeared, its voice seemed to be echoing here, "Fight. Fight ...."

"Do we still have a choice?" The leader said with a grin, "We have been tied to your chariot. We can only follow your footsteps and continue to advance ..."

"Xiao Yu's strength lies in the fact that technology is a little more advanced than ours, and the number of warships is almost endless. It is undoubtedly unwise to counter Xiao Yu by conventional means. In fact, we have no need to destroy Xiao Yu at all. We The mission is just to guard the central black hole of the Flying Kite Galaxy ... The Rebel Alliance has made the rest of the layout in the Flying Kite Galaxy. After arriving at the Flying Kite Galaxy, we have other helpers, but these should be They are all auxiliary, and our main reliance is on logical weapons ... "

"Leader, we have made new discoveries in the study of logical weapons." At this time, a guard came in and reported to the leader's meeting loudly.

"Oh? What's the discovery?" The leader asked with interest.

"This is the research report submitted to you by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, please look over it." The guard said, handed a small chip to the leader. The leader then put the chip into his portable computing terminal, and a large amount of information was read out. The leader showed a little satisfaction.

"It turned out to be like this ... can some of the current rules in the universe be used to achieve a larger goal with less consumption? Yes, very good. Notice, all relevant scientific researchers will be awarded first-class awards. Let them Continue to conduct in-depth research on logical weapons, and when necessary, you can submit applications for some lower-level practical tests of logical weapons. "

"Yes, leader." The guard said aloud, and turned away from here. The leader once again stood in front of the porthole of the spacecraft, looking at the endless field simulation of the dark starry sky, wondering what was going on.

Million years pass by hurriedly. At the other end of the universe, Xiao Yu's huge fleet is sailing at a high speed and is continuously approaching the distant river system ahead.

During this time, Xiao Yu never stopped in any passing river system, at most, he launched some detectors, and made a rough observation of them without affecting his rush. The supply of materials in the previous river system is sufficient. They can fully support the consumption of Xiao Yuyuan's voyage to the flying kite galaxy, and even Xiao Yu's larger-scale construction operations can support it.

During this time, Xiao Yu was working hard to strengthen his strength. The nearly 300,000 extreme star war stars have become Xiao Yu ’s pocket, because of these extreme star war stars, all the intelligent creatures of the extreme star civilization have died, Xiao Yu wants to enter these extreme stars Among the stars, it took a lot of effort.

After finally entering the interior of these extreme stars and battle stars, Xiao Yu saw the scene here. It is already a mess here. The bodies of countless intelligent creatures are lying here and there. They have different causes of death, but one thing is certain, they all died by suicide.

Some intelligent creatures pierced the blade into their bodies, some intelligent creatures destroyed their thinking organs with some kind of energy weapon, and some seemed to take some poison to take their lives away, and some more Extreme, even cut his body little by little, torture himself by this almost perverted method.

"This is the power of musical civilization." Xiao Yu thought silently. These neutron war stars or white dwarf war stars are all intact, their equipment is not damaged at all, and even the energy reserve is very sufficient. They did not fight at all, and all intelligent creatures died.

Here, Xiao Yu has acquired all the technology of Extreme Astral Civilization. Xiao Yu has always wondered how to make these extreme stars intact and internally process them. Xiao Yu has found the answer.

"It turned out to be four-dimensional technology ... directly without damaging the surface of the extreme stars, hollowing out their interiors, building various facilities inside them, and strengthening them with space technology ... This is really a genius idea .Extreme astral civilizations are still very creative. Sure enough, every civilization that can become a level seven is not easy. Even if they are not my opponents, they still have something worth learning. "

Four-dimensional technology is a technology area that Xiao Yu has heard of before, but has never been exposed to. However, the four-dimensional technology of Extreme Star Civilization does not seem to be complete. It is still difficult to use this technology to make weapons or defense facilities. But it doesn't matter, Xiao Yu has a long time to do this.

"If you calculate according to time, if everything is normal, then the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilization should have reached the Flying Kite Galaxy at this moment. I don't know if the Dark Star civilization has arrived." Xiao Yu silently thought about these questions, "About Shenzhou and Fei I always feel weird about the events of the Sagittarius civilization. Here is the battlefield of the three forces of defenders, rebels and spokespersons. I do n’t know why the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations participated in this battle. Are they in After being rescued from the Milky Way ~ ~ Should n’t you choose a peaceful place to develop your own technology safely? Or maybe there are some hidden feelings, some existence or forces in this incident, trying to With the special relationship between Shenzhou and Pegasus civilization and me, trying to use it to achieve certain goals? "

This is very possible. But relevant information is really lacking, and Xiao Yu has no way to make inferences from here. Xiao Yu also had the option to take a step and look at it, seeing the move.

In the process of constant thinking, inference, planning, researching new technology, and building new spacecraft, time is passing fast. After thousands of years, Xiao Yu thought in his mind: "At this moment, the dark star civilization should have reached the Flying Kite Galaxy, and some arrangements have begun ..."

Time has not stopped, and it is still passing. After thousands of years, Xiao Yu's huge fleet finally broke away from the curvature that lasted tens of thousands of years and came to the visible universe.

Presenting in front of Xiao Yu is an extremely vast river system. There are trillions of stars running quietly among them. This is the mass core of the flying kite galaxy, the entire Virgo supercluster.

"Finally arrived at the destination ..." Xiao Yu sighed secretly. (To be continued ...)

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