Super Black Technology

Chapter 409: Amazon jungle

"Ike, what exactly is your cucumber technology?"

Mrs. Williams asked Ike angrily.

Age is the most important thing for women, whether it is young women or old women, all the same.

I said why I woke up this morning with a little more wrinkles. It turned out that my son was making a ghost.

"Ike!" Madam Williams growled again.

Hearing his mother's anger, Ike immediately turned around, and then ran away, disappearing in a blink.


Outside, Ike walked down the street alone, discussing things with the light ball while walking.

"Cross, is the light body 'it'?"

Instead of saying the name directly, Ike used the word "it" instead. One can imagine how shocked Iker was.

"Yes, Aike native, it is it!"

Lightball Clos' answer confirmed Ike's guess.

At this instant, Ike breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, I get it! Next, I should go all over the world to help him find food ?!"

The light ball didn't say anything, acquiesced in Ike's approach.

Immediately, Ike turned back and waved to the FBI agents hanging behind him.

An agent stepped forward immediately.

"Sir, call me and call Mr. President!"

"Okay, little prodigy!"

After a while, the call was connected and the agent handed his cell phone to Ike.

Obama's voice came over the phone: "Hi, Ike, what's wrong?"

"I want to go abroad!"

"Hat? What? What did you say?" Obama was frightened.

"Sir, I want to go abroad to find something!"

"This, this ..." Obama refused to reject it directly, he could only euphemistically advise, "What are you looking for? I can ask the cIa to help you find it, or let the Navy 6 team to help you find it, But you have to go abroad, this, this ... "

Obama couldn't say any more.

At this time, several senior officials in the White House also rushed to the president's office.

Everyone was shaking their heads at Obama.


Now Ike is no longer 11 years old.

"Sir, they can't help me, I need to find it myself!"

Ike's voice was calm, but it seemed to contain an undeniable tone.

As soon as this word came out, Obama felt a headache.

I'm leaving, can't you just stop? After waiting for a year, wouldn't it be better for Trump to have a headache?

"Ike, what are you looking for? Where to look?"

After hearing that, Ike replied, "Find a tree! As for where to go, I'm not sure yet, I will probably go to the Amazon Primeval Forest first!"

what? Amazon? And is it the primitive jungle?

God, there is a forbidden area of ​​life, with endless dangers in it. Ordinary people go in, almost dead.

At this moment, Obama was in a hurry.

"What tree are you looking for? I can send a federal army to help you find it, and I can even help you move all the Amazon trees back and let you pick it slowly!"

Yes, it is moving back! With the Sky Battleship, the federal government can completely level the entire Amazon jungle!

As for the environmental impact, oh, this is a matter of obama.

Unfortunately, Ike still refused.

"Thank you for your kindness. I would like to accept your help, but this time I can't help it. I have to find it myself! Because ..."

While Obama waited worriedly, Ike said the answer.

"Because it's related to cucumber technology!"

As soon as this word came out, Obama was silent.

After a long while, he uttered a sentence: "Okay, let's think about it! Even if you are going to Amazon, wait a few years, it will be New Year's Day!"

Ike thought about it and agreed with Obama's suggestion.

"Well, sir, I will go again at the end of January!"

January 2o is the date Obama will step down and Trump will take office.

However, at this moment, Obama didn't feel relieved. Because Ike's going abroad will definitely affect every aspect of the United States, and it will also affect every American citizen.

Say something bad, just in case the rescue is too late, Ike died abroad. That will be a disaster for the entire United States, and the end for all Americans.

"Goodbye, Mr. President!"

"Goodbye, bye!"

The two then hung up.


Ike wants to go abroad, the first stop is the Amazon primitive jungle!

With the acquiescence of the White House, the news spread across the United States in an instant.

Trump was shocked, Hughes was shocked, and all the people in the United States were shocked.

After a while, the news spread from the United States to Europe, to Asia, and to the world.

Governments are equally alarmed.

Leaders from China, Russia, and the European Union have called the White House as soon as possible, hoping that the White House will properly handle the incident. After all, Ike is no longer just a child prodigy in the United States. He is a valuable asset to the entire Pumpkin Alliance.

The White House thanked each country for their kindness.

However, everyone in the White House felt helpless about the idea of ​​discouraging Ike.

The little prodigy once grew up, and he will be 16 next year. Although under the laws of the United States, citizens must be 18 years old to be considered an adult, but 16 years old is no longer young.

In some other countries, 14 is considered an adult.

For example: South Korea!

Therefore, the methods used to coax the children are no longer available. And the intimidation and lure of these methods against adults also cannot use ~ ~ for Ike?

Because to use intimidation, there is a premise: that is, the watermelon alliance, pumpkin alliance, winter melon alliance, all members of the three major leagues agree.

Otherwise, no one could intimidate Ike.

What? You said you were intimidating Ike?

Well, you go, we look forward to you very much. When you get there, we will have a reason to start a rescue operation, and then get the gratitude of the great god.

For this purpose, we can even bet on the National Games of our country.

Come on, the United States, our countries are very much looking forward to you intimidating Ike, even imprisoning him, beating him ...

By then, we will definitely be playing.


Because of this, the White House has a headache, but they can't do anything about it.

Half a month later, the White House finally agreed to Ike's request to go abroad.

The day.

The Galactic Fleet, located on the Moon, received a tune from the headquarters of the Pumpkin Alliance: All fleets returned to Earth to provide security protection for Ike's Amazon and his party.

2o17. January 2o.

In the attention of the world, Obama stepped down, Trump took the stage, and became the new US president.

After the inauguration speech, the first thing Trump did was to make an urgent appointment with the ambassadors of northern South America.

Because the Amazon jungle is in northern South America.

"Gentlemen, I hope that this time, South America must maintain regional stability."

Faced with the diplomatic demands of the US President, ambassadors from various countries have stated their positions, and South America is absolutely stable, especially around the Amazon jungle.

No way, the powerful Galaxy fleet has returned to the earth and is preparing to go to the Amazon jungle.

The overwhelming power of the sun shook the entire South America, and no one wanted to hit the muzzle of the Galaxy fleet.

…… (To be continued.)

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