Super Black Technology

Chapter 111: Worth: Thirty trillion

(The 4th is more, Yue Wu has done it. Please cast a monthly ticket, subscribe to it. The first month of online Yue Wu, I encountered a limit waiver, and encountered a bonus, tragedy! Hey ...)

With this in mind, Obama was nodding in agreement.

However, the principals of other schools immediately quit. Who is not a world-renowned university here, is there still a little money left?

You can do it at Yale University, we can do it too.

"Mr. President, we are also capable of security!"

"Mr. President, our school board has already prepared special funds for security deployment. You know, the directors of our school are rich!"

The president of MIT is proud and speaks wildly.

However, no one at the scene refuted his "rich man" word. Because they are really rich!

But what good is money alone?

The president of Stanford University exclaimed: "We have the best professors, the best experts, and at Stanford University, we can give Little Ike the best education."

The MIT principal glanced at Stanford, scornfully: "The world's third-ranked school is not qualified to speak!"

"You, you ..." Principal Stanford was so angry that he didn't know how to refute.

Yeah, you guys are amazing!

At this time, the principal of the California Institute of Technology stood up and said, "Our school has a wealth of laboratories, such as the Booth Computing Center, ha1e Observatory, seismic laboratory, marine laboratory, solar system observation station ..."

With a wave of his hand, the principal of MIT interrupted him: "You build a large energy laboratory before you talk!"


The head of the California Institute of Technology took a breath. Building a large energy laboratory will cost at least $ 100 million.

Bullying, you MIT are too bullying!

The MIT principal pouted, as if to say, yes, uncle bullied you, what? Come and bite me!


The president of Harvard University sat firmly on the Diaoyutai and watched the crowds silently.

In his heart, he is despising all his colleagues.

枉 What good is it that you guys dance so happily? We at Harvard have a winning trump card.

Thinking of this, the president of Harvard University quietly looked at the end of the table. At this moment, Alice was cutting watermelon for the little one.

Feeling the headmaster's gaze, Alice gave him a smile.

Seeing this smile, the president of Harvard only felt that the winning ticket was in his hands, suddenly stood up, and loudly:

"Don't make a noise, Ike is ours."

"Why? Yeah, why?" ...

"Because, Miss Alice is already our Harvard student!"

cut! What do we think you really have? The headmasters looked at him with contempt. It seems to be saying that we rushed to this point without even knowing this information.

But see, the MIT principal again spoke with the same arrogance.


What 100 million? !! Could it be the price for Miss Alice?

Hearing this number, the principals of the schools quickly turned to look at the end of the table.

At this moment, Alice didn't even cut the watermelon, and stood up in panic.

"Sir, I, I ..."

But after listening to a loud laugh, the president of Harvard University was laughing. After a while, the laughter stopped.

At this moment, the face of the president of Harvard University was full of "wei, guang, zheng": "Do you think Miss Alice can buy it with money? Think of Mr. Bill Gates ..."

Before the words "Wei Guangzheng" were finished, a louder pride sounded again.

"200 million!"

Everyone took a breath of air, including Alice, including the principals.

Ike, who was eating watermelon, couldn't help but pause. Of course, it was just a pause.

"Sir, I don't want it! I don't want it!" Alice waved her hands again and again, such a large number had scared her. You know, at this time she was just over £ 1oo.

Hearing Alice's refusal, the president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology returned a bright smile to him, then turned to look at the president of Harvard University, and said softly: "You are wrong! Two hundred million is not for Miss Alice, It's for you! "

what? !!

The president of Harvard finally moved. The other person is paying such a high amount, not to buy Alice, but to buy me?

At this moment, the president of Harvard University was silent. He carefully weighed the gains and losses in it.

Seriously speaking, the post of Harvard's president is actually not large, because it is a private school.

Most of the rights are in the hands of the school board. As the principal, the only thing they have is a few humble powers.

Of course, there is a world-renowned reputation.

Is that my reputation that you can buy with money? How else can I be a human?

Thinking of this, the president of Harvard was furious and was about to scold each other.


A proud voice sounded again: "500 million! 500 million US dollars!"


This time, it is not the principals who are taking the air, because they are already stunned, this time it is President Obama and the first lady.

Mad, the president of MIT is crazy. In order to buy the president of Harvard University, they even offered 500 million! Still in front of so many people!

If they talk in private, they may not even be able to pay 200 million!

"Crazy, it's crazy!" Many principals sighed silently in their hearts.

They can't figure it out. Is this the MIT principal acting stupid? Or are they themselves stupid?

At this time, the president of MIT is also despising these stupid comparisons:

"You world-renowned principals are so deceptive that they don't even count the accounts. Did you forget the trial that ended in the morning? The federal government has owed trillions of debts to pardon the crime of the little prodigy. not give a **** about."

"What does this mean? This means that the value of the little prodigy is equal to trillions. Well, this number may be a bit exaggerated, so let's put aside inflation and financial bubbles, which is at least 1o trillion worth!"

"Is 500 million dollars worth 1 billion trillion child prodigies, who is stupid? I'm not anyway!"



A loud voice sounded, and the president of Harvard slammed the table and shouted, "I agree! But our school board, you are responsible for solving it!"

The president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology smiled, and smiled very happy: "No problem! We also prepared 500 million for them!"

Hearing this number, everyone took another breath.

How is this going? Why did MIT become so rich?


At this time, the president of Harvard University once again said, "And Mr. Bill Gates, you are also responsible for communication!"

After hearing that, the president of MIT remained unchanged, and said gently, "He will not say anything! Because our sponsors hold a lot of Microsoft stock!"

What sponsor holds Microsoft Group stock? Still many!

Only them, Wall Street bankers!


At this point, a 5.5 billion purchase agreement for girls was reached. From now on, Alice becomes a MIT student.

Grade is undecided! The profession is undecided!

Obama and the first lady looked at all this calmly, without a word.

What? Do you say this is a bribe, or is it buying or selling people? Sorry, this President hasn't seen it!

At this time, Obama was guessing ~ ~ Which Wall Street bankers bubbling this time were members of the Watermelon Alliance.

What do they want to do? Why would you want to spend so much money?

This moment, America. Morgan Family Mansion.

A young man was also puzzled, he was consulting his elders.

But listening, a vicissitudes of voice rang through the study:

"Hughes has mastered the little guy's present, so we buy the little guy's future!"

"5.5 billion trillion child prodigies, we do not lose!"

"I'm bullish on his future!"

If Ike could hear the voice at this time, he would give his owner 32 likes.

Brother, you still know me best, what?

The next level of technology of this watermelon **** has progressed 22%! (To be continued.) 8

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