Super Black Technology

Chapter 120: One + one = two

the next day. [Full text reading] On campus.

"Have you heard? The day after tomorrow the school will take an entrance exam for new students!" A male student quietly told his friends.

"New student? Wouldn't it be Watermelon and Sister Alice?"

"Crap, not who would they be? I heard that even Mr. President will come and watch!"

"Oh my god, I'm going to see!"

"I also need to go!"

The little prodigy only came to school yesterday. All the news about him was very concerned. It didn't take long for all the students in the whole school to hear about it.

Who wants to watch the watermelon god's exam? But will his exams be made public?

With this concern, the Chairman of the Student Union, on behalf of the whole school, found the old principal.

After discussions with the old principal and professors and officers, they finally agreed to the students' request.

After all, the content of the exam is a normal test question. Although the computer examination papers are mixed with several special questions, they are not military secrets. After all, the students didn't read the papers and couldn't see the answer to the papers.

Besides, those problems are not combined with the "Code of God", but they are just ordinary problems.

What to worry about!

After receiving the news, the whole school made another sensation.

The students had a relationship and quickly ran the relationship. If they had any results, they hurried to ask their professor to help them recommend it.

One morning, 500 students were selected as delegates, allowing them to watch the examination of the prodigy the day after tomorrow.

Among them are the top real school hegemons, as well as the wealthy children, children of officials and other related households ...

Anyway, all kinds of miscellaneous.

Time flies, and the day after tomorrow will be around.

At 8 am, a large group of people walked into the campus villa.

Seeing that Ike was drinking milk and eating bread, President Obama was very happy. Haha smiled and said:

"Little Ike, why are you so good today? No more watermelon?"

After hearing that, Ike looked up and gave Mr. President a glance, and replied with a cute expression: "I want to listen to Sister Alice and eat less watermelon."

Obama: "..."

Secretary of Defense: "..."

Hughes: "..."

For a long time, so many of us, haven't Alice been useful?

That's tragic enough!

Everyone looked at Alice, who was eating breakfast, with a strange look. Alice's face was slightly reddish.

"I don't know what happened? I just told him not to eat watermelon, he didn't eat it!"

After hearing this, everyone was speechless again.

Half an hour later, after everyone waited patiently, the little guy finally finished his breakfast.


The crowd applauded happily.

"Okay, we're full, we're going to take the exam."

"Still you have to work hard to get a perfect score!"

Ike nodded with a smile.

It's time to witness the miracle again, uh, no, it's time to perform again.

Immediately, Obama picked up the little guy and went outside. There were long-time staff waiting outside, and when they saw the crowd go out, they immediately led the crowd to the computer department building.

At this time, the computer department building was already full of students.

Everyone was waiting quietly, but the movements of looking at their watches and cell phones from time to time showed their inner anxiety.

Ten minutes later, Obama took the child prodigy and went into everyone's sight.

"Oh my God, Mr. Obama!"

"God, and the Minister of Defense!"

"Who do you see who are wearing the uniform?"

"Jesus, Commander of the Atlantic Navy Fleet, Commander of the Army of the Federal Northern Military District, and Commander of the Air Force Global Strike Command."

Suddenly, the audience applauded. The classmates gave way to Obama and others.

Seeing the enthusiasm of the students, everyone smiled and waved to everyone.

Only Alice was lowering her head slightly, her cheeks were red, and her expression seemed to be a little nervous.

Among many politicians, she is like a pure white beauty, with freshness just entering the world.

In the crowd, a male student with a slick face brightened his eyes and whispered:

"Miss Alice is so pretty, if I ..."

Before the words were finished, a shudder pounded on his head.

The male student was furious.

Who, who dare knock me? My father is a director of Cruise Industry Group!

The male student turned back instantly and immediately saw his pro elder brother staring at him desperately.

Pro Brother's face was heavy, and his eyes were filled with countless anger.

"Are you crazy? Can you show me who she is? Who is she? She is watermelon's 'girlfriend'!"

"I tell you, no matter how you fool around, whoever fools! But you must not provoke her! Otherwise, it will bring disaster to the family, and we will have no place to bury! Can you hear me?"

Male student Nono said nodded yes.


Inside the building, a huge synagogue was sorted out today as an examination room.

In the test room, there are many seats arranged on the four sides. In the center is the table for two candidates and seven examiners.

Candidates are Ike and Alice, and the examiner is the lead professor of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. These professors are all Nobel Prize winners.

At this point, everyone is here.

Just the protagonist!


A series of footsteps rang out in the corridor. After a moment, Obama and Ike went into the examination room with everyone.

"Mr. President!" "Mr. President!" "Mr. President!" ...

Everyone stood up.

"Good morning, professors, good morning students!"

Obama smiled and waved to everyone, motioning everyone to sit down. Then put the little guy in her arms down ...

Suddenly, two assistants stepped forward and led Ike and Alice to the table in the center of the examination room.

In the attention of everyone in the audience, the two sat in their seats.

The exam is about to begin.

At this moment, the audience was quiet.

An examiner stood up and announced the examination rules.

In fact, there are some contents such as "No one is allowed to talk to each other", "No walking around", "No eating halfway".

Well, this is actually to prevent the little ones from being naughty.

For example, try to test, run to sister Alice.

For example, trying to test, and noisy to eat watermelon.


If these things happen, the examiners will be ashamed.

A few minutes later, the exam rules were announced ~ ~ The examiner immediately looked at the little guy seriously.

But see, the little guy nodded like a little peck rice.

Seeing this scene, everyone was relieved.

"Okay, let's start sending papers! The first exam: Math!"

Yin Luo, the assistant teacher took the test papers from the examiners, and walked towards two special candidates ...

Ike was calm.

No matter what you test, uncle is not afraid! I am the future super scientist. What else can stump me? Humph!

At this time, Alice was extremely nervous.

"God, don't take the test too hard. If I can't do it all, it will be dead. Please, please."

Indeed, although Alice studied hard, her grades were only average, or she would not study art at Leeds City University. She couldn't pass other majors.

As Alice kept praying, the assistant teacher put the papers on her desk.

Alice immediately bowed her head. At this look, Alice smiled suddenly.

first question:

1 + 1 =?

a: 2; b: 3; c: 4; d: 5.

Second question:

1 + 2 =?

a: 3; b: 4; c: 5; d: 6.

Yeah, I will do these questions. Great, great.


In Ike's calmness, the TA also put the test papers on his desk.

Ike was extremely confident, looked at the examiners with a smile, and then looked at the students in the Quartet, and finally looked down at the test papers ...

Seeing this, Ike was stunned.

Damn, there is something wrong with it. What's the problem? I can't do it.

first question:

Proof: 1 + 1 = 2!

Second question:

Proof: 1 + 2 = 3!

Damn, I sent the wrong paper! The baby is still a schoolboy. What is the name you sent? (To be continued.)

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