Super Black Technology

Chapter 165: Quantum shock

The sun is high and the sun is shining today.

Ike ran to the physics lab with a male and a female graduate assistant behind him.

It's a pity that in order to get these two assistant positions, the MIT academics almost broke the head.

At this moment, the two assistants held several boxes and followed the little guy step by step.

The box is small, and it is estimated to be about the same size as a mobile phone box. The exterior is made of special alloy metal, and it looks like a magnetic coil inside.

What does it do? The two assistants didn't understand either.

Anyway, their little mentors are always weird.

Along the way, everyone saw them with a smile on their faces. Especially other graduate assistants, everyone's eyes are full of envy.

Everyone can predict that with a little prodigy as their mentor, the future will be brilliant.

Didn't watch the federal government allocate another $ 5 billion over? In its fine name, it subsidizes Lincoln Lab. In fact, everyone really knows who is subsidizing.

For this reason, the leaders of the experimental groups have all laughed at it recently.

Thanks to the little prodigy, they have spent a lot of dollars.

"Hi, Ike, what experiment are you going to do today?" An old professor asked the young man with a smile in front of the physics laboratory building.

On hearing that, Ike blinked: "I won't tell you!"

"Do you need my help?"


After speaking, Ike walked towards the top floor with two assistants.

Seeing this scene, the audience laughed.

Isn't it just a quantum field experiment? I do that every day and want to keep us secret. This little guy is so funny.

Unfortunately, at this moment, no one knows. What Ike is doing today is not a quantum field experiment, but ...

Physics laboratory top.

"Ready to start the experiment!"

Immature child sounds sounded in the laboratory.

"Yes, mentor!"

The two assistants immediately made arrangements.

For 10 minutes, a warning red light on the top floor of the huge laboratory flashed rapidly.

"The experiment is about to begin. Please leave all unrelated personnel."

"The experiment is about to begin. Please leave all unrelated personnel."


The electronic synthesizer sounded coldly. After one minute, the experiment started to count down.

"10,9,8 ... 3,2,1!"

"Push the brakes, power up!"

"Yes, mentor!"

The male assistant suddenly pulled down the switch, and the federal's most sophisticated scientific research equipment was activated.

At this instant, a constant electric field appeared inside the huge instrument. With its appearance, endless electrons began to flow back and forth at a constant rate.

This simulates a static magnetic field with a constant electric field.

This step, the two assistants have done a thousand times, very skilled. Without Ike's order, the female assistant took the record and was ready to start recording data.

Just then.


The childish voice sounded loudly: "Increase the voltage!"

what? The two assistants were startled.

But listening, Ike looked serious, and said again: "Increase the voltage to the current 10,000 times!"

"what? What?!"

The incredible voice blurted out, and the two assistants were shocked.

Increase the voltage ten thousand times, this, this ...

Is the little mentor crazy? Tens of times the voltage, the machine can't bear it at all. In the event of a problem, the entire building will explode.

"Not yet!"

Ike turned back suddenly and sang loudly.

At this moment, the two assistants saw an extremely embarrassed face with bloodshot eyes, and it seemed as if the share had reached the limit.

"Yes Yes!"

The two assistants can only do so.

Because from the moment they became Ike's assistant, their fate of life was linked with Ike.

In science, assistants are equivalent to apprentices.

With a dreadful mood, the female assistant ran to the console and tremblingly increased the value of the voltage to 32.0KV.


The male assistant suddenly pressed the button.

This moment, 300 kilometers away from MIT, a large power plant sounded a crazy alarm.

Their generators started to overload, and the speed of rotation was extremely fast.

"What's the situation?" "What's the situation?" ...

The entire power plant was startled, and everyone was horrified.

"Check it out immediately!"



"Zizi!" "Zizi!" ...

Sporadic sparks began to sputter on many high-voltage transformers leading to Cambridge.

This situation is almost dangerous.



A civilian transformer can no longer withstand this tens of thousands of loads, and it explodes instantly.

Its detonation was just the beginning. In an instant, countless transformers exploded simultaneously.

Ten, hundreds, thousands ...

At this moment, the city of Cambridge was cut off.

At this time, the people in Lincoln Lab didn't know what had happened. Because their circuit lines are dedicated lines and can withstand a voltage of 30,000V.

However, it won't last long.

"Open the ceiling!"

The childish voice sounded again, and the two assistants quickly helped the tutor to open the skylight on the top floor. At this point they have also desperately.

10 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds ...

The skylight on the top floor opens. The rays of sunlight hit the laboratory and the instrument.

What is it, light?

From a physics perspective, light is a very high frequency electromagnetic wave: including visible light and invisible light such as ultraviolet, infrared, and X-rays.

What about sunlight?

Sunlight contains light of various wavelengths: infrared, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, ultraviolet, and so on. Although many deadly rays have been absorbed through the ozone layer and the atmosphere, trace amounts of rays have entered the earth.

They ~ ~ can penetrate metal. Of course, it can also penetrate scientific research equipment made of metal.

At this moment, the two assistants looked at their mentor tremblingly.

What does Ike want to do? What does Ike want to do?

As the sun shines on the instrument, certain high-frequency rays enter a constant electric field.

At this moment, the soul of a huge metal electronic sound, Che Aike, resounded on the high-dimensional level of Earth's time and space.

"In the energy statistics ... Statistics completed: 70 billion!"

"Pay 70,000 energy, high-dimensional particle beam splits!"

The sound fell, and the US-Canada border. The hidden high-dimensional particle beam suddenly fluctuated. After 0.0001 milliseconds, seven high-dimensional particles broke away from the bond, and instantly burst into the sky, shooting at the laboratory building at a speed of 300,000 kilometers per second. Come……


At this time, the Lincoln Laboratory security room.

"Ting Bell!" "Ting Bell!" ...

The security officer's cell phone rang. Three seconds later, a big chubby hand pressed the answer button.

The other party is a vice president of MIT and the head of the Lincoln Lab.

"Are you doing a big experiment today?"

The head of security was puzzled and quickly answered, "No!"

"Then the school was out of power, and the entire city of Cambridge was out of power? The call from the power plant said that the inspection was caused by an increase in the laboratory's voltage."

"What ?!" The head of security was shocked. "I'll check it right away!"

However, it's too late now!

After 0.04 millimeters, seven split high-dimensional particles arrived on the top floor of the physics laboratory, and then, like seven demons, Zhang Ya rushed into the constant electric field.

If the light is intelligent, if the electricity is intelligent, it will scream loudly:

"Woohoo, the wolf is here, run away!" (.)

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