Super Black Technology

Chapter 411: Above the Constitution

The next moment, endless ecstasy came to Mrs. Smith's mind.

"Just ... get married ?!"

"Yes, get married! I've thought about it very well in the past few years. In this life, I can only go on with Brother Watermelon, so instead of waiting slowly, it might as well be a little bit more!"

I have to say that no matter what kind of women in the world, they are actually the same in their attitude towards love.

Once they have a decision in their hearts, they have the courage to moth fire.

It has nothing to do with personality, it has nothing to do with nationality.

Hearing Alice's words, Mrs. Smith was ecstatic.

"Alice, great, great! Thank you for your efforts, the British Empire will never forget you!"

Alice shook her head: "No! I am not just for the country, but to protect my love."

At this moment, for Mrs. Smith, Alice's justification was indifferent. For whatever reason she made such a decision, it would be a great thing for Britain.

"Alice, I will return the news to China later."

"Hmm!" Alice nodded, and then said, "Yes, there is one more thing."

"Miss Alice, please!"

"According to the" Marriage Law "in most US states, the man must be at least 21 years old, and the woman must be at least 18 years old to get married. What should I do?"

With that, Mrs. Smith laughed.

What's the problem? Is this a problem? !

"Miss Alice, rest assured, this is nothing at all. The Constitution of the United States does not control Ike, let alone the Marriage Act. And you, a British citizen, do not control your laws Up. So please be assured! The government will help you properly handle all issues! "

"All right, thank you, Madam!"

"You're welcome, we should thank you!"


Due to Alice's sudden decision, the news spread throughout the world in the afternoon with the help of British media.

The British people are ecstatic and the EU people are extremely excited.

Instead, there was silence in the United States.

In the face of this news, many Americans are speechless. They wanted to bless the little prodigy without being reconciled. So they can only be silent.

At this time, inside the White House, Trump, who had just taken office, was extremely frustrated.

He has just taken over the "impact plan" of the Obama administration, and the bad news is coming.

"Can you find a way to stop it?"

Trump asked a number of senior officials.

Heard that the senior officials were all silent.

prevent? How to stop?

That little guy is presumably dreaming of taking his sister Alice every day. What can we do to stop it? Besides, now that cucumber technology is born, everything must be given way to it.

Seeing the silence of everyone, Trump suddenly flashed, and said, "Gentlemen, do you think this is okay? Find another American girl and let Little Ike marry this year!"

As soon as this word came out, the senior officials were stunned.

Well, this is bigamy; this is against the law, against morality, against Christianity!

As president of a country, how can you say that? How can I make such a suggestion?

Uh, okay!

In fact, we also want to do the same. The key is that no American girl seems to have a good relationship with the guy, right?

Chloe Moretz? Lily James ...

Spicy chicken, isn't it easy for him?

When the crowd was at a loss, footsteps sounded outside the door. Immediately, the door opened.

The US Secretary of State walked in solemnly: "Gentlemen, the British government has come to apply for diplomacy, and we hope that we can invite the British royal family to the White House as a guest."

When this word came out, everyone was furious.

"Fuck! They're coming to us to discuss Ike's marriage!"

"They're so impatient, why don't they die?"

"They already have 25% pumpkins and 25% winter melon. Why should we stare at our bowl?"

"Well, the British should go to hell!" ...

Unfortunately, no matter how angry the crowd is, it is still necessary to pass.

Because, the mysterious cucumber technology is coming soon!

President Trump sighed, and then said, "Promise them! I guess they are happy and crazy now!"

Mr. Secretary nodded, then went out ...

Is Britain happy now?

Happy, the people are happy, but the government is not happy.

at this time. British Intelligence Sixth Bureau Headquarters.

The Allton commissioner who is coordinating the entire British intelligence community is making a big thunder.

"We have sacrificed three 'lurners'. Why hasn't Plan 'x' been identified so far? What exactly do you do with the Sixth Military Intelligence Bureau? Say, say!"

A loud roar rang through the secretary's office.

At the desk, senior intelligence officials bowed their heads and did not dare to speak.

After a short while, Member Auston took a deep breath, calmed his anger, and began to do business.

"Say, do you have any doubts about" x "?"

On hearing that, the Director of the Sixth Military Intelligence Bureau raised his head and solemnly replied, "There is one, the name is: Cui Mingmei!"

"The scientific assistant who has been to the Jurassic Mountain base?"


Member Auston frowned: "It doesn't make sense! If it were her, it wouldn't be possible to affect us a girl (Alice)!"

After hearing the words of Commissioner Auston, a senior intelligence official immediately took over: "Sir, IMHO, of the 1.5 billion people in China, no one has the ability to affect our girls ~ ~ Maybe……"

"The so-called 'Plan X' in China is a scam!"

As soon as this remark came out, a number of senior intelligence officials at the scene nodded at the same time and agreed with this person's statement.

They all agree that no one in China can have such a big influence, let alone China, even Americans cannot do it themselves.

In their minds, almost no one in the world can cross the British a girl. If so, she must not have been born yet.

The words of a senior intelligence official made everyone think.

They racked their brains and thought, thinking ...

Coincidentally, China. Shenzhen. Tencent Group Headquarters.

Ma Huateng is also considering this issue, he has already participated in the mysterious plan X, so the reality can not help him not consider it.

However, at this time he did not understand.

Who else in China can beat Alice in influence. You know, a number of things have shown that Alice's influence is higher than the Williams.

Those are Ike's own parents!

Does China have such a character?

No! Absolutely not!

Cui Mingmei cannot be the real "x", she is just a guise and was sacrificed.

But if she is all under the guise, where is the "x" really? Who is she

Ma Huateng racked his head and thought, thinking ...

Countries around the world are also thinking, thinking ...

However, at this moment, no one knows who the real "x" is; nor does anyone know where she is?

When she really shows up, the world will tremble and everything will be a foregone conclusion.

Even Ike can't refuse; even Alice can't stop it!

Because the real "x" is ...

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