Super Black Technology

Chapter 181: Homicide case

(The fourth is more, Yuewu is exhausted, and my head is dizzy. I will lie down for a while, and I will go to the last chapter later.)

Watching the office door closed, Obama spoke.

"Are your interrogators scheduled?"

This statement is obviously asking the heads of the two major intelligence agencies.

Upon hearing that, both directors replied:

"We have sent the best interrogation team to guarantee that the rebel navy will utter all the truth!"

"Very good!" Obama nodded. "Once the interrogation comes to fruition, go and arrest those treasonous capitalists. The FBI is responsible for the homeland and the CIA is responsible for overseas!"

"Yes Yes!"

Two director Shen Sheng promised.

Seeing this, Obama swept aside the "mutation" documents on the table. For him, this was a trivial matter, and it was not urgent.

The real big thing is ...

Obama turned his head and looked at the FBI chief James alone, and asked, "Where is Morton? Where is he now?"

Morton and his team were Ike's bodyguards. This time, he almost jumped on the big pumpkin, but the force field blocked him.

Hearing Mr. President's question, Director James stood up and replied in a low voice:

"On a special plane flying to the UK, make sure to arrive in London before Big Pumpkin."

Upon hearing that, Obama shook his head and said, "Not enough! Britain has the Sixth Military Intelligence Agency, which was the ancestor of modern intelligence agencies. Your FBI has a very limited power in Britain!"

"Let me go!" At this moment, Heart Tao Q stood up and saluted Mr. President, saying, "Let me go to the UK to coordinate the CIA's foreign affairs agents and assist the FBI together!"

Upon hearing this, Obama turned to look at the Director of the Military Intelligence Agency.

The Director of the Military Intelligence Agency stood up and nodded slightly to Mr. President, it seemed to indicate that his men were superior and totally credible.

To that end, Obama agreed.

"Then you will go hand in hand with Morton! Remember that you have two tasks this time: first, you must ensure the safety of Ike in London; second, you must ensure the safety of the big pumpkin, and no one is allowed in, Especially the British government agents! "


"Well, go out and do business!"

After the three men saluted Mr. President, they quickly left the office.

Throughout, Hughes, also in the office, didn't say a word. Because, the purpose of his coming today is not these trivia.

He is for benefits and rights!

At this time, Obama called the assistant with an extension phone. After an instant, the assistant pushed the door and walked in.

"Is the Secretary of State and the Minister of Commerce here?"

The assistant nodded: "It's here and I'm waiting for you!"

Upon hearing that, Obama stood up, and Hughes stood up.

"Come on, go to the Ministry of Defense!"

The two walked outward, at this time, the Federal Secretary of State and the Secretary of Commerce had waited outside the White House.

They will go to the Department of Defense for a meeting together!

Content of the meeting: Discussing the equity of pumpkin toy company!

This is the real big thing, it can bring incalculable benefits and rights.


How far is the Pentagon from the US Department of Defense? It's very close, just across the White House.

With the arrival of Mr. President and many others, many senior officials in the Ministry of National Defense went to the conference hall, and in addition to the military's arrangement of personnel on duty at the joint command, other real figures also followed.

The appearance of the big pumpkin has affected all aspects of society as a whole, not only a military issue, but also a livelihood issue.

The military wants it, the government wants it, the capitalists want it ...

No one wants to give up! not even one!

So, in the last two days of the big steel pumpkin arriving in London, the United States will discuss the equity plan of pumpkin toy company.

Is it to declare that the outside equity is illegal, and then enjoy exclusive benefits? Or does it recognize that external equity is effective for the benefit of all mankind?

Hard to choose, really hard!

Everyone wants to declare outside equity illegal, but how can they resist pressure from around the world?

You should know that this time is not a virtual network. That time, the countries beat their teeth and vomited blood. Forget it, it is not the real world after all.

And this time?

Today, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, the steel pumpkin has burst into an unparalleled shocking power. The whole world is trembling, and all human beings are trembling.

Did the United States swallow it alone?

Maybe that day will be the opening day of the Third World War.

The United States is going to the sea of ​​stars, so it does n’t take us to play? how is this possible?

Without us, then don't play with everyone!


For this reason, this meeting has been going on for a long, long time, and it is getting dark, and the results have not been discussed yet ...

8 PM US time.

New Jersey. Trenton City.

The "911" alarm line rang, and the policewoman immediately connected the phone.

A female voice rang out on the phone. The voice was rapid and depressed, and she seemed very scared.

"Help, help! Some gangsters broke into my house. They are going to kill me. Please come and save me quickly. Please, please! For God's sake ..."

"Calm, ma'am, calm! Where are you now? Please state your address!"

"I'm 72 Bingfa Avenue ... Ah-"

But after hearing a scream, the alarm call was hung up.

The policewomen were so anxious that they announced this information on the police radio station.

"A homicide was suspected to have occurred in the Binfa Avenue area. Please patrol the police near Binfa Avenue. Upon hearing this message, rush to Binfa Avenue to check. The first two digits of the house number are 7, 2!"

"A homicide was suspected to have occurred in the Binfa Avenue area. Please ask the patrol officer located near Binfa Avenue. Upon hearing this message, he rushed to Binfa Avenue to investigate. The first two digits of the house number are 7, 2!


The police radio broadcast the message over and over again.

"Police Officer F876565 has received and is on his way to Bingfa Avenue!"

"Police Officer F867973 has received it and is heading to Bingfa Avenue!"

"Police officer F865449 has received and is rushing to Binfa Avenue!"


The sirens screamed wildly, and police cars drove quickly into Binfa Avenue, and then they separated to investigate ...

"No. 72 is normal!"

"No. 720 is OK!"

"Not 721!"

"Not number 722!"


At this moment, every police officer was anxious, because every minute of delay ~ ~ the hope of rescue the lady was reduced by one point.

where is it? What is 72?


A police officer yelled in a shoulder-mounted police intercom: "Call an ambulance, call an ambulance. Here is 728 Bingfa Avenue. Someone was shot ..."

Before the word "strike" was spoken, the roar of the police officer changed into a sad tone:

"Don't call her, she's dead!"

"Heartbeat stopped, breathing stopped, neck pulse stopped, pupil dilated ..."

"Call the inspector and the coroner!"

All the police officers were furious when they heard the words from the intercom.

who is it? Who did it? What is it for?

…… (To be continued.)

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