Super Black Technology

Chapter 192: Tricky big pumpkin

The old man with white beard almost scolded the dog these days, but fortunately he resisted it.

In truth, if he is not a British scientist, he will also take the opportunity to study the big pumpkin.

However, as a British scientist, the terrible steel pumpkin has been hanging overhead. Not to mention research, you can't even sleep well. Well, let alone sleep, who can sleep?

"Guys, guys!"

The old man with a white beard greeted everyone twice before he said, "Sirs, I understand your urgency to study the big pumpkin. But our main task now is to find a way to make the big pumpkin fall as soon as possible."

Speaking of which, the old man with white beard paused and looked at the audience.

As a result, he was still dead in the audience. Everyone was bowing their heads to "meditate." I don't know how serious they think they are?

"Sirs, don't look at it for the British government, but also for the 43 million ordinary civilians in the UK. Can you help me think of a way?"

"They are living lives! Everyone is a scientist. When did the scientists become cold-blooded and disregard human life?"

With this remark, the scientists who looked down finally raised their heads. There was some struggle in their hearts and some guilt in their faces.

Yes, science is to make human life better, not to ignore human life.

A few minutes later, a Swiss scientist stood up to speak.

"Turn off the power first, then let the big pumpkin land, and then power on at 10 meters to make the force field work. Is this feasible?"

As soon as the words fell, a German scientist stood up and rejected his suggestion.

"No! It takes 1.3 seconds for a 100,000-ton large pumpkin to land from 1000 meters high. The time is too short to allow a little negligence. Even if a control program is set by a computer, the risk is too great. No one can guarantee generators, wires, copper coils ... there are no errors. "

"Once there is a little difference, it is a big disaster. You need to know that the middle time is 1.3 seconds, not 13 seconds."

The German scientists nodded after hearing what the German scientists said.

Forcibly turning off the power, and then forcibly turning it on, is itself a risk.

If the cost is low, everyone can try. But now the entire UK is betting, and the risk is really too great. Even if they were willing to do so, the British government would not agree.

"So it's ok to lower the voltage slowly and let the big pumpkin slow down?" Another scientist guessed boldly.

Unfortunately, this method still does not work, and many electricians shook their heads.

"Before the big pumpkin landed 500 meters, we don't know what caused it. Maybe it was a fuel supply problem, maybe it was a voltage problem ... if we were on the big pumpkin at the time, it might be detected by the instrument.

"But it can't be done now. Even if it is caused by voltage, how much voltage can ensure that the pumpkin continues to fall? Is it 11, or 119., or 119.9 ..."

"A decimal point will cause disaster!"

"We have no chance to conduct a second trial!"

I have to say that the electrician was right.

Because the resolution of the previous crisis was indeed not the luck of the special forces. Whose luck is good for this accuracy in 0.1-second units?

Obviously, it was Ike's shot, it was Lightball 'Clos' shot.

Because he and Alice were still on the big pumpkin.

No one can die himself!

Therefore, power failure is not feasible. Lowering the voltage will not work either.

The calculation of the voltage is based on 120v from the beginning. It cannot be more or less. Unless the core of the big pumpkin, that is, the metal box is remade, the standard is replaced.

Otherwise, boosting and lowering will cause disaster.

"What about building a high platform to carry big pumpkins?"

"What about driving a big pumpkin on the mountain?"

"So drive the big pumpkin towards the beach and land?"


Scientists have given their opinions, but unfortunately none of them is useful.

The meeting was discussed for a long time. These top scientists from the European Union, North America, Russia, and other countries still have no way to take flying pumpkins.

Because the big pumpkin is too heavy, it is a steel demon weighing 100,000 tons. Give it a chance, it can die.

How to do?


"Hey, last year's watermelon **** was scary enough. I didn't expect a more scary pumpkin **** this year! He did it like this, how can we mix in the future?"

"Who isn't? Hey!"


Scientists are extremely frustrated.

At this time, a helicopter came from afar and landed on the big pumpkin. It was for the special soldiers on the big pumpkin to transport the lights.

It's going to be dark soon!

They dare not disturb the electricity in the power generation room, for fear of a bad one, the big pumpkin has a temper.

Then tragedy.

Outside Hyde Park, journalists who were not afraid of death set up live broadcast racks on skyscrapers.

"Dear viewers, this is the British cbs television station. It is now 7 pm. The scary steel pumpkin is still suspended above Hyde Park, and it has been 6 hours.

The exclamation of the reporter made the audience in front of the TV linger.

The big pumpkin is so good that it is still hanging in the sky at night.

A little English girl asked her mother ignorantly, "Mom, when is the big pumpkin coming down?"

Mom told her depressed: "When it gets tired, it will come down!"


No one is sleeping tonight.

People in London can't sleep, and senior government officials can't sleep.

United Kingdom. Buckingham Palace.

The hall was filled with many senior officials. Of course, the queen and prince and princess who are the masters must also be present.

They are waiting for the conclusions of the scientists!

So what about the most important protagonist, Ike?

Well, Ike is full of pumpkins, and now he has gone to the guest room to sleep.

In his words, eating and not sleeping is different from salted fish.

Hearing this reason, Prime Minister Cameron almost strangled him, but fortunately, Obama stopped him on the spot.

For President Obama, the rest of the federal prodigy is more important. As for the big pumpkin in the sky, isn't it still hanging well?

No hurries?

Anyway, it is not linked to the United States.


At this time, an officer ran in and informed the results of the scientists' meeting.

The Queen nodded, signalling that she did not need to keep it secret.

The officer immediately unfolded the document in his hand and read it out loud.

"The scientific federation lasted 4 hours and 20 minutes, and there were a total of 33 programs. Aside from programs that are too risky, programs that have too many variables, programs that cannot be controlled, and the remaining programs are only ..."

In everyone's nervous attention, the officer read the result tragically.


Her Majesty: "..."

Prime Minister Cameron: "..."

President Obama: "..."

Everyone was speechless.

At this moment, the young Princess Eugenie yelled, "How is that possible? Are they not the best scientists in the West? More than 100 scientists have discussed for more than 4 hours ~ ~ As a result, there is no suitable solution ?! "

"Yes, Her Royal Highness!"

The officer bowed his head in guilt.

Upon hearing the confirmation, everyone in the British side despondently wanted to cry. Obama, who was at the meeting, was depressed and had a good heart.

did you see? did you see?

So many of you scientists are not as powerful as our prodigy!


Because our child prodigy is called the Great Pumpkin God!


(I haven't thought of the way of landing. Trouble in the book readers or the great **** can contact Yue Wu, please help, please help. Tragedy!)

(I dug a pit myself, and I have to fill it out while crying!) (To be continued.)

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