Super Black Technology

Chapter 197: Last day of heaven

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In cctv1.

The beautiful host is also inquiring about the military review experts at the same seat.

The reviewer adjusted his tie and said seriously to the camera:

"According to the current situation of the big pumpkin, the two British and American plans should be that the Endeavour completed the synchronous flight with the steel big pumpkin in space, and then the astronaut took out the core of the big pumpkin-the magical genus box, and then entered Miniature spaceship "

Speaking of which, an animation appeared on the TV.

The TV station produced it specifically for this explanation. The commentator's voice followed the animation and continued to explain:

"Because there is no force field of the box, the big pumpkin will fly around the earth like a satellite under the action of star physical force."

"At this time, the Space Shuttle Endeavour flying synchronously with Big Pumpkin will clamp the astronaut's miniature spacecraft, and then launch the Space Endeavour to send them back to the ground."

In front of the TV, the audience watched intently and listened with great interest.

At this point, the "big pumpkin" has been driven out of the ozone layer by the underlying power. Endeavour is faster than it and has already flown into space.

Of course, this is not to say that Big Pumpkin is not as good as Endeavour.

Because the voltage of the big pumpkin is only the household electricity group, only 120v. Therefore, it is not fast, but it is more stable and easier than Endeavour.

According to scientists on the ground, as long as the power is constant, the big pumpkin can run for 100 years.

"Fenjin, Fenjin, I'm a big pumpkin! I'm drinking water now, how about you guys?"

On the steel foundation of the big pumpkin, a miniature living spaceship, French astronauts, while drinking water, use a communicator to call the beautiful Endeavour.

"Big pumpkin, big pumpkin," Endeavour "heard! Unfortunately, we can't drink water now, we are losing weight!"

"Endeavour, Endeavour, you are so poor, we are no different on the big pumpkin than on the earth."

"Congratulations, big pumpkin!"

This communication capacity was also received by the space center on the ground.

The British Aerospace Center cried out, and many researchers were excited. According to observations from astronomical equipment, the flight of the big pumpkin is extremely stable, and gravity still exists on it.

No one knows why the big pumpkin is still on the ground after entering space, and it is not weightless.

However, everyone knows that everything in the future of space flight, space work, space maintenance, etc. will be extremely simple.

Future astronauts will not be training weightless programs because

Weightlessness is gone!

"Great! The era of human space exploration is coming!" A researcher clapped his hands and shouted happily.

Hearing this, colleagues nodded.

At this moment, a cold voice sounded.

"No, it's not the age of space adventure!"

Everyone froze, then turned to look at the source of the sound. But see, there is an officer standing on one side of the hall, his **** is serious, his face is like ice.

"Dear everyone, please note that it is not the age of human space exploration!"

"The age of conquest is here!"

"As long as we can master the manufacturing technology of large pumpkins, we can build countless large pumpkins in batches, and then install them with nuclear reactors, and then install high explosive giants, particle emitters, and laser rays."

The cold voice shook back in the hall, everyone was silent, and a stormy sea surged in their hearts.

Yes, the officer is right, it is indeed the age of conquest!

It was brought by the big pumpkin, and even more by that little guy.

The little guy's name is Ike! Ike Williams.

His birth was natural, but so terrible. As soon as watermelon came out last year, Megatron ’s global network was called the **** of the Internet era, the watermelon god!

And this year?

As soon as the pumpkin came out, it stirred the world. The whole world is exclaiming "the fourth industrial revolution", and the interstellar era is here.

This time, it was even more scary than watermelon.

This time, human beings either step into glory or go into destruction

Because, whether it is the watermelon **** or the pumpkin god, it is--


"Ah!" He sighed from the director of the space agency, his **** was a bit complicated.

"That little guy is so genius and terrible!"

The Secretary's words made everyone nodded.

"Yeah, the watermelon incident last year cost us more than 3 trillion yuan in economic losses. And this year?"

"This year's flying pumpkin forced everyone in the world to want it. For this reason, even if we risked extinction, we dare not let the pumpkin go away.

"Ah, what a terrible child!"

If Ike was also in the hall at this time, he would cry with depression when he heard these words:

Brothers and sisters, I was forced to helpless. Do I have to work hard to earn energy? Making big pumpkins with the federal government?

What a joke!

If I do this, the federal government must not hide the big pumpkin and hide it slowly. So where do I go to earn popularity and where do I earn energy?

Only by being caught off guard by the federal government can I cover up my style.

Please remember my name is-watermelon god!

Uh ~ ~ Wrong, my current name should be-Pumpkin God!

Praise me, what?

"Space Center, Space Center, Big Pumpkin Call, Big Pumpkin Call!"

At this moment, the astronauts cried out from the space center.

The ground staff immediately responded: "Received by the Space Center, please tell me the big pumpkin!"

"The big pumpkin has entered the middle, everything is normal, everything is normal!"

"Received by the Space Center, please keep your speed and continue flying until you enter the high lane! Good luck to you!"

"Big pumpkin received! Thank you!"

At the other end of the Atlantic, the US Space Center also received the safety report of the Endeavour.

With news from both parties, the British and American governments are very happy, and it seems that the plan is proceeding very smoothly.

In two hours, the Space Shuttle Endeavour will converge with the steel Big Pumpkin.

This is a moment in history!

If successful, the Space Shuttle Endeavour will stay with the Big Pumpkin for a long time. Astronauts from Britain and France will also remain.

Thinking of this, the senior officials of the three countries, Britain, the United States, and France, all laughed.

However, at this moment, they laughed early.

British. Space Center.

"Ting Bell!" "Ting Bell!"

The dedicated telephone rang quickly, and the operator quickly answered the call.

"I'm Cameron! Let the big pumpkin stop flying and stop right away, fast, fast!"

Cameron's voice was anxious, as if something terrible was about to happen.

What is it what exactly is it? !!

"Quick, fast!"



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