Super Black Technology

Chapter 112: Travel around the world

The next moment, in Hyde Park.

A few meters above the lawn, endless particles appeared magically, and they quickly combined together. Seconds, seconds, seconds

It was another second, and two huge steel giants formed.

One is the "Charles de Gaulle" aircraft carrier from the clouds over the Irish waters.

The other is a big steel pumpkin from space.

"Boom" "Boom"

Two shocking giants sounded, two steel giants fell to the ground at the same time, the ground shook, grass debris was flying, and the soil was sunken.

Suddenly, two huge deep pits were formed, and two steel giants were embedded in them.

On the aircraft carrier, many people fell to the ground without notice, but fortunately, because they were not high off the ground and the potential for landing was low, there were no casualties.

As for Ike, nothing happened.

Because when he landed, Morton and several powerful US special forces surrounded him.

Immediately afterwards, the fallen person quickly got up and looked out. Outside is a picturesque park view. In the distance, there were crowds outside the park, and some even watched them with telescopes on high-rise buildings.

Seeing them looking over, people shouted with their arms waving.

"Charles de Gaulle, welcome to London!"

"Iron and Steel Nan, n melon, you are back!"

"Pumpkin, your sister Alice is waiting for you!"

The crowd shouted and rushed towards the park. The turbulence of sentiment is like the waves, which makes the defensive army forces unstoppable.

The waves hit the line again and again. Within half a minute, the British Army's line of defense collapsed.

Suddenly, the crowd rushed into the park, rushing towards the two steel giants.

Meter meter

Just then, suddenly!

Ike raised his hand again and pressed it against the white button. The huge "Charles de Gaulle" aircraft carrier was instantly broken, and disappeared into endless particles.

Only a huge pit was left, and everyone emptied.

what's the situation? Where did the aircraft carrier go? Where did Ike go?

United Kingdom. Buckingham Palace.

The space above the huge square produces ripples, and in the next instant, endless particles come in, and instantly form a behemoth.

"Sister Alice! I've arrived at Palace Square, Sister Alice, where are you? Come out soon!"

Through the television broadcast, Alice immediately heard Ike's shout.

what? Is Ike here?

The princes and princesses who were watching the live broadcast with Alice were also very surprised.

Immediately, everyone hurried out of the palace and ran towards the square.

The huge "Charles de Gaulle" aircraft carrier is suspended a few meters above the square. Seeing Alice coming out, a boarding ladder immediately reached down.

"Sister Alice, come up! I'll take you flying!"

What? Take me to fly?

Acknowledging by Ike, Alice ran blankly, then climbed up the boarding stairs.

"I also need to go!"

"I also need to go!"

"Alice, wait for me, I'm your girlfriend!"

The princes and princesses shouted and followed Alice to the boarding ladder. Subsequently, several royal security personnel also climbed up.

A few minutes later, all personnel boarded the aircraft carrier.

Ike smiled at Sister Alice, and then exclaimed, "Sister Alice, go, let's go around the world!"


The white button was pressed again, and the "Charles de Gaulle" aircraft carrier shattered like a mirror, and the particles disappeared.

The British government was frightened, the US government was frightened, and the world was shocked.

what's the situation? Can such a huge aircraft carrier be able to carry out multiple space transmissions? What magical power is this?

God, what is its energy? Why can even the most solid space be subverted?

At this moment, many scientists are already considering the technical issues involved.

"I think we might have been very wrong!"

"Yes, we were wrong! Really wrong!"

"It does have an impact on the aviation industry, but it is not the biggest. The biggest impact should be"

Capital world.

Countless big capitalists are horrified.

Which other industry is going to go bankrupt, **** it, you and him are endless!

Los Angeles, USA.

In a secret room, several old men were silent, with a look of embarrassment on their faces.

They were the murderers who set up Atlantic airspace and assassinated the big steel pumpkin.

They all have the same identity: the aviation hegemony of each country.

However, now they are stunned.

It's not anti-gravity technology to co-author a big pumpkin in the mud mud Margo Gobi! Then we are anxious, and there are capitalists who are more anxious than us!

This time I was really stupid. Helping others be a thug not only failed, but also caused the anger of the government.

Grass, grass, grass!

Destroyer on Irish waters.

Everyone was anxious because Ike disappeared again, disappearing with the huge "Charles de Gaulle" carrier.

"Quick, wake up Mr. President!"


Several officers approached, shaking President Obama violently.

Because of this, the stunned Obama finally woke up. As soon as he woke up, Obama asked eagerly: "What about Ike, what about little Ike?"

Hearing the questioning, everyone was frustrated.

"Gone!" "Ike is gone!" "Our satellites are still looking for him worldwide!"

what? Obama suddenly stood up and ordered an officer next to him:

"Call him now on International Public Radio ~ ~ and get him back!"


Where did Ike go? Not only the United States is looking, but governments are also looking.

After a minute.

East Africa, Cairo, Egypt.

There are many pyramids here. The most famous is the Valley of the Kings.

At this instant, ripples appeared over the Valley of the Kings, endless particles appeared magically, and combined into a huge aircraft carrier in an instant.

On the deck, Accra ran to the edge with Sister Alice's hand.

"Sister Alice, look, pyramid!"

At this point, many scientists also rushed to the edge of the aircraft carrier and looked down.

Sure enough, on the ground below, pyramids dominate the ground, showing the splendor of ancient architecture.

"Oh my God, it's really the Valley of the Kings! We have come to Africa!"

"Oh God, it's only been a while before flying from London to Cairo, Egypt! Thousands of kilometers!"

"Mr. Professor, your wording is wrong! It ’s not flying, the pumpkin **** is talking about space transmission! For this, we should use the word teleportation!"

"Yes, the German experts are right!"

Scientists from various countries have criticized British scientists for their inappropriate words.

At this time, the soldiers of the aircraft carrier were all stunned.

Are you kidding me? In just a few minutes, the aircraft carrier can move thousands of kilometers? If used for military purposes, wouldn't US hourly global strike deployment become a big joke?

You need hours, but an aircraft carrier with a metal box only takes two minutes.

This is the boundless gap between heaven and earth!

This is the second super technology!

This is the value of the pumpkin god. Starting today, his worth is no longer trillion dollars, but endless!

Because he alone is equal to the entire world, the entire human race!

To be continued.

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