Super Black Technology

Chapter 269: Invisible gear is the deadliest

(Yesterday's 269 chapters were harmonized. The editor asked to rewrite them, so we have to revisit today's chapter. The plot is based on this chapter.)

After the chat, everyone walked into the temporary command center. In fact, it is the command center, which is actually the administrative building of the original nuclear power plant. Only some modifications have been made, and some advanced equipment has been added.

such as:

The huge hall is full of instruments. At its center, it is a federal state-of-the-art imager.

It is connected to a high-power camera on the construction site.

These cameras transmit the construction images on the construction site back to the command center in real time, and then they are imaged by the imager and displayed on the central flat screen.

Not only that, the command center here also connects the construction site in Lianyungang, China through satellites in space.

This is to make it easier for the little prodigy to inspect the construction process of the space door.

Never let the little prodigy stand against the sun and go outside to check each other with a steel plate and a screw.

Even if the little prodigy is willing, the federal government can't bear it.

And what about the construction site over Lianyungang, China? Never let the little prodigy fly over to check it every day.

As far as this idea is concerned, governments around the world know that it is absolutely impossible.

This so-called "impossible" does not mean that the U.S. government does not allow Ike to fly around by plane, but ...

Don't let him go abroad!

Some time ago, the United States fought a local war with its best ally, Britain. Why?

It is not because the British "held" Ike as a hostage that triggered the anger of the US government, sent a large fighter group to raid the British mainland, and even threw a "big mushroom" (hydrogen bomb) on Britain.

If it weren't for the flying pumpkins, maybe the islands of England are gone now.

What just happened, do you say that the US government dare to take risks and let their little prodigies go abroad?

Dream it!


China. Lianyungang, Nuclear Industry Zone.

Many technicians are busy and nervous, they want to use the imager to visualize the situation on the job site.

Because they have received news from the United States: Federal prodigy Ike will check the construction of the project in 5 minutes.

"The image in the east direction is complete!"

"The imaging in the north direction is complete!"

"East imaging is complete!"

"The imaging in the southwest is complete!"


Voices rang in the command hall on the Chinese side.

In a few hectares, located in eight directions, a total of eight hundred steel stone piers were all displayed on the imager.

Upon hearing the report, the general manager of the construction site immediately issued a loud order: "Transfer the image, please ask the prodigy to help check it!"


The Chinese technician then pressed the button to transmit the image of the foundation of the space gate on his side to the United States.

1 second, two seconds, three seconds ...

10% ... 20% ... 30% ...

With space satellites as the relay, the images are passing fast. 10 seconds, just 10 seconds later, all the images were transmitted to the Columbia Command Center.

At this time, Ike and scientists from various countries came to the imager in the center of the hall.

"Let's start! Let's look at the construction of China's Space Gate!"

Childish sounds rang in the hall.

Hearing the words of the little prodigy, the hall staff immediately turned on the imager. Suddenly, a huge picture appeared on the large screen in front of everyone.

It is the gate of space under construction in the Lianyungang nuclear power plant area in China.

The picture is very clear, so clear that every busy worker can see, even every screw on each steel stone pier can be seen.

Ike nodded and instructed the 10 scientists standing on his sides: "Compare the orientation, spacing, and height of each steel stone pier. It must not be misunderstood with a millimeter on the drawing!"

"Yes, little teacher!"

All the scientists promptly promised, and then retrieved the design drawings from the tablet computer they carried with them, and began to inspect the Chinese construction projects one by one.

The audience was silent, and everyone was watching the scientists quietly.

No one dared to make a sound at such a moment.

5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes ...

Scientists from six countries carefully inspected, especially the Chinese scientist, Mr. Zheng Yunpeng, was serious enough to the limit. He did not let go of every screw on the steel stone pier.

At this moment, there was no trace of water in his heart.

Because-that is the door of space built by the motherland!

And what is the core technology of Space Gate? It is anti-matter technology that is ten thousand times more terrifying than a nuclear bomb.

If you don't double-check now, and something goes wrong, the gate of space is a weapon of extinction.

If it explodes, the entire Jiangsu Province, including Lianyungang, will fall to ashes.

It took less than a second!

What a terrifying power this is? In front of it, nuclear bombs are not even root hairs!

and so:

For the motherland, we must be serious, and more serious than everyone else.

Scientist from China: Mr. Zheng Yunpeng thinks so, and so does he.

In the eyes of the onlookers, the 60-year-old gentleman was wearing glasses, looking at the drawings once, and then looking at the images ...

His brows sometimes frowned, and he was calculating some data.

The data did not appear on the drawing, nor did it appear on any copy. It was dictated by little prodigies and asked them scientists to keep it in mind.

Because these errors cannot exceed 1 mm steel stone pier, and they are not just used to fix the "door of space". Its real purpose is to-

Build a huge super strong electric field!

These steel stone piers are important carriers for strong electric fields!


Based on the four-dimensional force field in a metal box, hundreds of millions of electrons are moved in a circular motion.

This is the core power source of the door of space!

This is the military strategic technology that the Pumpkin Alliance vowed to keep secret!

When the door to space takes shape, nearby nuclear power stations transmit very high voltages. At that moment, these iron and steel piers spreading in eight directions and reaching as many as 800 will be connected in series to form a huge super-strong electric field.

When its energy is released, it will ...

Broken space!

Within its scope, all people and things will "break" into infinite particles.

Within 0.01 milliseconds, the particles were uplifted, ignoring all the space-time barriers of the three-dimensional world, and instantly crossed thousands of miles to reach the other end of the door to space ~ ~ Then the particles reorganized and became a person in the three-dimensional world again. Thing.

This is the space transmission technology mastered by Pumpkin God, which can also be called: particle transmission technology!

It is much more powerful than the transmission technologies in science fiction movies.

Because it doesn't need to find any "wormhole" at all!

Where is it, where is the "wormhole"!

As long as it is supplied with an endlessly high voltage, it can be transmitted to endless distances.


(The meaning of "wormhole" under science: wormhole, that is, a multi-dimensional space tunnel connecting two distant space-times, also called a space-time hole. Through it, humans can perform instantaneous space transfer or time travel.)

(Of course, the wormhole is still a theoretical fantasy at present, and there is no evidence to prove the existence of the wormhole, but such plots often appear in science fiction movies.)

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