Super Black Technology

Chapter 216: J-20 Airborne Battleship

Alice squatted down and patted Ike's head.

Ike smiled at her sister, then picked up the remote control board, and slapped it on the white button ...

Just then, suddenly!

The soul of the huge metal electronic audio Cheek:

"Aboriginal people, warning! Insufficient energy required for particle transmission, can not be transmitted! Aboriginal people, warning! Insufficient energy for particle transmission, cannot be transmitted!"

What is the situation? I only transmitted 8 times!

Hearing Ike's voice, the metal electronic voice was furious: "Do you still know that you have transmitted 8 times ?! A low-level nuclear reactor, it can be transmitted 8 times against the sky!"

"You greedy native!"

Ike: "..."

At this time, an officer hurried out of the bilge.

"Report Commander: Nuclear reactors are underpowered and their efficiency has been reduced to 60%!"

Everyone was shocked to hear the report.

What the hell? For humans, nuclear energy is unlimited! How can I lose so much after 8 transmissions?

What should we do now?

Everyone looked at Ike, but when Ike shrugged, innocently replied, "If you can't transmit, you can only fly back!"

Everyone was dumb.

Alright, fly!

In everyone ’s attention, Ike moved his hand on the white button to the green button, and was about to press ...

Just then, Chinese was heard on the international public channel:

"Hi Ike! We are the Chinese Air Force. Please allow us to land! Hi Ike, we are the Chinese Air Force. Please allow us to land!"

Repeated words fell twice, and dense fighters appeared at an altitude of 2,000 meters.

A huge sound boom sounded ...

Ike looked at the French commander, who hurriedly shook his head.

From a French stand and a NATO stand, how could a commander want Chinese people to be exposed to Ike.

So the French commander shook his head. Not only that, he also yelled on the public channel with a headset:

"No landing, no landing! We are ready to leave!"

However, China has had such an opportunity. How can we let it go.

However, above the sky, the three fighter jets suddenly broke out of the formation and dived down towards the "Charles de Gaulle" sky warship.

Seeing this, everyone on the deck was shocked.

"Quick, get off the runway!"

"The other party is forcibly landing!"


Yes, it is a forced landing.

What is the "Charles de Gaulle" sky warship, not just the aircraft carrier? Can the aircraft carrier land the fighter? Is not this nonsensical?

The three F-20s carried the hopes of Beijing and the hopes of China, slowly decelerated, and gliding towards "Charles de Gaulle" ...

In the cockpit, the three pilots and the three generals were all ashamed. They had put aside life and death.

Even if they die, they will die on the deck of the "Charles de Gaulle" sky battleship.

Feeling the determination of the Chinese Air Force, the commander of the "Charles De Gaulle" was helpless and could only let the ground crew to guide the opponent to the correct runway.

Otherwise, if the prodigy crashes, everyone will die forever.

North Dating chases everyone to death!

Due to the guidance of ground crews and the superb skills of Chinese pilots, three fighter jets 20 landed on the "Charles de Gaulle" without any problems.

As soon as the fighter stopped, the pilot opened the cabin, and the three Chinese generals hurriedly jumped down, and then hurried toward Ike.

Seeing this, Morton and the French commander immediately greeted.

Of course, it is definitely not welcome, but blocking.

"Three generals, please stop! We are ready to leave. It is inconvenient to meet you for the time being!"

It was said that the three Chinese generals did not stop and were still walking towards Ike.

Seeing this situation, the French commander beckoned, a group of special forces rushed up with a gun, and surrounded three Chinese generals in an instant.

Three Chinese generals paused.

Immediately afterwards, the commander of the Beijing Military Region stepped forward, and the Chinese language rang through the audience:

"We are here to welcome guests. Please do not embarrass us under the commander! Furthermore, please don't forget that this is our country and our airspace!

Subsequently, the army political commissar repeated it again in English.

Hearing such words, the French commander looked cold and raised his right hand momentarily.

But when a "click" sounded, all the soldiers raised the automatic rifles in their hands, opened the insurance, and then aimed at the three generals.

Facing such a situation, the three generals' faces remained unchanged.

Are they afraid of death? Oh, I'm afraid I won't come!

So, did the French army dare to fire?

Obviously, they did not dare. Not to mention that commanders dare not order, even ordinary soldiers understand the consequences.

At this point, the two sides have reached an impasse, and no one dares to act rashly.

Just then, a crisp child sounded:

"Let the three gentlemen come over!"

It's Ike's voice!

After hearing this, the three Chinese generals were overjoyed and looked towards the French commander.

But seeing that the commander's face was red and white, as if struggling.

However, he hadn't waited for him to speak, but after hearing the sound of the crickets, the soldiers collectively fired their guns to clear the way.

Seeing this scene, the commander's face instantly changed.

Nima, what co-authored with the prodigy is more useful than me? !! Really he?

Forget it, the soldiers gave way, what else can they do? I can't stop it myself! I'm Lieutenant General, not a soldier.

Thinking about it this way, the French commander also moved one step to the left to clear the way.

As for Morton, let alone.

Did he dare to oppose the decision of the little prodigy? Obviously dare! Didn't he see that every time he encountered such an embarrassing situation, did he run aside to make soy sauce?

Therefore, Morton also gave way ~ ~ At this moment, the three Chinese generals who have been looking at each other have changed their faces finally. Smiles appeared on their faces, and endless joy filled their hearts.

"Thank you! Thank you commander!"

"Thank you qualified French soldiers!"

"Thank you Mr. Agent in the United States!"


The three generals saluted everyone, and then strode toward Ike.

Without the obstruction of others, the three came to Aike in an instant.

The commander of the Beijing Military Region took the first step, lowered slightly, and extended a friendly hand to Ike.

"Hello Aike, I'm glad you can come to China! On behalf of the Chinese government, China would like to extend a sincere welcome to you!"

Ike reached out his small hand and held the old general's big hand. The big hands are wide and calloused.

"Thank you General! I am also honored to come to ancient China! Last time I heard from your foreign minister, China's spicy hot pot is delicious! Hee hee ..."

With this remark, the old general was overjoyed.

Oh my god, this prodigy of the Megatron world still remembers spicy hot pot? This shows what?

This shows that the pumpkin **** is very friendly to China.

This is good news. This is great news.

The conversation between the two passed into the ear of the French commander, and the commander frowned, which was not good news for him.

At this time, the voice of the dialogue was also transmitted to the Chinese Ministry of National Defense through the wireless headset of the veteran general.

At this moment, warm applause rang out from China's Ministry of National Defense.

Prodigy Aike loves China!

The pumpkin **** is actually very friendly to China!

That's great, that's great!

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