Super Black Technology

Chapter 404: Cucumber tree

(Sorry, the update is late today. Because most people don't want to watch LoL, Yuewu reorganized the outline today.)

The politicians' news is very well informed, and for this reason ...

The next day, Hillary Clinton announced that she was in good health and withdrew from the presidential election. Subsequently, other competitors also announced one by one: withdrawal from the election.

At this point, Trump had locked the victory ahead of time before Ike went to visit Trump's house.

However, Ike was still on time at the weekend.

For his arrival, all members of the Trump family were extremely happy. The other guests also shouted in their hearts. Today, it was a worthwhile trip, and they actually saw the legendary little prodigy.

The news of the banquet was passed on to the outside world by interested people.

Countless people outside laughed.

"It turned out that our little prodigy is supporting Trump! I said how did everyone else just get sick and then quit the election?"

"Well, now that the little prodigies support the old Trump man, I will vote for him!"

"I vote for him too! Whoever the little prodigy supports, our family supports!"

In the capital world, major financial groups have also made the same choices as the people.

"Let Trump be the president. I just hope that the little prodigy can continue to lead us to make money!"

"Yes! Just bring us money, it doesn't matter who is president!" ...

A month later.

Donald Trump was elected President of the United States with 1oo% of the votes.

As soon as this result came out, the people of the United States were embarrassed, and the countries of the world stayed.

The Americans are stingy because this is 1oo% of the votes. No one voted against it, and none abstained.

Has this happened since the founding of the People's Republic of China?

No, not once!

There is no one before Trump, he set a historical record!

And countries in the world are feeling: the influence of the little prodigy on Americans is really too great.

He has passed the Constitution and can decide the outcome of the presidential election in a single sentence.

Great Nirvana!

Too great!


The next day, Trump took his beautiful daughter to Cambridge again in person, thanking the little prodigy for his great help.

During friendly conversations between the two parties, he repeatedly stated that his commitment would be fulfilled.

Ike smiled and said he believed him.

To this end, Trump began to inquire: "Little prodigy, do you want that land, Asia, Europe, Africa, or South America?"

As for North America, Trump did not say.

North America is the home base of the United States. If the little prodigy wants the land of the Americas, is it still a thing?

At this time, Trump's inquiry was heard.

The smile on Ike's face narrowed, and serious colors emerged: "What I want is the equator!"

As soon as this word came out, Trump took a sigh of cold air, and he asked in shock: "Whole ... whole equator? Why ... why?"

Seeing Trump's trembling, Ike quickly shook his head and said, "No, not the entire equator! It is the beginning and end of the equator, and there is a monument to the equator."

Trump was relieved. Fortunately, it was not the entire equator, otherwise he could not afford it, and then he could only grab it.

But where is the equatorial monument?

Trump, a politician and businessman, is not a geographer. He doesn't know where the equatorial monument is. So he turned to look at his daughter.

Daughter is the pride of her life, she knows everything.

Unfortunately, it is too early to marry someone, otherwise she must marry her to a little prodigy.

"Dad!" Ivanka thought to his father, and said to his father, "Equator Monument is in Ecuador, about 95 kilometers from the city of Quito. It was declared a World Heritage Site by the United Nations in 1978 ..."

"Ecuador ?!"

"Yes, father!"

At this moment, Trump laughed.

Isn't it just a small country? I'll buy it first. If I can't buy it, I will send troops to destroy it!

With that in mind, Trump turned his head and asked Ike: "How old are you?"

"For the time being only a hundred miles!"

Trump immediately nodded and promised: "Okay!"

After talking about the matter, the crowd chatted.

After half an hour, the guest said goodbye. Ike showed them out in person and watched the guests leave ...

White House. President's office.

At this time, President Obama is still in office (Although Trump is already the next president, it will take 2o17 years to take office).


The knock sounded, and then the assistant pushed in and walked in.

"Report: Mr. Trump is here!"

"Please come in!"

"Yes, Mr. President!"

After a while, Trump walked into the office.

"Haha, Mr. Trump, congratulations on becoming your next president!"

"Thank you!"

"Is there anything to come to the White House today?"

"I'm here to ask for help from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The little prodigy wants a mile of equator monument!"

The sound fell, and Obama suddenly rose, his face horrified.

What? What did you say Little Ike wants foreign land? And if you want, is it a big one?

"Yes, Ecuador!"

"Why ?!" Obama felt embarrassed.

Trump said: "Listen to him, he wants to plant trees in the equator next year!"

"What tree?"

"Cucumber tree!"

puff! puff! puff!

Obama spit blood, and the blood splashed three feet ...

Nima, what is a cucumber tree? Is there a species like a cucumber tree? Is it a cucumber or a tree?

Little Aike, are you kidding me again?


"Come, come!"

Upon hearing Obama's shout, the assistant immediately entered the room.

"Call the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and send a diplomat to Ecuador to say that the United States wants to lease land near the Equator Monument."

"Yes, Mr. President!"

When the assistant promised, he went out to work immediately.

At this point, Obama turned back and looked at Trump.

"I have a request, I hope you can do it."

Hearing that Trump was tight inside. He understood that this was a political exchange. The exchange of interests between the incumbent president and the next president has come.

"Mr. President, please!"

"Cucumber technology, I want 1%! And as long as 1%, deduct from your future US share! This is my personal request, please consider it!"

The sound fell, and Trump was shocked.

He never expected that Obama would ask for it like this ~ ~ He originally thought that Obama would say that the loan was paid by himself. As a result ...

God, how dare I agree to such a request?

What else do I want?

Seeing this scene, Obama's face sank instantly. The next moment, he spoke coldly:

"Trump, in your mind, do you think I have a good relationship with Little Ike? Or are you?"

"Yes, I cannot overturn the outcome of the presidential election! But ..."

"Where is Ike? Can he do it?"

At this instant, endless horror came to Trump's mind.

Because, Obama is right!

He can't overthrow the "Presidential Election" by himself, but a little prodigy can! He is public opinion, he is capital, he is everything!

The entire United States, from all capital consortia to all ordinary people, hopes to follow him to benefit.

Human beings are all creatures with the highest interests!

At this moment, Trump was crying.

"Obama, you have a better relationship with the little prodigy than me! Then why bother me, you should go to Little Aike for a share!"

Obama shook his head and said, "It's too late! The little prodigy said he wouldn't let private individuals buy cucumbers anymore! He is a very stubborn child. I don't want to undermine the private relationship between the two parties at the end of my term.

Trump: "..."

You think I'm a soft persimmon, so you come to bully me, right?

Nima, I'm not scared!

Trump's anger suddenly appeared, and it seemed that he would yell at Obama.

Just then, suddenly!

Obama spoke again: "Mr. Hughes, the leader of the Watermelon Alliance and the Governor of the Moon, also entrusted me to convey to you a personal request: He wants 3%!"


Trump fell to the ground instantly and passed out on the spot ... (To be continued.)

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