Super Black Technology

Chapter 175: Kill the big pumpkin

US Central Intelligence Agency headquarters.

Crazy sirens sounded from the Global Surveillance Center, which represented certain dangerous keywords in the monitored content.

"Play the recording again and again!" A blonde woman ordered immediately.


"Stop! Go back three seconds here!"

The blonde woman listened carefully to the recording, 3 times, 5 times, 10 times ...

A minute later, the blonde woman tore off her headset and said angrily, "Take out the information immediately!"


Immediately afterwards, the blonde woman hurried to the director's office carrying the information.

At this time, a middle-aged man was still sitting in the director's office.

As soon as she entered the office, the blonde said, "Secretary, someone wants to attack our big pumpkin!"

what? The director was shocked, and the middle-aged man was shocked.

"FUCK, who is it? Who is he so bold?"

The blonde handed the report to the director, and then whispered, "There is an IP for the video conference-Australia!"

Suddenly, the director browsed the information, and then called out the assistant loudly.

"Send this information to the White House immediately!"


"Heart K, fly to Australia!" The director turned to look at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man nodded, then got up and left the office.

As Hearts K left, the foreign agents in Australia began their operations.

Half an hour later, more than 10 men in black surrounded the country house with Australian police.

"Ting Bell!" "Ting Bell!" ...

The CIA Director's office phone rang urgently. Three seconds later, the Director answered the phone.

"Report: The other party has committed suicide!"


At this moment, the director of the CIA felt the seriousness of the situation. They have put aside life and death.

"What is his identity?" The director of the CIA Shen Sheng asked.

"Australian Airlines director, American Automobile Association member and real estate tycoon ... Other identities, we are still checking."

After listening to his men, the CIA director hung up the phone.

He already understood the identity of the group and why the other party did so.

Because from the moment when the big steel pumpkin lifted off, all airlines, car companies, real estate companies in the world ... their stocks have plummeted.

In just one day, each company's stock has shrunk by half and is still declining.

Obstructing people's wealth is like killing parents, not to mention such behaviors that demand personal results.

The little guy is too impulsive, really impulsive!

Something big will happen this time!

The director of the CIA suddenly stood up, and then hurried out.

United States. Pentagon of Defense. Joint Command.

An officer rushed in: "Report: Director of the CIA wants to see you!"

It was said that the Minister of Defense frowned with a group of generals.

what's the situation? Why does the intelligence agency run our military? Is it ...

"Please come in!"


After a moment, the director of the CIA walked in quickly.

"Sirs, someone wants to attack our big pumpkin!"

"What ?!" "What ?!" "What?!" ...

Everyone was terrified.

Are they crazy? They are against the entire United States!

"Who? Who is it?" The Secretary of Defense was furious.

The director of the CIA handed him the intelligence documents, and when he opened the documents, the Secretary of Defense changed his color instantly.

The generals also came to see it, and everyone looked discolored.

The power of capital? !!

What about the watermelon alliance? Why didn't they get the information?

"We have intelligence!"

At this moment, Hughes strode in, with a serious expression.

Everyone looked at him.

"The Watermelon Alliance has issued a warning to the capital community, but unfortunately, we can only guarantee that U.S. Capital will not make an adverse move on the big pumpkin. Otherwise, our binding force is limited.

"After all, the recruitment conditions for our watermelon alliance are very strict."

What should I do?

"We can only do our best to defend. They will not have any chance in the sky. There is no force on this earth that can break through 3,000 fighters."

"I think if they really want to carry out the attack, they should choose the Atlantic!"

After hearing Hughes' words, everyone looked at the Minister of Defense.

But see, the Minister of Defense thought about it a little bit, and then shouted to an officer next to him:

"Connect the Mediterranean Fleet, the Indian Ocean Fleet, the Pacific Fleet at once!"


The next moment, the three fleets received orders from the Ministry of Defense. Subsequently, the three major fleets set sail urgently and sailed quickly towards the Atlantic Ocean.

Their order was to inventory all ships in the Atlantic Ocean, and ...



Governments of all countries were confused when they learned the movements of the three major US fleets.

what's the situation? Even the fleet in the other hemisphere headed for the Atlantic? Is it necessary to be so cautious? Now that the number of fighters in the Atlantic has reached 3,200, who can break through their lines of defense.

Moreover, all countries with marine power in the Atlantic have dispatched their fleets to help escort.

Under such a big battle, is it necessary for the United States to send another fleet back?

However, the U.S. Department of Defense is afraid of the fleets of other countries.

Who knows who has hidden hands in which fleet!


America panicked, it really panicked.

The Secretary of State urgently addressed the ambassadors of the countries in the United States with one meaning:

Governments are requested to take good care of their respective capitals and not to make mistakes because of small mistakes.

"Ting Bell!" "Ting Bell!" ...

White House.

The assistant broke into the president's office with a phone.

"Sir, a call from China!"

Obama took the phone and then pressed the answer button.

"Hello, Mr. Obama. We will not have any capital in China. Please rest assured.

"Thank you!"

"But we have one condition!"

"Please speak!"

"We want the United States to recognize the legitimacy of pumpkin toy company equity!"

Upon hearing that, Obama was silent. Because they have planned to declare all external shares illegal afterwards, and then recover all the shares.

"Sir, I will consider it carefully!"


The call went off. Moments later, calls from multiple countries.

All the phone calls mean the same thing: admit that pumpkin toy companies are legal and don't cheat

Unfortunately, the United States is not so easy to compromise.

Therefore, for calls from multiple countries, Obama replied: The White House will carefully consider.

At this time, not only did Obama receive the call, but the British government also received calls from various countries.

Everyone hopes that Britain can support the legality of pumpkin company's equity.

The British government certainly agrees to this request.

Because, Ike gave a quarter of Alice's equity, plus private equity, Britain's rights in the pumpkin company can be said to be no less than the United States.

If the United States declares illegal pumpkin stock ~ ~ then the United Kingdom is not losing money.

"Add another 200 fighters, make sure that the big pumpkins reach our UK safely!"

The British Prime Minister issued an order to the Ministry of Defence.

The Ministry of Defense, which received this order, quickly dispatched some fighters from Africa to return to their homeland to form 200 fighters to participate in the **** operation.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it is late at night.

In the big pumpkin, Ike and Alice have gone to sleep in the bedroom.

The entire living room was empty. At this time, the people of all countries are still energetic, even if they live broadcast empty living room, they are also interested.

"Who knows how long it takes Big Pumpkin to reach Britain at this rate?"

"120 hours! 3 days left!"

"Now the big pumpkin is over the Atlantic?"

"It's been a long time ago, and it's all in the middle of the Atlantic."

"666, the great pumpkin god, there are more than 3,000 fighters accompanying her back home."

"Miss Alice is so happy, if anyone treats me like this, I'll marry him immediately!"


However, at this moment, no one can think of ...

Atlantic. Central waters.

A strange freighter suddenly rushed into the course. National radars immediately caught it.

A few minutes later, 10 fighter planes flew here.

"Warning, the freighter ahead, you have broken into the military exercise area and immediately turned around and left!"

The freighter ignored the warning and proceeded forward.

"Leave now! Otherwise, we fire!"

The freighter still did not respond.

"Lock the target ... calculate the radius of damage!"


The sound fell off, and the gunners of 10 fighters suddenly pressed the button. At this instant, the anti-ship missiles broke out of the magazine, carrying the raging fury, and rushed to the sea ... (.)

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