Super Black Technology

Chapter 229: Big watermelon envelopes Britain

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> Urban romance

> Super Black Technology

> Chapter 229 The Great Watermelon Envelops the British Directory Set Bookmark Comments

Fiction: Super Black Technology Author: little dance on the magic Word Count: 6007

"Obama, you come out, you come out!"

Prime Minister Cameron shouted, his heart was anxious, because there was not much time left for him, and there was not much time left for Britain. Flash Dance Novel Network

"Obama, if you don't come out again, I'll let the army storm!"

However, it remained silent.

It seemed that Obama had determined that Prime Minister Cameron would never dare to "face first."

In diplomacy, whoever starts first loses morality.

The strong need not be moral, but the weak need.

Is Britain weak? Yes, at least for the United States. Therefore, Obama felt that Prime Minister Cameron was just talking, and he would not take action until the watermelon attack came.

Otherwise, Britain will lose its morality.

"Obama, I'm serious! Britain is serious, please don't ignore the British bottom line!"

Cameron shouted again.

Unfortunately, Obama remains indifferent.

He looked up at the watch, 6:56, and 4 minutes ...

Just then, suddenly!


A long, narrow individual missile hit the gate outside the courtyard violently, making a loud noise. Two American agents at the defensive door died on the spot ...

Obama was shocked. Cameron was crazy? Is Cameron crazy?

In response, Prince Charles, who came with Cameron, also pointed at him angrily. He was questioning, he was angrily asking, why did he use a single soldier missile in his mother's palace?

Cameron's face was frosty, and endless killings filled his heart.

"His prince, the national interest is paramount! For the glory of the British Empire, anyone can sacrifice, let alone a building!"

Prince Charles was speechless. Flash Dance Novel Network

Cameron raised his hand, then waved suddenly ...

"Rush in! Find Aike and Miss Alice! In case of resistance, let alone kill them. Except for them!"


The submachine gun began to spray a continuous metal storm, and a special commander desperately advanced on an irregular trajectory ...

In the courtyard, the elite bodyguards of Obama began to fight back in the rain, trying to stop the British soldiers from making inroads.

From time to time, American bodyguards fall, and from time to time British soldiers ...

Both sides are racing against time!

At 6:58, the last two minutes.

On board the "Charles de Gaulle" in Hyde Park, London, UK.

The headsets of the British commander and the French commander vibrated at the same time. Then the two immediately drew their guns and aimed their muzzles at the head of the US military.

"French orders: Disarm all American troops!"

"British orders: Disarm all American troops!"

Sudden changes made US special forces scratch their heads, and then they were shot by British and French soldiers.

"You are betraying the United States, you are betraying NATO!" The head of the US military shouted.

Betrayal of Mud Malegobi!

The British and French commanders were almost angry and yelled, but unfortunately they have no time to yell.

"Quick, start the Sky Battleship!"

"What about the remote control, where is the remote control ?!"

A soldier shouted, "At the table, at the table!"

"Who will do it? Who will do it?" The French carrier commander shouted.

However, the scientists on the deck, look at me, I look at you, no one dares to answer.

Because this thing is used by little prodigies, they are not very good at it!

"Report Commander: The carrier is powered!"

Upon hearing the soldier's report, the French commander dragged the remote control in his hand, and almost knelt down to the scientists.

"Who will try it! If you don't start it, you won't have time!"

"Really, really! Because ..."

Speaking of which, the head of the British Army shouted: "Because watermelon is coming, cyber nuclear weapons are going to attack Britain! We will be late if we don't leave!"

As the words came out, the scientists were shocked.

America wants to do something with Britain? Everyone knows that the big watermelon weapon is controlled by the United States!

"I'm coming!" "I'm coming!" "I'm coming!"

Two men and one woman ran quickly from the crowd of scientists towards the remote control ...

Scientists from Switzerland, France, and Britain.

Seeing the three men coming up, the French commander quickly passed the remote control in his hand.

"Which should I press?"

"It's black! Black should be activated!"

"Really ?!"

"Whether it's true or not, press it first! We're out of time, we really don't have time!"





As soon as the female scientist gritted her teeth, she raised her hand and snapped on the black button.


The huge aircraft carrier shook violently and made a huge noise. It started, it started ...

At this time, the US Department of Defense. Inside secure cottage.

"Gentlemen, the last 10 seconds, do you confirm the attack?"

The Secretary of Defense raised his hand and moved to the Enter key.

"Gentlemen, you should know that once you press it, there will be no room for relaxation in British-American relations!"

The three representatives of the White House, the military, and the Watermelon Alliance all nodded.

"OK attack!"


But after hearing a "snap", the Secretary of Defense suddenly pressed the Enter key.

At this moment, a huge metal electronic sound swayed Aike's soul, ringing on the high-dimensional plane of earth's time and space.

"Pay 4 million energy, stellar data stream launched!"

The sound fell, and the horrifying monster, who had been silent for a year, opened its mouth of extinction.


As if a silent voice sounded, the endless chaotic data was spit out of the mouth of the horrible monster ...

It's coming, it's really coming!

God of Destruction, who had once magnified the entire world, once again showed its existence to the world.

Its speed is comparable to the speed of light, reaching 300,000 kilometers per second!

From Washington to the Atlantic, and then to the United Kingdom, the whole process took less than 01 seconds.

A man's computer crashed on the spot in a house on a avenue in London.

At this instant, the foreign agents present were applauding.

Yes, the attack has reached Britain.

"Hoo--" "Hoo--" "Hoo-" ...

An inexplicable wind centered on this place and began to blow strangely. No one can detect it, because it is invisible to the naked eye.

Gradually, gradually, the "wind" is getting stronger and stronger ...

Ten meters in diameter ... 100 meters ... kilometers ...

Immediately, a powerful hurricane with a diameter of 10,000 meters took shape. It uses radio waves as a carrier and carries endless chaotic data. Its name is--

Data storm!

At this instant, within a 200-mile radius, all the computers crashed, and the mobile phone crashed. The radio could not broadcast sound, and the TV could not display the picture ...

The people of London were shocked.

"Oh, help, big watermelon is here again!"

"God, I just bought the Apple 4s!"

"Oh my god, I just entered the customer's deposit into the banking system! It's over, it's over!"


The data storm began to move at a speed of 300,000 kilometers per second, from London to Brighton to Rochester, from the islands of England to the islands of Scotland, and then to the islands of Wales ...

As the road passes, all systems are paralyzed, whether they are networked or not; whether civilian or military; whether flying in the sky or on the sea ...

Everything is done.

Including nuclear bombs!

In less than 1 second, the entire British Isles, a total of 240,000 square kilometers of land and sea area fell.

Big fierce watermelon!

…… (To be continued.)


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Chapter 229: The Great Watermelon Envelops Britain, Super Black Technology-Fiction Net-novel novelette

"Obama, you come out, you come out!"

Prime Minister Cameron shouted, his heart was anxious, because there was not much time left for him, and there was not much time left for Britain. Flash Dance Novel Network

"Obama, if you don't come out again, I'll let the army storm!"

However, it remained silent.

It seemed that Obama had determined that Prime Minister Cameron would never dare to "face first."

In diplomacy, whoever starts first loses morality.

The strong need not be moral, but the weak need.

Is Britain weak? Yes, at least for the United States. Therefore, Obama felt that Prime Minister Cameron was just talking, and he would not take action until the watermelon attack came.

Otherwise, Britain will lose its morality.

"Obama, I'm serious! Britain is serious, please don't ignore the British bottom line!"

Cameron shouted again.

Unfortunately, Obama remains indifferent.

He looked up at the watch, 6:56, and 4 minutes ...

Just then, suddenly!


A long, narrow individual missile hit the gate outside the courtyard violently, making a loud noise. Two American agents at the defensive door died on the spot ...

Obama was shocked. Cameron was crazy? Is Cameron crazy?

In response, Prince Charles, who came with Cameron, also pointed at him angrily. He was questioning, he was angrily asking, why did he use a single soldier missile in his mother's palace?

Cameron's face was frosty, and endless killings filled his heart.

"His prince, the national interest is paramount! For the glory of the British Empire, anyone can sacrifice, let alone a building!"

Prince Charles was speechless. Flash Dance Novel Network

Cameron raised his hand, then waved suddenly ...

"Rush in! Find Aike and Miss Alice! In case of resistance, let alone kill them. Except for them!"


The submachine gun began to spray a continuous metal storm, and a special commander desperately advanced on an irregular trajectory ...

In the courtyard, the elite bodyguards of Obama began to fight back in the rain, trying to stop the British soldiers from making inroads.

From time to time, American bodyguards fall, and from time to time British soldiers ...

Both sides are racing against time!

At 6:58, the last two minutes.

On board the "Charles de Gaulle" in Hyde Park, London, UK.

The headsets of the British commander and the French commander vibrated at the same time. Then the two immediately drew their guns and aimed their muzzles at the head of the US military.

"French orders: Disarm all American troops!"

"British orders: Disarm all American troops!"

Sudden changes made US special forces scratch their heads, and then they were shot by British and French soldiers.

"You are betraying the United States, you are betraying NATO!" The head of the US military shouted.

Betrayal of Mud Malegobi!

The British and French commanders were almost angry and yelled, but unfortunately they have no time to yell.

"Quick, start the Sky Battleship!"

"What about the remote control, where is the remote control ?!"

A soldier shouted, "At the table, at the table!"

"Who will do it? Who will do it?" The French carrier commander shouted.

However, the scientists on the deck, look at me, I look at you, no one dares to answer.

Because this thing is used by little prodigies, they are not very good at it!

"Report Commander: The carrier is powered!"

Upon hearing the soldier's report, the French commander dragged the remote control in his hand, and almost knelt down to the scientists.

"Who will try it! If you don't start it, you won't have time!"

"Really, really! Because ..."

Speaking of which, the head of the British Army shouted: "Because watermelon is coming, cyber nuclear weapons are going to attack Britain! We will be late if we don't leave!"

As the words came out, the scientists were shocked.

America wants to do something with Britain? Everyone knows that the big watermelon weapon is controlled by the United States!

"I'm coming!" "I'm coming!" "I'm coming!"

Two men and one woman ran quickly from the crowd of scientists towards the remote control ...

Scientists from Switzerland, France, and Britain.

Seeing the three men coming up, the French commander quickly passed the remote control in his hand.

"Which should I press?"

"It's black! Black should be activated!"

"Really ?!"

"Whether it's true or not, press it first! We're out of time, we really don't have time!"





As soon as the female scientist gritted her teeth, she raised her hand and snapped on the black button.


The huge aircraft carrier shook violently and made a huge noise. It started, it started ...

At this time, the US Department of Defense. Inside secure cottage.

"Gentlemen, the last 10 seconds, do you confirm the attack?"

The Secretary of Defense raised his hand and moved to the Enter key.

"Gentlemen, you should know that once you press it, there will be no room for relaxation in British-American relations!"

The three representatives of the White House, the military, and the Watermelon Alliance all nodded.

"OK attack!"


But after hearing a "snap", the Secretary of Defense suddenly pressed the Enter key.

At this moment, a huge metal electronic sound swayed Aike's soul, ringing on the high-dimensional plane of earth's time and space.

"Pay 4 million energy, stellar data stream launched!"

The sound fell, and the horrifying monster, who had been silent for a year, opened its mouth of extinction.


As if a silent voice sounded, the endless chaotic data was spit out of the mouth of the horrible monster ...

It's coming, it's really coming!

God of Destruction, who had once magnified the entire world, once again showed its existence to the world.

Its speed is comparable to the speed of light, reaching 300,000 kilometers per second!

From Washington to the Atlantic ~ ~ and log in to the UK, the whole process took less than 01 seconds.

A man's computer crashed on the spot in a house on a avenue in London.

At this instant, the foreign agents present were applauding.

Yes, the attack has reached Britain.

"Hoo--" "Hoo--" "Hoo-" ...

An inexplicable wind centered on this place and began to blow strangely. No one can detect it, because it is invisible to the naked eye.

Gradually, gradually, the "wind" is getting stronger and stronger ...

Ten meters in diameter ... 100 meters ... kilometers ...

Immediately, a powerful hurricane with a diameter of 10,000 meters took shape. It uses radio waves as a carrier and carries endless chaotic data. Its name is--

Data storm!

At this instant, within a 200-mile radius, all the computers crashed, and the mobile phone crashed. The radio could not broadcast sound, and the TV could not display the picture ...

The people of London were shocked.

"Oh, help, big watermelon is here again!"

"God, I just bought the Apple 4s!"

"Oh my god, I just entered the customer's deposit into the banking system! It's over, it's over!"


The data storm began to move at a speed of 300,000 kilometers per second, from London to Brighton to Rochester, from the islands of England to the islands of Scotland, and then to the islands of Wales ...

As the road passes, all systems are paralyzed, whether they are networked or not; whether civilian or military; whether flying in the sky or on the sea ...

Everything is done.

Including nuclear bombs!

In less than 1 second, the entire British Isles, a total of 240,000 square kilometers of land and sea area fell.

Big fierce watermelon!

…… (To be continued.)


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