Super Black Technology

Chapter 191: Restart Plan X

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The Chinese Foreign Minister called the British Foreign Office and hoped that Chinese scientists would go to the scene to help.

Unfortunately, the British Foreign Office politely rejected the proposal.

Later, Japan, South Korea, India, etc. also made diplomatic calls, but unfortunately they still refused.

In the words of the British Foreign Secretary, "Sorry, we have enough scientists now!"

Zhongnanhai. Ziguang Pavilion.

The Chinese leaders who received this reply were all angry.

Technology blockade!

This method of western countries has been going on for many years, and it has been hanging around China's neck like a rope.

We obviously wanted to help, and as a result ...

"It's so irritating!" An old military man patted the table angrily.

Seeing this scene, the leaders did not say anything.

Because they feel the same as each other.

The venue was silent ...

After a long time, the first director suddenly turned to look at the person in charge of the Intelligence Department and asked.

"Is Plan X going on?"

As soon as this remark came out, many people in the venue paid attention, including the last few heads of the Ninth Standing Committee.

Plan X? What kind of privacy plan is this? Why have they never heard of it?

Seeing this response, the second director coughed slightly: "Plan" X "is the highest top secret level, even higher than nuclear intelligence secrets!"

Hearing the words, the participants turned around and looked away.

It is actually the top secret class, which means that no one else has the right to know except the first and second heads and the directly involved personnel.

At this time, the head of the intelligence department stood up, shook his head at the first director, and said:

"The plan has been suspended because of some mistakes!"

Hearing the reply from the person in charge of the Intelligence Department, the first director groaned for a moment, and then spoke seriously.

"From now on, restart the 'Plan X'! No matter what is needed, the country will do its best to satisfy you, asking people to give people, asking for money! I just want to see the plan succeed, understand?"

The person in charge of the Ministry of Information immediately stood up and said, "Yes, Chief! We must do our best!"

The first director shook his head and said, "It's not something you must do, but you must do it. Did you hear me?"

"Yes, we can do it!"

At this point, China's mysterious 'Plan X' has restarted again.

No one outside knows what the plan is, and no one knows how much human and material resources the plan will involve in China.

When the United States became aware of this information, it could no longer stop it.


United Kingdom. London.

Over a 360-acre Hyde Park, a huge steel pumpkin is hovering quietly. Within it are members of two special forces teams.

One is British and the other is American.

Obviously, the United States was not assured that the big pumpkins were handed over to the British guards alone, so they also sent troops up.

The special forces of the two countries will take turns to guard the work of the generator set until this terrible big pumpkin has safely landed.

In the park below, temporary scientific research institutes are being set up.

There are American, European Union, Russian ...

In short, none of the countries that are able to come are absent.

At this time, many scientists were in and out of the research institute. From time to time, military vehicles or helicopters come in from the outside. They are used to transport scientific instruments to scientists of various countries.

"Everyone, we have a meeting, we have a meeting!"

An old white-bearded man yelled with a horn. He is a leader in British physics and has won several world-class medals.

The sound of the horn was deafening, ringing through various temporary research institutes.

Hearing the sound, scientists from all over the world walked out of the research institute and walked to a flat land in the park.

Tables, chairs, and benches have been placed there, and they are arranged into a simple medium-sized venue.

Scientists don't care about these, they find their own seats, and then take their seats.

Not long after, the scientists have arrived.

"Okay!" The white-bearded old man patted his head, letting everyone focus on him.

"Now ask everyone to report your detection results!"

Sound down, a British physicist took the lead to stand up and said loudly: "The strength of the force field under the big steel pumpkin is deviated from the strength of the gravity field, which is 0.00033% more than gravity."

Hearing this, the scientists frowned.

What is the strength of the gravity field? Everyone understands.

The strength of the gravitational field is the weight of a mass point of a unit mass at a point within the force field. It is placed on the earth. In popular terms, the value of the gravity field strength is equal to the acceleration of gravity.

But how can the big steel pumpkin be 0.00033% more?

Scientists do not understand where the intensity comes from.

At this point, if Ike is here, he will grin.

Who told you that the force field under the big steel pumpkin is an anti-gravity field? Who told you that the core of the big steel pumpkin is anti-gravity technology?

If it is antigravity, why can people on the big pumpkin still walk normally?

Hum, I'm not afraid to tell you that the technology used by my big steel pumpkin is-


Forget it, let me tell you, I'm still busy eating pumpkin.


Whispering sounds were heard at the venue, and everyone was talking in a low voice.

As the top figures in the scientific community of various countries, they certainly know that the situation of the top and bottom of the pumpkin is very contradictory, but they don't know why.

At this time, the old man with white beard clapped his hands again.

"Quiet, quiet, quiet!"

Hearing the shout, the scene quieted again.

"Abandon the research first, we should now try to find a way to make the big pumpkin fall. Now, please ask researchers in other countries to announce your findings."

As soon as this word came out, the whole audience fell into a weird silence, as if everyone was dead.

The old man with a white beard froze.

What do you mean? Why is nobody talking? Have you all gone to fight with the landlord?

One minute, two minutes, three minutes ...

The audience was still dead, and scientists from all countries bowed their heads and seemed to be thinking hard.

Seeing this scene, the old man with white beard was angry and began to call.

"Professor Elliot, what about the results of your inspection in France?"

Named in public, the professor had to tragically stand up.

"Sorry, our machine has not been properly debugged, so the task assigned to us has been delayed. In this regard, on behalf of the French research team, I apologize to everyone!

After speaking, the professor bowed to everyone before sitting down.

It turned out to be a machine problem!

Believe it or not, anyway, the innocent old man with white beard believed it.

He then looked back at the Russian scientific team.

The representative of the Russian scientific research team had to tragically stand up, and he bowed to the audience and apologized.

"Sorry, one of our important scientific instruments has not yet arrived."

Kind old man with white beard: "..."

At this time ~ ~ Swiss scientists stood up and apologized again: "Sorry, we made a mistake in calculating a certain data, and we are still recalculating it. As soon as there is a result, we will announce it to everyone."

Kind old man with white beard: "..."

Later, German scientists apologized, Belgian scientists apologized, Italy, the Netherlands, Hungary, Austria ...

Representatives from various countries stood up to apologize, either there was a problem with the instrument or a calculation. There was even a scientist who claimed that he had eaten a stomach today and delayed his research.

After hearing these words, the kind old man with white beard finally understood.

Routine, is it all him?

They were deliberately delaying time, and then took the opportunity to study the big pumpkin in detail.

It's a dog!


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