Super Black Technology

Chapter 140: Prodigy = one hundred presidents


The waiters lined up and bowed together.

The manager came to Alice with a smile on his face.

"Miss Alice, little prodigy! Welcome to our store. Please here, please here!"

"Thank you!"

In the unanimous welcome, Ike and Alice walked into the store together.

The manager and two elite shopping guides quickly followed.

As soon as they entered the store, the two found the store empty and none of the customers.

Aikeli spit out:

"Manager, why don't you have any customers? Isn't there any fake clothes in your store?"

As soon as the words came out, the manager was frightened with cold sweat.

"Little prodigy, how dare we sell fakes? All the women's clothing here is from the head office, and the quality is absolutely first-rate."

Of course, this is just a formulaic answer.

The real reason is that the manager dare not say.

For example, the profit from selling one item is equivalent to selling one hundred. For example, they only do business in the rich, and those poor ghosts dare not even enter.


It's just that Alice, an ordinary person, doesn't understand this, so she heard the manager's formulaic answer and tapped Ike's head gently.

"No talking is allowed!"

Ike nodded obediently, then shut up.

Seeing this scene, the manager's pupils shrunk and seemed to understand something.

The two shopping guides standing next to the manager were also human spirits, and they instantly remembered a calculation formula circulating on the Internet. The basic unit of the formula is Mr. Obama.

The formula is this:

Prodigy's parents = 2 presidents.

Prodigy = 100 presidents.

Miss Alice = 10 child prodigies.


It seems that rumors are true! Miss Alice's influence has surpassed the Williams.

The two elite shopping guides were immediately shocked and hurriedly bowed to Alice.

"Miss Alice, come with us!"

The meaning is obvious, just ask Alice to go with them to choose women's clothing.

Alice looked at Aike, and Aike encouraged her sister with a smile. It seemed to be saying, don't be afraid of your sister. Uncle has money today.

Alice hesitated, and then followed the shopping guide.

She really should buy clothes. It's time to change seasons. She doesn't have any new clothes.

Ike didn't follow because he didn't understand.

In two lifetimes, he had no chance to help women buy clothes, let alone buy such high-end women's clothing.

The manager was very happy to see that the little prodigy had not followed him.

"Little prodigy, come, let's go there for a drink!"

When I heard there was a drink, Ike glared and hurried over.

As a luxury brand clothing store, there must be a rest area in the store for customers to wait.

The waiter brought a drink as soon as Ike ran to the lounge area.

The waiter was a pretty girl, and the drink was obviously watermelon juice.

After all, Ike's preferences have become known all over the world.

"Come, little prodigy, your watermelon juice!"

"Thank you pretty sister!"

Aike expressed gratitude to her sister.

The girl was so speechless when she heard the praise.

The Federation's most talented child prodigy praised him for being beautiful. Oh my god, I want to tell my mother, my girlfriend, and post it online to let everyone in the world know.

"Little prodigy, can I take a picture with you?" The girl asked timidly.

As soon as this word came out, the other shopping guide girls were crazy.

"Little prodigy, I want to take a picture with you, too, okay?"

"Little prodigy, can you take a picture with me?"

"Little prodigy, and me, and me!"


At this moment, Ike was drowned by the endless fragrance.

On the other side, the manager looked at the scene with a smile on his face.

At this moment, an elite shopping guide who accompanied Alice to choose clothes hurried over, her face a little flustered.

The manager's heart tightened instantly.

What happened? !!

The shopping guide whispered, "Manager, Miss Alice doesn't seem to want to buy anything!"

what? !! What are you doing? The manager stared angrily at the shopping guide.

"She saw the price on the label, it may be too expensive!" The shopping guide pressed the voice extremely low and extremely low.

The manager was speechless when he heard his explanation.

This Miss Alice is too stupid? With this famous prodigy here, are you afraid of being expensive? Not to mention a few clothes, it is to pack all the clothes in our store, it is estimated that the little prodigy is only nine cattle and one hair.

Watermelon Alliance, that is the biggest local tyrant on earth, none of them.

Tragedy, what now?

"Go, continue to persuade her, be sure to let her buy. If not, give her a discount, 50% off!"


The manager's heart was anxious to see his men leave in a hurry.

Get up to 50% off your permissions! Why isn't the big boss coming yet? If you don't come again, you will regret it all your life!

Ten minutes, twenty minutes ...

In the nervous eyes of the manager, Alice went to the rest area ~ ~ she didn't have any clothes on her hand, oh no, let alone her hands, she didn't even try on the dress once . The extremely expensive price directly frightened her, and even if it was a 50% discount, she was not willing.

Kind-hearted, she didn't buy anything special because there was a little tyrant nearby.

She is not such a woman!

Seeing Alice walking towards herself, Ike didn't even drink the watermelon juice, and rushed to meet her.

"Sister, have you chosen your clothes?"

Alice shook her head and whispered, "Those clothes don't look good! Let's go!"

what's the situation? There are so many clothes in this store, isn't one of them beautiful?

Immediately afterwards, Ike reacted, and it turned out that the girl was reluctant to buy it.

Tragedy, what to do?

The manager also came over, anxious on his face. His heart was also shouting: tragedy, what to do?

"Miss Alice, we ..."

Before the words were finished, footsteps sounded. Then a pair of strange men and women entered the store.

The men's suits and leather shoes have full confidence on their faces; the women's dresses are stylish, with a charming look between the eyebrows.

Both were young and looked proud.

All looked at them. A waiter stepped forward and bowed and apologized:

"I'm sorry sir, our store is closed now!"

But listening to the man chuckled: "Oh, the door is open, not yet open?"

Everyone was shocked by this remark. Ike was overjoyed.

Well, is the legendary dog ​​blood plot coming? Wow, I have never encountered such a plot!

Come on, come on, look at me. I haven't added up to 1,000 yuan for my whole body, neither is my beautiful sister.

Come and despise us, look down on us, why not! (To be continued.)


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