Super Black Technology

Chapter 257: Girl Network Federation

With the example of Ueno Aiko in front, female assistants from all countries are even more dedicated.

Therefore, in the following time, Ike had delicious food every day, all famous dishes of various countries.

Of course, Ike also sent gifts to the girls.

Like Ueno Aiko, it's all about network programs.

For example: Russian girls get an advanced speech recognition program, which is more powerful than all speech recognition programs on the market.

Another example: The American girl got a mysterious antivirus software. How it works, I don't know yet. But the American girl jumped up happily on the spot, clamoring for herself to start an Internet company.

And British girls, German girls ...

They all got a gift of astonishing value, except for-Chinese sister.

Day 9 night.

Cui Mingmei was lying in the bedroom and tossing and turning, she couldn't sleep. Because tomorrow is the day to invite Ike to eat Chinese food.

For this reason, Cui Mingmei had already prepared a special Chinese cuisine in the kitchen-spicy hot pot.

Cui Mingmei is still very confident about whether the hot pot can conquer Xiao Aike's stomach.

However, this time when I came to the Jurassic Mountain Base, I didn't just want to take a copy of the program to go back, but ...

Day 10. The particle collider manipulates the room.

Chinese scientist Zheng Yunpeng is making his own metal box. Beside, Ike guided him with all his heart, just as he did with scientists in other countries a few days ago.

After the Chinese scientists learn how to make a metal box, the indoor experiment is completely over.

Then turn to the outside world and teach these scientists to learn about the installation and function of metal boxes by building intercontinental portals ...

Of course, the most important thing is to build portals to increase energy for yourself.


Thanks to Ike's guidance, the actual operation of Chinese scientists is very easy. In the morning, he made a lot of anti-hydrogen atoms, and arranged them in the form of a cube.

In the afternoon, Chinese scientists will start a particle accelerator, hit anti-hydrogen atoms, and make it uplift.

This step is the most difficult for scientists.

Almost every scientist has made errors when manipulating this step.

A few days ago, an American scientist was almost anxious to commit suicide while doing this step.

Because he made mistakes every time, he didn't make his own metal box until the little teacher left school in the afternoon.

Fortunately, he did have mastered the steps of making a metal box.

So that night, with the help of two other American scientists, he had been busy working all night and finally successfully made his own metal box.

"Ding Dong! Ding Dong! Ding Dong!"

The alarm sounded from Agent Morton's watch and seemed to remind Ike that it was time for lunch.

Hearing the sound, Ike immediately shouted, "After class, eat!"

After speaking, Ike left nothing and hurriedly ran outside the laboratory.

He is rushing to the restaurant for spicy hotpot.

Morton hurried to keep up with the little guy ...

Seeing this scene, scientists from all countries couldn't help laughing and crying. They want to stay in the lab for 24 hours, and their little teacher runs every day ...

Never listed!

Even the American scientist a few days ago didn't make a metal box until after school, and the little teacher didn't care.

According to the little teacher: I have taught everything, and you ca n’t blame me if you ca n’t do it. I am the teacher. If you delay the teacher's meal, the teacher will punish you to copy the English alphabet a thousand times.

As soon as this threat came out, everyone almost vomited blood and died.


base. restaurant.

The large round table is full of dishes and seasonings. In the center of the table is a hot pot.

The hot pot is being continuously heated, and it seems to be completely boiled.

The scent was transmitted to every corner of the restaurant through the heat, and everyone couldn't help swallowing.

"smell good!"

"Is this the famous Chinese food in the world?"

"I really want to try it!"


Hearing the praise from the crowd, Cui Mingmei, who was standing at the table, was not happy, but rather anxious.

"How come Ike hasn't come yet?"

Cui Mingmei kept looking at the restaurant door ...

After a short while, footsteps rang out in the corridor, Cui Mingmei was overjoyed and rushed over. The other sisters from other countries also rushed forward.


The little Ike everyone was looking forward to, under the personal protection of Agent Morton, entered the restaurant.

As soon as he entered the restaurant, Ike smelled the smell of the hot pot and immediately gave a sigh of admiration.

"Wow, Sister Cui, it's so fragrant!"

"Hehe, that little Ike will eat more!"

"Little Ike, let's eat together, I really want to try Chinese hot pot!"

"I want to try it too!"

"I also want!"

The girls opened their mouths and wanted to accompany Ike for spicy hot pot.

As for the reason, one is to communicate more with the super prodigy. Second, everyone wants to see what gifts Cui Mingmei will get.

After all, nine sisters have received gifts, and China's Cui Mingmei is the last.

According to reliable information, the nine sisters have joined together because the gifts they received are related to network procedures, so they plan to set up a sister network association to collect money from the world.

If today's Cui Mingmei can also get a gift from Xiao Aike, then everyone will also pull her in to make a fortune together.

However, at this moment, everyone does not know that Cui Mingmei doesn't want any network programs at all. What she wants is ...

"Let ’s take a seat then! I teach everyone how to eat!"

Cui Mingmei enthusiastically greeted everyone to sit down, and then with the help of the restaurant waiter, they served plates, mixed spices, and put hot pot dishes ...

The whole man was too busy.

The hot and spicy hot pot rolled up, and the rich aroma permeated the entire restaurant ...

Fat beef from Sichuan was the first to be cooked ~ ~ Cui Mingmei quickly put a slice of Aike and put it in his plate intimately.

"Thank Sister Cui!"

After Ike thanked him happily, he picked up the beef with a fork and began to eat.

"Wow, delicious! Sister Cui, I want it, I want it!"

And the girls of all countries are also praise.

Because Cui Mingmei mixes different condiments for everyone according to their taste. Therefore, girls from different countries can also eat delicious food.

"666, Chinese hot pot really deserves its reputation!"

"After I return home, I will also make hot pot to eat!"

At this moment, the bold Russian girl suddenly stood up, held a drink glass, and said loudly: "Girls, I propose, toast for our good future!"



Ike also raised the glass, touched Sister Cui next to him, and took a sip ...

The whole restaurant was in a hot atmosphere and lasted for more than an hour.

Finally, at the end of lunch, Ike snored, wiped his mouth, and said to Cui Mingmei beside him:

"Sister Cui, the hot pot is so delicious! I will also give you a gift. Sister Cui will bring a notebook!"

As soon as this word came out, everyone looked towards Cui Mingmei.

However, to everyone's surprise, Cui Mingmei didn't move at all. Her charming and charming face was constantly changing colors, as if she was sitting inside struggling fiercely.

What does she want to do? What does she want to do?

Just then, suddenly!

Cui Mingmei snapped her teeth and opened her mouth instantly. When he spoke, the audience was shocked.

"Little Ike, my sister doesn't want your gift, my sister wants to give you a gift, can you?"

what? !!

…… (To be continued.)

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