Super Black Technology

Chapter 418: Plan X 4

There has never been fairness between nations.

Weakness is the original sin!

Because of this, in the following days, many small countries with primitive jungles were trembling. However, what was unexpected was ...

Faced with the threat of US military force, some people inside the Pumpkin Alliance actually stood up.

May 7.

The Chinese government holds a press conference.

At the conference, Chinese official speakers praised Ike's contribution to the world, and at the same time expressed on behalf of the Chinese government that he was willing to support Ike's biological research experiments.

When this news came out, the whole world was shocked. Many governments reacted instantly.

Whoops, can someone help with the top cylinder? 666, this is a great man!

To this end, many governments with forests are all connected to the world and praise China as a kind, peace-loving power and a responsible power.

Everyone supports China's decision.

Receiving these news, the United States was stunned.

Let me go. What is going on? We haven't threatened China. Why do you jump out so actively?

Could it be that ...

Cambridge city. Williams home.

Ike was embarrassed to learn of this.

What happened to the big white rabbit? Why is it so positive? Could it be ... cucumber stock? They want to trade domestic forests for cucumber equity?

Oh, it's very bold and smart.

Well, then you are all done!

Thinking so, Ike tweeted in response to China's kindness.

"Thank you, the Chinese government. I am willing to offer cucumber equity as compensation. The specific share depends on the forest area!"

Within five minutes of Twitter, the Chinese government had responded.

"Little prodigy is polite! China has gained a lot of benefits in pumpkin technology, all of which is due to your understanding. To this end, it is our honor to help you in China!"

These words are so high, the world is indifferent, and Ike is indifferent.

Ike thought:

China cannot help itself in this way. After all, it is also the motherland of its previous life.

Well then, give China a little more equity in cucumbers.

Well, it's so decided!

Thinking so, Ike walked out of the door happily and contacted the White House to discuss the matter of going abroad again.

What surprised him, however, was that he had guessed wrong this time.

The reason why China made such a decision is not because of any unknown equity in cucumbers, nor is it because the big white rabbit is pretending to be cute again, but because ...

A woman! A mysterious woman!


China. Shennongjia forest area.

Abbreviated as Shennongjia, directly under the jurisdiction of Hubei Province, it is the only county-level administrative region in China named after "forest area". It has jurisdiction over 5 towns, 3 townships, 68 administrative villages, 9 communities, and 328 villager groups.

At this time, an executive order came to the forest district government.

Seeing this document, the officials in the forest district panicked.

"Why? Why should our superiors sacrifice our Shennongjia?"

"Secretary, please call the province and ask why, why?"

The secretary of the forest district replied desperately: "Useless, useless! This is an administrative order from the central government, it is useless to ask the provincial party committee!"

"What? Central? You, you mean ..."

"Yes! It's over, our Shennongjia is over!"

"Why, why does the central government do this?"

At this time, not only are they desperate, but countless people outside are also questioning, including the most on the Internet.

Many Chinese netizens are extremely angry.

"Why does the government sacrifice our own forest?"

"We can just ignore it, isn't the United States threatening us?"

"Sacrifice yourself and become the world. What kind of spirit is this? This is dedication? Fart! This is traitorous!"

"Protest! Protest!"

"Protest! Protest!" ...

However, no matter how the people questioned, the senior officials of the Chinese government still firmly maintained the previous resolution.

Standing on the shores of the Zhongnanhai, the respected Chinese chairman looked solemn.

This resolution was promoted by him. Maybe today people will question themselves, but it doesn't matter. In the future, they will understand their good intentions. Yes, it will.

"Come here!"

"Here! Long tell me!"

"Immediately send a diplomatic team to the United States and set an early date for Ike's visit to China."

"Yes, long!"


United States. White House.

"Report: The little prodigy is here!"

"Hurry up!"

"Yes, Mr. President!"

After a short while, guided by the staff's respect, Ike walked into Trump's office.

"Hello Mr. President!"

"Good little Ike, you still come to my office for the first time! Please sit, please sit!"

"Thank you!"

Ike sat down on the sand. The new U.S. president acted personally to help the small national treasure make a cup of coffee.

"Ike, have you decided to go to China?" Trump asked, and then he said something difficult. "Can it be Africa?"

In Trump's mind, I always feel that China has taken the initiative to stand up this time, and it must have any other ideas.

But he didn't know what it was.

So, he didn't want to take risks, and could only suggest Ike change somewhere.

After all, Africa also has forests!

At this time, Ike shook his head when he heard Trump ’s suggestion. "I don't want to trouble the Federation anymore. If the federal force forces Africa to concede the virgin forest, it may lead to war ~ ~ War is dead, I don't want to do it! "

The reason is so powerful that Trump is speechless.

"Well, have you decided on a date to go to China?"

Ike shook his head and said, "Not yet! But as soon as possible!"

If it's been a long time, maybe the appetite of that light crystal has grown again.

On hearing that, Trump nodded and said, "So, how about a month later?"

What? A month? Did n’t you say that the sooner the better? Why is it so long?

Ike looked at Trump in doubt.

President Trump smiled bitterly and said, "We need to make sure you are safe before you can go to China! China is different from Brazil, and the Galaxy Fleet cannot follow you. Without the Galaxy Fleet, we cannot rest assured of your safety. So the White House needs to consult with the Chinese government in this regard. "

With this remark, Ike understood.

"Okay! Then 1 month later! Goodbye the President!"

"Goodbye Ike, goodbye!"

Then, under the protection of the FBI, Ike left the White House and returned to Cambridge ...

Soon after Ike had left Huashengton Airport, the Chinese diplomatic team also came to the White House.

They are here to determine Ike's visit to China and the process of visiting China.

Of course, as one of the five major powers on the planet, China is unlikely to allow other countries' fleets to enter its territory. Even the United States can't do it, so we need to talk to the White House seriously in this regard.

Subsequently, at the invitation of the US Secretary of State, the Chinese diplomatic team entered the White House and started bilateral talks.

At the same time, China. Ministry of National Security.

The director of the Ninth Bureau rarely left the headquarters, went to some secret place, and met a mysterious person.

It is said that it is a woman, a very beautiful woman!

her name is……

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