Super Black Technology

Chapter 392: LOL All-Star Invitational

Everyone waited slowly, and everyone kept praying in their hearts.

10 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds ...


Ike turned abruptly, pulled up Alice next to her, and strode out.

This amazing move surprised everyone in the audience.

What is the situation?

How did the little prodigy look and ran away?

The door of space is not bad, you just leave a message!

"Ike, little Ike!"

The five generals rushed to catch up, and the four-star general in the United States was crying anxiously.

My uncle, my little ancestor, which one do you play?

"Ike, isn't the door of space bad?"

"The door to space is not broken! Other problems, you have to find a solution!"

Ike didn't look back, and still walked forward.

It's so funny! I was scared to think that there was a problem with my pumpkin technique, and co-authoring them was making me play!


Think of it yourself, I still have Valentine's Day today!

Don't bother me again!


From the top to the bottom of the Ministry of Defense, no one dared to step forward to stop. Toward this end, the little prodigy stepped out of the Ministry of Defence with his sister Alice, then took the FBI's bulletproof car and went back to Cambridge ...


The generals are stunned! The scientists are choked!

God, what's the situation?

Aren't we looking for little prodigies to help find problems and solve them? Why did the little prodigy run away?

The door of space is not broken? !!

What's wrong with it? Why can it complete the particle, but it can't transmit it?

Grandpa, how about giving us some tips!

Tragedy, what now? !!

Everyone looked at each other, you looked at me, I looked at you, my face was full of depression.

The little prodigy didn't want to say, dare to persecute him!

No one in this world dares to do this, not even the federal government itself. because……

The little prodigy has grown up!

The interests are national, and the fate is their own. Reporting yourself to the country, this is not what my generation should do!

To this end, after listening to a long sigh, the Secretary of Defense said.

"Report to the White House and let Mr. Obama think about it!"


United States. White House.

"Ting Bell!" "Ting Bell!" ...

The phone in the president's office rang.

Obama, who had been waiting for the news, quickly answered the call in person.

"What? What did you say? Little Ike ran away?"

"Yes, sir. Ike is gone, we dare not stop!"

"So what did he leave behind?"

"He said: The door to space is not bad, and other issues let us find our own way!"

Obama: "..."

Hang up the phone and Obama told the other senior officials in the office.

After listening to Mr. President's remarks, all the senior officials were speechless, all with the expression of a dog on his face.

Egg, the door of space is not broken, where is the problem?

Scientists from all over the world cannot find the problem, do we want us politicians to find the problem?

This is too nonsense!

"Mr. President, would you like to fly to Cambridge and ask the little prodigy. You know him well, maybe he will tell you!" The Secretary of State suggested.

The sound fell, and everyone looked at Obama with approval.

Mr. President will definitely gain something when he goes out.

You know, Mr. President and Little Prodigy have always had a good relationship.

Thinking of this, the depressed expression on the senior officials' faces disappeared, and a smile followed.

What surprises everyone, however ...

At this time, Obama shook his head rarely and said, "Sorry, gentlemen, I can't go!"

what? !!

Everyone was shocked. What happened?

"Gentlemen, my term is up!"

As soon as this word came out, everyone was nervous.

Yes, this year is 2016, and it has been a few months since the US presidential election. This time, Obama will definitely leave because he has been re-elected twice.

According to the United States Constitution, he cannot be re-elected for three terms. (The previous text was wrong. Yuewu thought that Obama was only in office, so I am correcting it now.)

and so……

These fine politicians understand everything.

The underlying meaning of Mr. Obama is: Is it for him, Lao Tzu is going to step down, what is he doing so actively? To undermine your personal friendship with the small national treasure? What a joke, I'm not so great.

Leave it to the next president!

After thinking like this, everyone was speechless again.

"Publish this to the outside world and let the capital consortiums figure out their own way!"

"Well, Mr. President!"

That afternoon.

An official White House spokesman held a press conference and solemnly announced the matter.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is unfortunate to inform you that something has gone wrong with the gates of space on extraterrestrial planets, unable to transfer supplies. For this reason, our solar system operations will be temporarily suspended.

As soon as this news came out, governments, capitals, and people of all countries were shocked.

Billions are panicking.

What's going wrong outside the space? What about a little prodigy? What about the little prodigy who invented the door to space? Please ask the little prodigy to help solve it!

Everyone is waiting to dig for resources; everyone is waiting to emigrate to a planet outside the territory; everyone is waiting to be an officer on another planet ...

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry! We've looked for the little prodigy. The little prodigy won't say, let's figure it out for ourselves. So ..."

The official spokesman shrugged, spread his hands, and said, "So, we are working hard to find a way. We will inform you again when there is a way."

After that, the speaker left the stage and the press conference was over.

However, the impact of this press conference was like a hurricane, sweeping the world.


United States. Cambridge city.

"Ding Dong!" "Ding Dong!" ...

The doorbell of the Williams's ringed.

Upon hearing the bell, Mrs. Williams hurried to open the door. As the door opened, a well-dressed handsome guy was standing at the door with a fine gift.

Seeing the owner opening the door, the handsome guy quickly bowed down and said, "Hello Madam, I am Ma Huateng, CEO of China Tencent Group, may I ask the little prodigy at home?"

"Hello MR Ma, my son is at home, please come in!"

Mrs. Williams smiled and invited the handsome guy into the room. (Exaggerating that the boss is a handsome guy, hoping to bring good luck to Yue Wu.)

"Thank you, Madam!"

Mr. Ma quickly thanked him and entered the room.

Living room on the first floor of the villa.

As soon as he entered the living room, Mr. Ma saw Ike and Miss Alice watching TV.

Mr. Ma quickly greeted, "Hi, Ike, Miss Alice, how are you!"

Hearing the sound, Alice rose quickly and saluted Mr. Ma.

Ike tilted his head, wondering.

Let me go. What is it? Why is Tencent more aggressive than US consortia?

"Miss Alice, that's a little bit of my heart. Please take it."

Alice looked at Ike, and Ike nodded.

To this end, Alice took the gift with a smile: "Thank you Mr. Ma!"

"You're welcome!"

For the sake of the gift, Ike stood up and invited the guests to sit down.

"Thank you little prodigy!"

After some thanks, Mr. Ma sat on the sofa.

Ike looked at him with a smile on his face: "Mr. Ma ~ ~ What's your purpose here?"

The standard mandarin was spit out of Ike's mouth, which surprised Ma Huateng.

Of course, for the question of the little prodigy, Ma Huateng dare not delay half a minute. He replied quickly: "Little prodigy, I am here to invite you to participate in the League of Legends 2016 All-Star Invitational Tournament (abbreviation: MSI)!"

As soon as this was said, Ike was stunned.

What? LOL All-Star Game? Not asking the door of space?

Let me go. What's the situation?

I am a physics and biology major. What does it have to do with online games? Although I have played LOL in my life, but after playing for two years, it is only brass 1!

How did Tencent Group invite me to participate in the LOL competition?


(I don't know if you are reading Yuewushu, have you played LOL? Do you want to invite Jay handsome?)

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