Super Black Technology

Chapter 232: Big pumpkin vs big mushroom

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"Boom boom"

A huge explosion sounded through the sky, ten, one hundred, one thousand, two thousand. A raging fire raged in the sky, wrapping a sky battleship in it like a huge fireball

Did you break the defense of the sky battleship?

Sky battleship inside.

A scientist and soldier opened his eyes.

"We are not dead" "We are still alive" "God, so many missiles have not attacked. The defense of the sky battleship is too terrible, it is really terrible"

Everyone looked around, and it was the fire. The fire surrounded the entire battleship in the sky, the temperature was increasing sharply, and the air was drastically consumed.

"Come on, raise it up quickly to let the fire go out"

"Yes, commander"

The female scientist pulled the joystick again, and then the huge sky battleship moved and flew towards the higher sky.

Three seconds later, the huge sky battleship leapt to an altitude of 5,000 meters. The fire was extinguished, and all the scenes were reflected in the eyes of the US military and in military satellite cameras in outer space.

"Oh my god, what is that"

"God, what has it become"

"Hedgehog, it turned into a steel hedgehog"

In the shocking eyes of all countries, a shocking picture came to everyone's eyes:

Dense steel fragments remained in the 100-meter force field, completely enveloping the entire sky battleship. One end of the shard is inserted into the force field, and the other is pointed to the outside, as sharp as a hedgehog's steel needle.

That's all the fragments of 2,280 missiles.

Terrible, terrible

So many missiles exploded at the same time not only did not break its defense, but added another layer of steel protection barrier to it.

At this moment, governments are surprised to speak.

At this moment, the US Department of Defense, Hughes, and others were extremely angry.

"I don't believe it can't be broken and try again. Its energy is by no means unlimited. Try again and try again."

Hughes looked distorted and roared frantically.

"Hughes Hughes"

"Hughes, you"

A senior US military official looked at Hughes in shock, Hughes was unmoved. Suddenly he was silent, and the next moment, an extremely cold voice sounded suddenly.


What Hughes is talking about

"Order: Malmstrom Nuclear Missile Launch Base, Launch Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles Immediately"


Everyone was frightened by Hughes' mad command.

"Hughes, are you crazy?"

"That's over the island of England."

"If sky warships dodge intercontinental missiles, the mushrooms will fall on the land of England."

Hughes smiled coldly after hearing the persuasion:

"Do they dare to hide?"


Seems like they ’re not heroes, why are heroes hiding?

"I agree with Mr. Hughes's proposal. Now that everything has been done, do nothing."

"I second"

"I abstain"

"I second"

"I second"

Three minutes later, the command center of the Malmstrom nuclear missile launch base received the highest order from the Federal Military Commission.

With this order, the nuclear missile launch base immediately acted.

Five minutes later, the terrorist weapon lifted its protective cover and the silo was opened.



The next moment, the horrible weapon was burning with a blazing fireworks, soared into the sky, and shot into the sky

Here it is, here it is, here is the big mushroom

At this time, the coast of England was over.

Admiral David, interim commander of the Sky Battleship, is swearing. One curse is shameless of the US military; the second curse is shameless of the US government.

Why do you say that he is a lieutenant general in a country, so how can he be scolded like a little idiot.

Nonsense, does he want to scold the key is that in addition to scolding the US military, what else can he do

The scientists who operate sky battleships are all novices. It is very good to be able to drive sky battleships out of this level. What else could he ask them to do?

Do n’t pretend to be arrogant, do n’t pretend to be a good friend

A single ship towed more than 1,200 US fighters, and prevented the Atlantic fleet entering British territorial waters from turning to other waters. Is this not enough

He wanted to launch the anti-aircraft missiles that came with the aircraft carrier. The key is that he can launch.

The 100-meter force field surrounding the sky battleship not only blocked all attacks, but also prevented its own missiles from being launched.

Besides, according to the previous order given by the French President, he was only allowed to hold the US troops.

The rest goes to the EU Air Force.

So he completed the military order. He was delaying the arrival of fighter planes to the European Union.

To this end, many scientists on the Sky Battleship also tuned their headsets to international public channels, scolding the US military for shamelessness.

They were scolded so much that the U.S. military also stopped doing it.

A famous fighter pilot also made his own claim and transferred his combat communications to join the scolding campaign.

For a time, the sky over the coast turned into a dark scolding battle.

One minute, two minutes


Lieutenant General David, who was insulting the US government, stunned, and the voice of the French president sounded in his headset.

"David, I'm sorry, I have some very bad and bad news for you"

"Uh, uh, an intercontinental missile is coming to you from outer space."


General David was shocked: "Mr. President, you mean, you mean"

"Yes, sorry for the big mushroom, sorry"

Lieutenant General David: ""

"Sorry, I'm really sorry we can't stop it, once it falls into the British mainland ~ ~ then"

In the latter words, the French president did not say. However, Lieutenant General David understood it and understood it completely.

The meaning of Mr. President is very clear, just let them block the big mushroom

Even if it is dead, it will not let the big mushrooms fall into the British mainland

At this moment, Lieutenant General David was silent.

At this moment, the French president is still apologizing.

Many scientists are claiming that big pumpkin technology can definitely block big mushrooms, but has anyone tried it and can anyone fully guarantee it


This is just theory, this is just theory

That was the supreme power of the past, but that is a terror weapon that can wipe out a country

"Gentlemen, gentlemen"

Lieutenant General David clapped his hands and stopped everyone on the deck from cursing.

The crowd looked at him in doubt.

"Commander, what happened?"

"General, what's wrong?"

Admiral David looked frustrated: "A big mushroom will fall from space in 3 minutes"

"What" "hat" "oh, ygod"

Scientists stunned, soldiers stunned

"Gentlemen, choose to avoid or resist. If you dodge, then the consequences of Britain"

Everyone was silent, and of course they knew the consequences of avoidance. But the consequences of letting Sky Battleships resist? Who knows who can predict

No one can predict

What to do now

At this moment, in the dark and cold universe, a terrorist weapon entered the secondary orbit, flying around the earth at 15 times the speed of sound.

After two minutes, it will reach British outer space.

After a minute, it will fall from the icy dark universe into the British atmosphere.

The light of destruction is here

To be continued.

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