Super Black Technology

Chapter 172: Green button

White House.

A huge conference room was vacated as a temporary communications center.

At this point, a laptop was placed in each seat. The other end of the computer is connected to the FBI headquarters. The FBI headquarters is connected to the scene, connected to multiple miniature cameras in the pumpkin car.


President Obama and senior officials stepped in, and then each sat in his own seat.

"Connect me to Ike, I want to talk to him!"



In the steel pumpkin in the clouds, a "button" next to the kitchen sounded a pleasant female voice.

"Ike, Ike, Ike, Ike ..."

Looking at Aike, who was cooking with Alice, was so confused that she hurried out of the kitchen to find the source of the sound.

Eventually, Ike found the button at a corner.

"who are you?"

Ike looked up and asked the button.

Suddenly, the pleasant female voice in the button sounded again: "Little Ike, I'm an FBI agent, my name is Plum Q!"

Let me go. What is it? As far as I know, Plum Blossom Q is the second-ranked ace agent in the FBI. I don't know what Morton is.

"Are you the plum queen?"

"Yes!" The pleasant female voice answered Ike.

Ike blinked and said cutely, "Sister Queen, why are you looking for me? Do you also want to eat pumpkin porridge?"

Hearing this, a blond woman in the FBI headquarters was almost not strangled to death.

"Little Ike, Mr. President wants to talk to you!"

"Uh ... oh, okay!"

"Thank you Ike, please wait! Connecting ... connected!"

At this instant, Obama's voice passed through the FBI headquarters into the big steel pumpkin.

"Ike, whoever made you go up, you get me down! Come on!"

Hearing this, Ike almost sprayed him with soda.

Stop teasing me? Such a chance to make energy, you actually let me go, what a joke.

"No, I won't go down! I want to send Sister Alice home!"

At this moment, Hughes's voice sounded in the button again.

"Little Ike, come down for me, hurry up!"

"You can't say it!"

"Can't you make it?"

"No less! No less! No less!"

But listening to the sound of "咚咚咚", Ike ran away.

White House officials are going crazy.

Such an important weapon, do you want to drive it out of the country?

Although everyone didn't understand the operation principle of the big steel pumpkin, with their wisdom, they must know the value of the big pumpkin. So they are all worried. In case of any accident outside the country that damages the big steel pumpkin, it will be a big loss.

Of course, what's even more worrying is that if the little guy encounters an accident, it will be the biggest disaster in American history.

Thinking of this, all the senior officials couldn't sit still, and looked at Obama together.

"Mr. President, find a way to get the little guy down as soon as possible!"

"Yeah, if something goes wrong, regret it late."

At this time, a Ministry of Commerce official suggested: "Should you send a large group of" Hercules "transport aircraft to forcefully pull down the big pumpkin?"

As soon as this word came out, everyone looked at him with a strange look, as if looking at a fool.

Drag your sister, have you ever seen a carrier lifted by a transport plane? That's a mass of 100,000 tons. If it is replaced by gravity, it will be 1 million Newtons. How many Hercules will it take to drag it?

"Well, don't you send airborne troops, airborne up, and forcefully pull the little guy down?"

"No, according to FBI data, there seems to be any force field around it. In case the force field is destroyed, causing the steel pumpkin to lose its ability to suspend, the consequences ..."

The consequences were not said, but at this moment, everyone took a breath.

The consequence is that 100,000 tons of steel buildings fall freely from a height of 1500 meters. God, is this more serious than an air accident? Maybe the whole city of Cambridge has to suffer.

"This won't work, that won't work, what should we do? Gentlemen, we don't have much time, the little ones are eating!

After hearing this, everyone quickly turned to look at the laptop in front of them. But see, there is a picture of the living room on the laptop, the little guy is drinking pumpkin porridge with Miss Alice in the living room.

The naughty little guy drank the porridge and raised his head to smile at the live camera.

Really J8 Day Dog!

"Is the child prodigy so difficult to raise? Why did Einstein, Newton and others in history not be naughty when they were young?"

"Because they are geniuses, and our federal prodigy are super geniuses!"

"Then you find a way to get rid of the super genius!"

"Why don't you want to?"


When he heard the words of everyone, Obama's head was big.

How to get it, I do n’t understand him!

Just then, the assistant president hurried in and yelled, "Mr. President, the Federal Space Agency and Space Command are coming to see you!"

Obama rejoiced: "Hurry them in!"


In the surprise eyes of a number of senior officials, several academically dressed scientists came in.

"Several gentlemen, you are here just right, we need technical support! Please sit down, please sit down!"

"Thank you, Mr. President!"

At the warm invitation of Obama, several scientists sat down, and then a staff member installed laptops for them ~ ~ Mr. President, please connect to the military command center of the Ministry of Defense! "

"no problem!"

After 1 minute, the Ministry of Defense military hall.

"Report: We received a signal from the White House asking us to open military satellite authority in North America."

The Minister of Defense who heard the report nodded.

"Share it with them now!"


Ten minutes later, above dark and icy space, a military satellite reached its orbit and took 200 consecutive photos with the highest accuracy, including the outside of the steel pumpkin, including the square cloud.

The photo was sent to the White House, and several scientists, if they got the treasure, immediately analyzed the cloud picture.

5 minutes passed, 7 minutes passed, 10 minutes passed ...

In the anxiety of everyone, a scientist stood up.

"Looking at the flow of the clouds, it is completely consistent with the wind direction, except for the slightest change in the layer of clouds nearest to the steel base."

What do you mean? Everyone was confused.

"Meaning: After analyzing the clouds, we can conclude that the steel pumpkin has a force field only under the base, and it is very stable, and there is no force field in the other directions."

Everyone was overjoyed at this remark.

"Are you sure ?! This is no joke!"

The scientists nodded in unison and agreed: "We understand the consequences, so we are fully responsible for what we say."

Great, great!

"Order: Airborne troops are dispatched!"


With the issuance of military orders, seven C130 transport planes are coming up at Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Hanscom Air Force Base. They are coming towards Cambridge ...

However, at this moment, it's too late!

... (.)

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