Super Black Technology

Chapter 247: Meng Meng

(Sorry guys, I was asleep last night. I waited until 2am, so there was no change. Sorry.)

What is the value of 5% Big Pumpkin equity?

No one can estimate this question, so if you ask from another angle?

For example: What is the value of 5% on the moon?

Another example: Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Pluto ... How much is the 5% ownership value?

Another example: What is the 5% ownership value of the entire galaxy?

Well, if you ask it from another angle, you still can't estimate it, because its value is too great.

You have to know that China sent a large group of special forces to arrest suspects nationwide because the equity of an ordinary citizen was transferred. How much is that share?

Not even 0.1%.

And now? The little prodigy opens his mouth and gives 5%, is he too generous?

At this moment, Hughes was already stunned.

To be honest, he came to the UK this time to find a little guy to buy shares. Because he only grabbed 1%, he planned to find the little one for another 1%.

I do n’t know, the little guy is so generous, he actually gives 5% with his mouth open.

God, I'm suffocating and dying.

It's so amazing, it makes people breathless.

Ike tilted his head and watched Hughes look aggressive. There was no reluctance in his heart.

What money, what benefits are clouds.

For a super scientist, you just have to open your mouth.

For example, if you now announce that you are ready to study a third technology. As soon as this news is issued, the US government will sponsor itself even if it gathers the power of the country.

Anything you want!

And let alone the United States, even the big nations like China, Russia, and the EU will cry and cry, asking for their participation in sponsorship.

Money for money, people for people, resources for resources.

Moreover, let alone these countries, even ordinary people will try their best to sponsor themselves.

Who called this big pumpkin fund-raising operation, so that all the participants in the world have made huge profits?

who am I?

I am the Great God of Watermelon, the Great God of Pumpkin, and also the God of Capital!

I'm more valuable than the pound, I'm more generous than the US dollar, and I'm even better than the RMB. Praise me and follow me, everyone can get rich!


At this time, Ike thought so, but others didn't think so.

Everyone was shocked by the generosity of the little prodigy, and many people were very reluctant because the value of this equity was too great.

"Ike!" A sweet female voice sounded, and Sister Alice next to Ike spoke.

Now that she understands the value of the pumpkin equity, she is very sorry for Ike's generosity.

She wanted to persuade the little guy.

"Ike, you only have a 22% stake. Why should you send 5% out?"

As soon as this word came out, Hughes returned to her instantly, staring at Alice with a cold look.

But he didn't say anything, not because he didn't want to, but he didn't dare.

Because Miss Alice is the little sister's favorite beautiful sister.

He cannot be offended!

"Sister Alice, it's okay, Hughes is a good guy and has always been good to me."

Hearing Aike's words, Alice shook her head and said, "I know, but you're only 22%. So, I still have 25%, or I'll give you 5%, and give it to the respected Mr. Hughes Okay? "

The sound fell, Ike was stunned, and Hughes was stunned.

Let me go. What's the situation? Why is this silly white sweet girl so stupid?

I originally planned to make you a major shareholder. Why would you send the shares out? Besides, did you send it out?

Obviously, it couldn't be delivered at all.

It's not that Hughes dare not accept it, but ...

Just as Alice's words had just fallen, several shouts sounded outside the lawn.


"Can't deliver!"

"Miss Alice, don't do this!"

The last voice was a charming female voice, which was Alice's bodyguard: Mrs. Smith, a senior agent in the British Sixth Inning, was shouting.

She yelled as she hurried over the lawn.

"Miss Alice, you can't give your shares to anyone! According to the resolution of yesterday's g88 summit, your shareholding will remain unchanged for 500 years, and no one can take it under any excuse!"

Alice: "..."

Ike: "..."

Hughes: "..."

Outside the lawn, many British agents responsible for security were all panicking on the phone, reporting to headquarters.

God, something big happened, something really big happened.

United Kingdom. Central Westminster venue.

In the hall where the closed-door meeting was held, there was a ringing mobile phone ringing. It was the phone of British Prime Minister Cameron.

Hearing the bell, the leaders of the major powers who were discussing the number of scientists stopped talking and looked towards Cameron.

Cameron answered the phone after apologizing to everyone.

As soon as the call was answered, Cameron was shocked and stood up suddenly.

"No, absolutely not! Stop her, do everything to stop her!"

Hanging up the phone, in the confused eyes of the leaders, Cameron looked angrily at US President Obama.

Spicy chicken, we only reached an agreement the night before, and you in the United States are actually asking people to grab shares today.

In order to keep this equity, we in the United Kingdom have bet on the National Games and have even been nuclear-exploded.

Don't you do this, and shame? !!

No wonder Cameron was so angry, because in a previous call, when his subordinates reported to him, he said: Miss Alice wants to give 5% of the pumpkin stock to the Watermelon Alliance.

Yes, it is the Watermelon Alliance, because Hughes is the leader of the Watermelon Alliance.

Therefore, it is not wrong for subordinates to say so.

At this moment, feeling Cameron's angry gaze, Obama was confused.

"His Prime Minister, what is going on?"

Cameron spoke out in anger.

The sound fell, and the leaders of the major powers at the venue were all angry, all looking at Obama with anger.

The United States is so shameless. Today you sent someone to ask for British equity, so tomorrow you will have to regret our share of equity again.

"Mr. Obama, the United States is ignoring the rules of the Pumpkin Alliance!" This is the words of Chinese leaders.

"Mr. Obama, if the United States insists on this, I propose to launch a vote to fire the pumpkin membership of the United States!" This is a warning from the Russian President.

"Mr. Obama, be careful, be careful!" This is the advice of the Prime Minister of Japan.

Because Japan bought 4%, it also has the right to participate in closed-door power conferences.

At this moment, the whole venue is full of anger, especially the leaders of EU countries headed by France and Germany.

Feeling the anger of the audience, Obama was extremely depressed.

"Gentlemen, gentlemen, I haven't done this, and the US government hasn't done so!"

Prime Minister Cameron slaps the table angrily: "Adjourn! Prepare, prepare, I'm going to Buckingham Palace!"

"I'll go as well!"

"I'll go as well!"


Twenty minutes later, leaders of many countries rushed to Buckingham Palace.

Royal palace lawn.

Ike was talking to Hughes. Alice next to her didn't speak because Hughes rejected her offer.

Compared to Alice, a political politician, Hughes is a political elite.

He certainly couldn't accept Alice's equity gift, because it was forcing Britain and the United States to fight again. As long as Britain and the United States go to war again, the EU will certainly help Britain.

And because of the importance of pumpkin equity, China and Russia, or other alliance members, will also help the United Kingdom.

In this case, the real World War III will immediately erupt.

The consequences are too serious for him. The Watermelon Alliance is for the benefit, and it is for the benefit itself, but it does not want to destroy the earth.


"Miss Alice, Miss Alice!"

As soon as he reached the lawn, Prime Minister Cameron hurried to Alice in a panic.

"Miss Alice, you can't give away your pumpkin equity, no one can give it!"

At this point, Alice had understood the consequences, so when she heard the words of Prime Minister Cameron, Alice nodded and said: "I didn't give it ~ ~ It is Xiao Aike who wants to give 5% equity to Hugh Mr.

Cameron was relieved when he said this. Leaders of the countries were also relieved.

Obama stepped forward and asked the little boy softly: "Little Ike, how do you want to send Mr. Hughes shares?"

This is how Ike answered this question.

"Because Hughes treats me well!"

This reason is too powerful, so powerful that everyone is speechless. In this regard, Hughes beside him opened a smile and stared at Obama.

Obama nodded after thinking about it.


For Obama, for the US government, Hughes has a better stake than the little one.

Because Hughes is an adult, an American, and a high-ranking federal military official, he will be more cautious in his work and consideration.

It's better than making a fool of a little guy!

Because of this, Ike's 5% pumpkin stake was given to Hughes. In the afternoon, Hughes found Aike's guardian and signed a share transfer agreement.

Of course, for this, Hughes paid $ 2 billion in cash, plus several multinational group company shares, as well as five luxury homes and three top sports cars in the United States.

At this point, Ike's pumpkin shares became 17%, Hughes rose to 6%, becoming the third largest individual shareholder of the Pumpkin Alliance. Rockefeller's Simon dropped to fourth place.

The leaders of all countries are fascinated by such a generous behavior of the little ones.

It turns out that being good to little guys can get such a huge reward. It seems that I will always pay attention to the movement of the little guy in the future, and once he encounters anything he needs, he will do his best to help him immediately.

Because this little guy is not only a super genius, but also a cute God of Wealth.


(To be continued.)

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