Super Black Technology

Chapter 387: Governor of the Moon

The recruiters Qi Qi gave way, and suddenly a woman dressed in fashion came in.

Later, the woman took the initiative to stretch out her right hand regardless of the oil pollution of the other person.

"Hello, Mr. Bastian, I'm from the personnel department of L'Oreal France, and my name is Joanna. I hope you can accept our invitation!"

Seeing this action, the middle-aged man was terrified.

He quickly wiped his hands, then timidly held each other's hand like jade, and immediately touched.

God, I actually shook hands with a woman who can only be seen on TV on weekdays, and the other party didn't even abandon himself full of oil.

At this moment, a touch of rush came to the heart of the middle-aged man.

Forget it, forget it, promise her! It's worth even if it's fooled!

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man nodded his head heavily: "Well, I promise you! You don't need to pay 3000 days, you can give me 300!"

Yin Luo, the fashionable woman laughed, then turned sideways and invited the other party to the recruitment desk to sign a contract.

"Sir, please!"

"Thank you!"

After a moment, the two disappeared.

Seeing them disappear, Chanel's recruiters immediately yelled:

"Fk! This watch, she has already robbed us 7 or 8 people!"

Everyone clamored with the enemy and cursed the woman.

"Why doesn't that watch go to hell, and every time we ask for information, she comes to grab someone!"

"Who said no? Didn't she just rely on L'Oreal to be a member of the Watermelon Alliance? It was so crazy!"

"Is he grassy? The watermelon alliance is amazing. It's irritating. I'll go to the watermelon alliance ..."

At this instant, the audience was silent again, and everyone looked at the scolders.

Everyone's eyes were full of admiration.

Great, my brother!

Come on, keep talking, what do you want to do with the Watermelon Alliance? Come on ...

Feeling the attention of the audience, the person could not curse.

Endless fear was pouring into his heart, and he suddenly found that he seemed to be saying something wrong.

Oh my god, that's the murderous watermelon alliance!

How dare you scold it, and still scold it in the public. Oh, mygod, if the defendant is charged, maybe he won't see the sun of tomorrow.

At this moment, the person suddenly raised his hand, covered his mouth, and did not dare to make any sound.

Damn, tortoise!

They despised each other, and then went on to find job applicants ...


Today, not only are French companies hiring, capitalists across Europe are robbing people everywhere.

Every company is crazy, and the payouts are higher than one.

And even crazier than Europe, American capitalists.

Because, according to inside information they got, the White House luncheon is over. The leaders of the 88 countries of the Pumpkin Alliance are now convening a coalition meeting in the White House.

There was only one topic discussed in this meeting. That is

In the future, what governing models should be implemented by the planets of the solar system.

Is it the system of democratic deliberations or the centralized system of the Governor of the planet.

After half an hour.

"Ding Bell! Ding Bell!" ...

Mansion of the Morgan Consortium, USA. The owner's personal phone rang urgently.

It was called from inside the White House.

Just three seconds later, Old Morgan answered the call himself.

"Hello sir! The first issue of the Pumpkin Alliance has been decided!"

At this moment, the old Morgan's heart almost stopped beating, his hand holding the phone was shaking slightly.

"Sir, all planets of the solar system will implement the" Governor's Centralization System "!"


As thunder thundered through the sky, the old Morgan was shocked.

After a short while, endless ecstasy poured into his heart.

Okay, great!

"Thank you for your message, I will have someone remit the payment to your account later!"

"Thank you Mr. Morgan, it is my pleasure to serve you! Goodbye!"


Hang up the phone, old Morgan summoned family members immediately.

"Recruit immediately, miners, chemists, metallurgical experts ... as long as it is helpful to the moon cause, all will be!"

"Yes, sir!"

"And go to the Middle East and Africa to recruit mercenaries now. I plan to form a solar expedition!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Also, prepare three gifts for me, one for Ike, one for Miss Alice, and the last for Ike's parents Williams! Thank you for their contribution to humanity!"

As soon as this word came out, the family members were stunned.

What's the matter? When did our Morgan family become so great?

"Not yet!" Old Morgan growled.

Upon hearing this, the family members nodded immediately and left the room.

After everyone left, Old Morgan couldn't hold back his ecstasy anymore, and laughed happily.

Hughes is good. He represents the capital and he did not disappoint everyone.

The governor system is better, much better than any dog ​​master system!

As long as we get more resources to sell to the Pumpkin Alliance, it's like lending money to the Fed. When they ca n’t afford the money, it ’s when we govern a planet!


United States. White House.

In the large conference room, leaders of various countries are discussing fiercely.

Just now everyone has reached an agreement that the major planets will implement the Governor's centralized system in the future.

So here comes the problem!

The moon is already in your pocket. Who should be the first governor of the moon? !!

As soon as this issue came out, the hearts of everyone in the audience were all together.


A young man in his 30s stood up and was shocked.

It was him, Hughes, the leader of the Watermelon Alliance! Hughes Roosevelt!

"Everyone, forgive me, I plan to recommend myself and let me be the first Governor of the Moon."

After this remark, the audience was silent.

US President Barack Obama was so happy that he was about to nod.

Just then, the leaders of China and Russia suddenly stood up and opposed them.

"Sorry, Mr. Hughes. As far as we know, you don't have any experience on the governing side."

Hearing this objection, Hughes nodded and said:

"Yes, gentlemen, I really have no experience on the ruling side. I was raised from the military. But what does this matter?"

"Although I am a federal officer, my greater identity is to be the leader of the Watermelon Alliance, a capitalist, and a businessman! Therefore, if I serve as the first governor of the Moon, I will certainly not ignore the interests of any party. "

"For example: China. If I am the Governor of the Moon, then I guarantee that the development rights, housing rights, etc. of the Altai Mountains are yours, including the surrounding plains."

After this remark, the Chinese President was silent.

This is politics, where the two sides exchange interests.

Later, Hughes looked at the Russian president again: "Mr. Putin, Russia can share the same lunar land as China ~ ~ at least 6 million square kilometers, how about?"

The sound fell, and the Russian president was silent.

How much surface area does the entire moon have? 38 million square kilometers.

In other words, China and Russia must divide at least 1,200! The remaining 2600, 86 countries!

Yes, you should be content!

At this moment, the leaders of China and Russia looked at each other, and both sides saw satisfaction from each other's eyes.

It's better to talk to the capitalist Hughes than to talk to the federal government!

Immediately, the leaders of the two countries said nothing and sat down quickly.

"EU: 900!"

"United States: 1000!"

"Japan: 200!"

"Korea: 100!"


Hughes set the prices one by one, and the sound of the cakes broke through the venue ... (To be continued.)

Statement 1: Super Black Technology is a very beautiful self-cultivation novel created by Yuemo Xiaowu. The plots are intertwined, ups and downs, exciting, and evocative; the portrayal of the characters makes us like everyone else . The comments made by the book friends on this book do not imply that Biquge endorses or supports this view of the readers. Our position is limited to disseminating more information of interest to the readers. Biquge reminds you: like this book, please "recommend" after reading the last chapter, remember to "bookmark"

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