Super Black Technology

Chapter 130: Break into hell

(Three more, begging readers to cast their monthly tickets and drop the list again. Thank you.)

At this time, the old professor's face was full of depression, and the rest of the scientists were the same.

Everyone was extremely confused, what happened? Is there any problem?

But listening, the old professor said depressedly: "But we haven't figured out the location of that area yet!"


Obama and others were shocked.

Nima, you all figured out the time and the size, but you haven't figured out the position yet?

The old professor's face was ugly: "We calculated it based on the data of the prodigy Aike, otherwise we can't even calculate the time and size. But this is just a data. We can use a supercomputer to calculate so much. Easy. "

"For example, I know Mr. President, your name is Obama, and I know your height and size, but I don't know where you are usually!" The old professor used the president as an example.

Hearing this example, President Obama had a hint of enlightenment, and then he asked softly:

"You want to find Ike?"

As soon as this word came out, all the scientists set fire to their eyes, nodded quickly, and looked excited.

"Yes, Mr. President, we want to find Little Ike!"

"Yes, Mr. President. I can assure you that Ike will have some magic formula for calculating celestial bodies!"

"If we learn about it, we can quickly calculate the location of that area. This way, large planetary orbiters can go to heaven."


The scientists shouted with excitement, and the meeting room was almost turning into a vegetable market.

"Stop! Stop!"

At this point, Hughes stood up to stop these noisy noises, and then he looked at the old professor and asked seriously: "Are you sure you got the magic formula, can you figure out the specific address?"

The old professor nodded, and the scientists nodded.

"OK! I dare to guarantee my life!"

"Okay!" Hughes slammed the table and said solemnly, "I'm going! I'll help you find the little ones!"

The audience burst into thunderous applause.

To be honest, that horrible and naughty little guy is really too difficult to do, and only Hughes is the most suitable candidate. If even Hughes can't figure it out, then these people will have even less talk.

In this way, in the thunderous applause of the audience, and in the eyes of everyone expecting, Hughes left the venue with sadness.

He has to choose gifts for the little ones first, and he can't go empty-handed.

Hey, headache!

This time I went to MIT to bring a big watermelon to the little ones? Or take a Donald Duck Rag Doll?


The next day, Massachusetts. Cambridge city. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

At this time, Ike was sitting in the classroom listening to the lesson. It was a physics class. He joined the physics department.

For this reason, professors and lecturers throughout the physics department are rushing to come to class. Unlike in the past, professors are doing their own research, and no one wants to go to the classroom.

It's different now. The most talented super prodigies in history have come to be their students.

As a child prodigy's physics teacher, I still don't work hard and try to spread it through the ages.

On the podium, a middle-aged professor exhilaratedly explained "Theory of Quantum Field".

After speaking for a while, the middle-aged professor paused for a while, then looked at the first row of the podium.

There was a little guy sitting there.

"Little Ike, did you understand it just now?" The middle-aged professor stepped off the podium and asked the little fellow kindly.

As for the other classmates, oh, it's off to him!

Even if he did not understand one, he still received his salary, even the principal could not deduct it. Because he was specially hired back by MIT a few years ago, the physics medals he has won can fill a podium.

Upon hearing the professor's question, Aike replied, "It's so simple, I understand."

The middle-aged professor was overjoyed. He was also afraid that the lesson he was teaching today was too complicated for the little one to understand.

It seems that he is anxious. As the smartest child prodigy in history, how could he not understand? It seems that I can jump a little bit ahead of the lecture tomorrow.

Middle-aged professors think so, but it does not mean that other students can understand.

At this time, a male student raised his hand and stood up, asking respectfully:

"Mr. Professor, in the" gamma matrix of spin field "just now ..."

Before the words were finished, the middle-aged professor waved his hand impatiently and said, "It is class time now. If you have any questions, please ask after class."

After speaking, the middle-aged professor walked back to the podium to continue the class.

The male student was so tragedy that he had to sit down by himself.

Because Ike said the class was too simple, the middle-aged professor spoke quickly in the next class, and a lot of knowledge was just mentioned.

Quantum field theory was originally difficult, and now the teacher is rough, who can fully understand it?

This is not just the tragedy of the male student just now, but the collective tragedy of the whole class.

"Oh my God, listening to the class with the little prodigy, we can't keep up with the progress. Help, help!"

"God, UU reading, please drop down a **** thunder and kill the little guy."

"Come on! He will be hacked!"


Many school tyrants are voicing in their hearts, but they are just voicing.

No one dared to stand up and interrupt the professor's lectures, none of them.

This is because the middle-aged professor is one of the biggest professors in the school, and it has irritated even the principal of the college.

His style has always been to talk in class, flashing after speaking, no one can keep him. It is said that after a few years of class, no one has ever been instructed by him after class.

Hey, tragedy, why is this so different from person to person? Why are we not prodigies?

Time passed quickly, and soon after, the middle-aged professor had finished all the content of this lesson.

At the end of the lecture, the middle-aged professor stepped off the podium again and asked the little guy with a smile:

"Little Ike, did you understand today's class? Did you understand everything?"

Ike nodded like a chick. While nodding, praise the professor.

"Mr. Professor, you are so good, I understand everything!"

The sound is down, but when the sound of "嘭 嘭 嘭" sounds, the classmates fall to the ground collectively.

God, take back this perverted evildoer, the world is no longer suitable for him!

Hearing the praise of Ike, the middle-aged professor was even happier.

"Leave, little Ike, I'll take you to the physics laboratory for testing."

Go to a physics laboratory? Great, I happen to have some experiment to do too!

Ike nodded quickly, seeing this, the middle-aged professor happily held the little guy's hand, then walked out of the classroom.


puff! puff! puff!

The Xueba were all vomiting blood.

God, drive this perverted **** into hell, only where is his destination. (To be continued.)

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