Super Black Technology

Chapter 219: Heavenly Girl Scattered Flowers

Because of the economic integration of the European Union, the communication between the people of various countries is very simple, just like going to another city in the same country. Township · Village · 暁 · Speak · Net

Countless people flocked to London, giving the City of London a headache.

Where will the Sky Battleship stop? Do you still need to ask?

It must be Hyde Park.

The big steel pumpkin that the little prodigy gave to Alice is still there. You ca n’t stop it? For the little prodigy, the big steel pumpkin is of great significance, much more valuable than the "Charles de Gaulle" spacecraft.

Therefore, the Sky Battleship will definitely stop at Hyde Park.

The British government guessed so, and so did the people of NATO.

For this reason, all eight avenues outside Hyde Park in London were congested, let alone driving, even people could not move.

Two hours later, a huge "Charles de Gaulle" battleship appeared over London.

It comes from Far East China.

Although it can no longer transmit space, it is much faster than the big pumpkin. After all, it is powered by a nuclear reactor.

"Here comes the sky battleship!"

"The pumpkin **** is here!"

"Hello, Battleship, London welcomes you!"


The citizens of London shouted and waved to the sky.

Above the sky, the huge "Charles de Gaulle" sky warship quickly passed by. After a few minutes, it came over Hyde Park.

At this moment, the people waiting outside Hyde Park were all very excited.

They guessed right, their waiting was not wasted.

"Hi, ufo, welcome back!" This is the cheer of a science fiction fan.

"Pumpkin, I bought a stake in Pumpkin Company!" This is a fat-headed capitalist, I do not know where to buy the equity, he came for money.

"Mom, mom, why is the sky battleship so big?"

A cute little girl is asking her mother. Township · Village · 暁 · Speak · Net

After hearing the little question, Mom patted her head and said, "Because it was made by the Great Pumpkin God!"

Xiaobu nodded and nodded, and said milkily: "I will also be a pumpkin **** after that, oh no, I am not a pumpkin god, I will be a winter melon god, winter melon is bigger than a pumpkin!"

The little words made all the people around laugh out loud.

Everyone gave thumbs up and liked this little one!

Just outside Hyde Park, a skyscraper.

The British National Television has set up the camera, and a pretty blonde reporter is standing in front of the camera.

"Hello everyone, this is the British ccb radio and television station. Did you see it? The sky battleship is here, it is back!"

The beauty reporter screamed desperately ...

Above Hyde Park, the magical "Charles de Gaulle" sky warship is suspended in the air. In the sun, a dazzling metallic light is reflected. Behind it is a huge white cloud disc.

The size of the disc is 2000 meters in diameter.

The height of the disc stands tall.

What a wonderful spectacle.

It is not a masterpiece of nature, but a masterpiece of God!

The name of God is-Ike! Ike Williams!

"Sister, we are here!"

On the battleship, Ike smiled back and smiled at Alice.

Then he held the remote control again and pressed it on the green button.

At this instant, the endless power disappeared behind the battleship in the sky. The huge white cloud disc is free from the force field and floats freely in the wind ...

As beautiful as the heavenly girl scattered flowers.

In the white clouds, Ike pressed the joystick. The huge sky battleship immediately flew down to the earth ...

"Attention, please note! Everyone leaves the lawn at once, everyone leaves the lawn at once!"

In the park, an army captain yelled with a horn.

In fact, he didn't need to shout at all, because everyone had already run out.

Such a giant is about to land. Who dares to stay under it?

Ike slowly controlled the sky battleship to land, very slowly. Unfortunately, he is not a master of games.

But after hearing a loud noise, the sky battleship landed heavily on the lawn.

The earth shook and many people were shaken.

Before waiting for the warship to reach the boarding ladder, a fleet of special forces climbed up the warship with individual equipment. they are--

US Delta Special Forces; British Airborne Task Force; French Panther Commando.

On the "Charles de Gaulle", the French commander stunned.

What is the situation? We haven't put on the ship yet, why are you all running up?

The French soldiers were stunned.

What's going on? Even if our people come up, how can the British and American special forces climb up? What to do now, should you stop them?

Nonsense, definitely!

At this moment, the French carrier commander screamed:

"Who sent you up, this is our French aircraft carrier! Go on, give me all!"

The sound fell, and the French commander waved.

Hundreds of aircraft carrier soldiers immediately rushed over with guns and surrounded all the guys who had just climbed up. Not only are British and American special forces, but even French ones are surrounded.

"Drop the weapon, drop the weapon immediately!"

The aircraft carrier soldiers shouted loudly, and an automatic rifle aimed at these trespassers.

In the encirclement, a French special commander yelled, "Mr. Lieutenant General, we are the French Panther Commando, and were ordered to surround the" Charles de Gaulle! "

In the other two siege circles, the British and American special soldiers with dazzling faces turned a blind eye.

They started calling for support!

"The bald eagle calls the Eagle's Nest, and the airborne team lands immediately!"

"John Bull called headquarters and asked for special team support!"


boom! boom! boom!

There was a roar of noise in the sky, and an armed helicopter did not know where it came from, flying over the aircraft carrier's head, and then a tough rope dangled. The British and American airborne forces ~ ~ began to land ... ...

Ten, one hundred, three hundred!

Immediately afterwards, these airborne forces surrounded all French aircraft carrier soldiers, and the aircraft carrier's commander was not spared.

"What are you going to do? What are you going to do?"

But listen, the two strong men in military uniforms stepped forward and said:

"Her Commander, the metal box is ours in the United States! It was previously lent to your aircraft carrier and it should be returned to us now!"

"Fart, the metal box was given to Miss Alice by our little Ike! It's ours from Britain!"

"Fuck, we are American!"

"Fart, we British!"

The British and American special forces captains quarreled on the spot, and everyone on the deck saw this scene, which was funny and angry.

Nima, they are all NATO. Can you show your face, please don't make trouble?

Where did the previous friendship go together to pick up the friendship of the little prodigy? Have all been eaten by dogs?

At this time, a roar resounded in the sky, and a large helicopter came from afar.

It was the same time that President Obama of the United States and Cameron of Britain came.

At this time, the leaders of the two countries were also arguing in the helicopter.

"This metal box is ours! When our little prodigy returns, I will let him make another one for you in Britain!"

"Fart, this metal box belongs to our Miss Alice! She is a British citizen of ours!"

"Can you owe one first?"

"No, absolutely not!"

Obama looked cold: "If you do this, can we still play happily in the future?"

Cameron poked his lips: "I don't do it this way, maybe I won't have to play in the future! I haven't seen your reputation!"

Obama: "..."

…… (To be continued.)

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