Super Black Technology

Chapter 373: The power of pests is unstoppable

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Most people who saw book reviews said: Humans generally cannot have children until they have a few births. In response to this, Yue Yue wants to say: Big guys, have you forgotten that the third-level technology will come out? Guess what?

A week later, the members of the 88 countries of the Pumpkin Alliance were all gone.

Because the original proposal to eradicate the coalition nation's plan has not yet been implemented, it will be aborted.


Mormon, because all the non-Union member states have chosen their positions, and even the small South Korean government has drawn in several small African countries to join.

What should we do now? !!

Well, start dividing large circles of influence!

At the end of January, the European Union countries, with Britain, France and Germany, jointly announced the establishment of the European Administrative Region.

Subsequently, China, Japan, South Korea, India and other countries also announced the establishment of the Asian Administrative Region.

Then came the Greater Russia, and finally the Americas.

215, November.

Countries around the world have introduced new rounds of population and fertility policies:

Every healthy couple who has two children or less is punished.

Those who have three babies are passing!

For three or more babies, there is a national reward! The highest reward is free Sky Housing!

If you ca n’t afford it, the state will help!

Once these policies were issued, they caused a global sensation.

Elite intellectuals from various countries have united to form a population and social research group to help the government consider all aspects of the population explosion.

Among them, Chinese bricks and professors are the most active.

Those who are fed up with business, daily call on the government to be calm and calm. China is still a developing country, and family planning should be implemented. Childbirth should not be encouraged. It is best to let those pregnant women have abortions and take the initiative to kill the young lives in their arms.

On the Internet, Ike almost scolded at seeing the comments made by these bricks in China.

Then Ike tweeted:

"As of today, no healthy couple who has had an abortion experience is allowed to participate in any of my technology investments. Anyone who proposes abortion and kills lives is also prohibited from participating in any of my technology investments."

"If you have participated, take it back unconditionally!"

As soon as this remark came out, China was momentarily quiet.

For half a month, the Chinese government announced the abolition of this department of the Family Planning Commission, and introduced new criminal law provisions urgently.

The provisions of the new criminal law stipulate that the criminal law charge of "abandonment" should be abolished and replaced with first-degree murder!

Any abandonment of the baby, all death penalty!

Any act of trafficking in women and children will be executed!


Seeing this new move by the Chinese government, Aike personally gave the Chinese People's Congress official website a point of promulgation of the new law, which needs to pass the National People's Congress.

December 2.

This day is a very ordinary day and a very special day.

Today, Trump, the king of real estate in the United States, appeared on TV and appeared on the news channels of major television stations in the United States.

On television, Trump faced the entire American public and solemnly announced that he would invest 100 million US dollars to build a 5-storey suspended building near the high seas of the Atlantic Ocean.

As soon as this news came out, it aroused national attention, and it also aroused strong opposition from the EU people.

"Protest! Protest! Protest Trump's indiscriminate construction!"

"Protest! Protest! Protest the US government's infringement of the EU's maritime rights!"

"The high seas are all human. You can't build your house on the high seas!"

"Yes, you can't repair it over the high seas!"

Subsequently, EU countries urgently called the White House to allow the White House government to consider the proposal carefully.

The British Prime Minister Cameron even yelled: You have so many coasts in the United States, so many jungles have not yet been repaired, and you want to seize the high seas first.

President Obama said Trump's actions were normal commercial conduct for civilians and that the White House government had no jurisdiction.

The brains of the two countries broke up!

The next day, China Vanke Real Estate, Evergrande Real Estate, Country Garden, China Resources Real Estate ... have also announced that they will invest huge sums of money to build a suspended commercial building in the South China Sea.

The news, once announced, caused protests in many Asian countries.

However, before they acted, Chinese officials held a press conference to inform the world:

To maintain regional stability, China will hold an air force military exercise at the end of this month.

Exercise location: over the South China Sea!

Contents of the exercise: Space Fleet and Big Winter Melon Armor ...

The whole world is instantly bursting.

Suddenly, has the sky battleship, which has been silent for more than a year, finally appeared? And was it first opened by China?

Does this mean that the next era will be the era of sky warships?

Under the global attention, on November 3, the Chinese side held a massive Red and Blue Army confrontation over the South China Sea.

Red side: a 12-meter sky battleship and 18 **** destroyers.

Lan Fang: 3 large melon units.

On this day, the South China Sea shook and the waves emptied, and the countries of the world were speechless by this exercise.

Small countries around China have shut up.

Due to the opening of China's military exercises, or because the city of sky is about to be completed, the countries of the Pumpkin Alliance need to test their armed forces. To this end, in early December, the United States, Russia, the European Union, Japan ...

Various pumpkin alliance member states have held their own military exercises.

That powerful pumpkin fleet dazzled the eyes of the people of the world, and the flexible melon drone was envying the world.

Seeing these military exercises, the domestic people of the Pumpkin Alliance are extremely excited, and the major capital groups have soared their confidence.

With such powerful force, the solar system is all ours!

"I strongly urge the Pumpkin League to go to the moon immediately ~ ~ bring us benefits soon!"

"Where is the most powerful city in the sky, let's pull it out and let us have a look! That huge giant pumpkin, I also invested money!"

"Yeah, what about our city in the sky? Let's see it too!"

"Pumpkin Alliance begins to colonize Starcraft! We are pests, we are pests, we are pests ..."


Time flies so fast that it's December 2nd.

On the same day, leaders of the 88 countries of the Pumpkin Alliance gathered in New York, USA.

In Times Square, New York, the leaders of the five permanent members of the Pumpkin Alliance jointly announced that five days later, on December 25, 215, Christmas, it is also the birthday of Ike, the greatest scientist in human history.

That day, the Pumpkin Alliance will send troops to the moon under the witness of the little prodigy and the witness of human beings around the world.

The total number of troops is:

One Star Wars fortress: the city of the sky; 3 pumpkin squadrons; 388 pumpkin **** destroyers and pumpkin supply ships; and 50,000 melon mechanized troops ...

At the same time, for the back of the moon that has not been detected, the Pumpkin League will be cautious and will first send 10,000 melon mechanized troops to sweep the back of the moon.

In the event of any potential enemy, the Pumpkin Alliance will overwhelm each other with superior firepower.

After the announcement, the leaders of the five permanent members of the Pumpkin Alliance also spoke at the same time.

At this moment, the whole earth sounded five unison voices:

"Pumpkin Alliance is great, humans on earth are great, our power is unstoppable, nothing is unstoppable!"

Sound the earth, sound the sky ...

I'm coming!

Humans on Earth are about to take the first step in the interstellar era!

The vast starry sky is bound to be brilliant!

…… (To be continued.)

Panlong Novel Network

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