Super Black Technology

Chapter 106: Army siege court

(The 4th more, please, please subscribe. Big darlings, the baby is going to fall off the list, ohhhhhhhhhh.)

The trial is continuing.

The British beauty lawyer appeared again, at this time a smile on her face, and the defendant, the smile on Mr. Irving's face disappeared, serious.

"Mr. Judge, can I ask the defendant a few more questions because of the accident just now?"

As soon as the sentence was finished, counsel Irving shouted: "Protest, the plaintiff's lawyer's question has just ended."

The trial judge was a little hesitant. From the standpoint of the United States, he really did not want the British lawyer to ask the defendant again; however, it is now a global broadcast and is in full view.

"Mr. Judge, please be fair and just!"

The words of the British lawyer finally let the trial judge nod.

"You can ask the defendant again! The protest of the defendant's lawyer is invalid!"

The British lawyer smiled victoriously and quickly bowed to the judge, then habitually walked towards the defendant's seat.

The audience laughed loudly.

A handsome guy shouted, "Beauty, the defendant is with the witness!"

As soon as this word came out, the beauty lawyer paused and hurried back again, her face embarrassed.

For decades, I have encountered such a funny defendant for the first time!

I should have been ashamed of the action I just made. Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, my mother has lost face in front of the whole world.

At this moment, the beauty lawyer can't wait to cover her face.

With embarrassment, the beauty lawyer finally came to the witness seat again. This time she was no longer a silent child, but a cute child.

The cute child is smiling, smiling as brightly as the flowers.

"Little Ike, I ask you a few questions, can you answer me honestly?"

Moe nodded: "Okay!"

"Why are you attacking ..."

Before the words were finished, a protest from Barrister Owen rang again: "Protest the plaintiff's lawyer to seduce my client!"

"The protest is invalid!"

Owen sat down tragically. He knew he was going to plant it. Thirty years in the business, today is set.

as expected.

"Little Ike, why are you attacking Leeds, England?"

Moe kid tilted her head, turned to look at Sister Alice next to her, and then happily answered, "Because the sister is beautiful!"

Let me go. What the **** is this? Does this mean that you are subjectively malicious?

There was a whispering sound in the audience.

The inquiry from the British lawyer is continuing, and it is getting deeper and deeper ...

"Little Ike, why are you attacking the 11 US states?"

"Because my sister is beautiful!"

"Little Ike, why are you attacking the Internet all over the world and forcing watermelon cartoons to play on all screens?"

"Because my sister is beautiful!"

"Do you know that your actions will cause severe damage to the world economy?"

"For my sister, I'm not afraid of anything. I want to find my sister, and then work hard to grow up. When I grow up, I can make a lot of watermelons for my sister. The watermelons are sweet and the best!"

puff! puff! puff!

Some spectators drinking water off the field sprayed out, spraying the people in the front seat into a falling chicken.

Countless spectators laughed again.

At this moment, Barrister Irving on the defendant's seat did not laugh, his heart was cold.

It's over, it's over! The lawsuit was lost.

Not in the hands of the opponent, but in the hands of his teammates.

Not afraid of opponents like God, but teammates like Pig. The child prodigy is a pig, or a pig who immediately turned against the enemy when he saw his beautiful sister.

God, did you send him to punish me?


At this time, the British lawyer was also cried. But fortunately, her purpose was achieved.

"Mr. Judge, my questioning is over. From the inquiry just now, we can see that the defendant attacked the Internet around the world in order to find my witnesses. What does this mean? It means that the defendant is subjective and conscious Premeditated behavior. "

"My words are over, thank you Mr. Judge, and thank the jury."

After listening to the English lawyer's words, the judges and jury members rang up one after another.

Just then, a female voice sounded, Alice.

"No! He didn't commit a crime on purpose! He's just a kid, he's just looking for me! Mr. Judge, don't convict him, please!"

Everyone was surprised to look at Alice.

There are mistakes, aren't you the plaintiff's witness? How to help the defendant speak?

The global audience was also speechless in surprise.

Today's trial is really a hundred thousand turns. The little prodigy just rebelled to the plaintiff camp, and then sister Alice rebelled back to the defendant camp ...

Do not understand, do not understand, can only say one sentence:

Your circle is really messy!


A loud mallet sounded the audience.

"Stand up!" Shouted the trial judge, and everyone stood up at the scene.

"I declare: the trial is over! The results will be announced in half an hour!"

In the solemn eyes of all, the nine judges went to the rest area with the members of the jury. There they will explore the end result.

Is it convicted? Or acquitted?

Everyone is waiting, the world is waiting.


Alice walked towards the British side, and she was praying as she walked.

Tragically, however, she was followed by a small tail. She goes, so does the little tail; she stops, so does the little tail ...

The audience were awaiting the outcome of the trial.

what's going on?

Alice is back to the British Prime Minister. What are you an American prodigy going with?

Are you going to commit enemies and change to British nationality?

British area.

There was an endless joy in Prime Minister Cameron's heart, and all the senior British officials jumped up in surprise.

Did Miss Alice really lead the little guy over? Great!

"Come on, pick him up!"

Cameron rushed to meet him.

On the other side, in the US area, President Obama and Hughes were extremely depressed, with tragedies on their faces.

"Come on, get him back!"

Seeing this scene, the audience at the scene widened their eyes, and in front of the TV, the global audience also widened their eyes, their eyes were full of incredible expression.

Well, this American prodigy is so good, right?

Will I take a piece of candy in the future, oh, no, take a watermelon to turn the prodigy back to my home?


But see, Prime Minister Cameron rushed forward and hugged the little tail behind Alice.

"Haha, little Ike, you are so cute!"

"Let him down!"

Obama shouted angrily with Hughes.

Prime Minister Cameron didn't seem to hear it, and quickly hugged the little guy to his seat. Obama could only tragically catch up.

This chase,, went directly to the British side.

The British area was completely chaotic, and everyone got up to make room for the little ones.

Next door, the French area was also chaotic. After the French president saw the British seduce the little guy, he couldn't sit still anymore, and quickly got up and rushed to the British side.

The German region was also chaotic, the South Korean region was also chaotic, and there was also a commotion in the regions of China and Russia ...

The British woman actually lied to the little guy and it was a godsend.

America is angry.

The Secretary of Defense, using a military headset, quickly ordered:

"The army immediately surrounded the scene and no one was allowed to leave, no matter who it was!"

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to start () vote, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read. )

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