Super Black Technology

Chapter 428: The ultimate imitation of plan X

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The bullet struck from the corner of the corridor and hit the feet of two guards. Immediately after, a group of Chinese soldiers rushed out of the corridor on both sides.

For an officer of the Chinese General Staff Intelligence Department.

Before B could respond, the official burst out shouting, "What are you doing? Who allowed you to draw guns on our Chinese citizens, here is China, it is our Chinese land!"

Agent B frowned: "Sir, according to the agreement between China and the United States, we have the right to defend against any unfavorable elements. She just ..."

The official waved angrily and yelled, "Is she an unfavorable member? Did she not pass the 7th-level security check? Mr. B, don't forget that she is Ike's life assistant!"

"This, this ... but our little prodigy is asleep!"

"Then you can't draw guns on her life assistant too! What kind of behavior is this? It's contempt for Mr. Ike! Today you can draw guns on his life assistant, then tomorrow, will you be against Williams? Couple Ike's parents drew guns, Miss Alice ?! "

The official's hat was so buttoned that the two agents were sweating coldly.

"Sir, don't talk nonsense! We just ..."

Just then, but with a click, the door opened.

Ike walked out in his pajamas.

"Gentlemen, what are you doing? Why do I seem to hear gunshots?"

Hearing that, B quickly told Ike what had just happened.

After listening to B, Aike Chuyuner.

"Sister Cui, is that so?"

Chu Yuner nodded quickly: "Mr. Aike, can I get in? I want to say a few words to you, please? Please, please!"

As Chu Yun'er said, he looked at Aike intently, and those showheads were full of inexplicable plea.

Ike could not bear to refuse, and nodded.

"Alright! Sister Cui invited in!"

"Thank you, sir!"

Chu Yuner followed, and the door was closed.

B glared at the Chinese official: "I will report to it!"

The official remained indifferent, and he had done everything he should. As for the later things, she can only rely on her.

As for yourself, firing at a foreign VIP residence, for whatever reason, is a major crime! but……

Why not die on your own? !!

"Oh, don't need you to report! I will give you an explanation! Let's go!"

The officials left, took the soldiers, and walked very decisively.

This is my mission; the mission of a three-year veteran intelligence officer!

China, I hope to see you take off in the midst!


One minute later, a gunshot sounded at the back door of the Shenlongjia Hotel.

An officer of the General Staff Intelligence Department fell into a pool of blood.

He committed suicide!

His own pistol bullet penetrated his mouth and passed through his neck ...

With this news, Group B was collectively speechless. US diplomats also silently put down the phone in their hands, and they were unable to make diplomatic protests to the Chinese government. because……

The Chinese official has given the United States an account in his own way.

Use life to explain!

Hotel top floor. Ike Residence.

The two were unaware of what was going on outside. It is also impossible for security personnel from both China and the United States to tell them about this.

At this moment, the two were talking on the sand in the living room.

"Sister Yuner!" Ike whispered, and then said, "I'm leaving tomorrow morning. Is there anything important for you to come to me tonight?"

The word "something", Ike emphasized.

The implication seems to be telling the girl: if there is nothing to do, he is going to sleep.

In fact, at this moment, Ike still had a little guess at the motive of the girl.

Perhaps on the first day, when she asked the girl to make her request, the girl was shy and didn't say anything. Now she figured it out, so she wanted to get the "benefits of being late."

Well, my life is also a part of the Chinese. As long as the girl asks for the equity of cucumber, she will definitely get 1!

Ike thought, staring at Chu Yuner intently.

Chu Yuner's face was blushing, and she stopped talking.

"Say, what do you want?"

Chu Yun'er looked up, and a sweet voice came out of her mouth: "Mr. Aike, my sister once gave you a gift. Do you remember?"

As soon as this word came out, Ike was stunned.

what's the situation? Why did it go to the Jurassic Mountain base a few years ago?

Ike nodded, of course he remembered that. That time, the ten sisters gave 9 gifts by themselves. Only China's Cui Mingmei didn't ask for a gift, but instead gave her a gift.

The gift is one, Penguin's number!

Cui Mingmei registered for herself!

But what does it have to do with you coming to see me tonight?

Ike didn't understand, so he looked at Chu Yuner in doubt.

At this moment, Chu Yuner stood up and walked to the corner of the living room.

There was a computer there, and Chu Yuner lowered her head and started awkwardly ...

There was a trembling in her hands, and her face was bright red.

But all this Ike didn't

"Zizi!" "Zizi!" ...

The fan in the main unit starts to turn on. It seems that the computer is turned on.

In one scene, Ike was even more confused.

What do you mean? Don't you want watermelon technology? This technology is not available to outsiders!

"Mr. Ike!" Chu Yun'er turned his head slightly and called timidly, "Can you come over for a moment?"

Ike got up and went to Chu Yuner.

At this point, the computer has entered the system desktop. The icons on the desktop reflected in Ike's eyes.

Not surprisingly, there is software. There is also a game icon.

"Mr. Ike, please sit down!"

A pair of jade hands stretched over and gently held Ike's hand to let him sit down.

Jade hands are slightly cool and soft.

Sitting at the computer desk, Ike still wondered: "What does this mean?"

At this moment, the soft and charming voice rang softly in Ike's ear.

"Mr. Ike, can I tell you a story?"

"Please speak!"

"He once had a child, and he fell in love with a beautiful sister. But he didn't know how to approach her ~ ~ so he could only stay awkwardly in front of the computer every day and tell her via the Internet: sister, I like you so much, can you be my girlfriend? "

Well, isn't this my story? Isn't this the story I used to "chase" Alice?

God, what do you mean by saying now? What are you trying to express?

At this moment, Ike was choked, completely choked!

And at this moment, the soft voice continues ...

"Not only that, he also left messages in that beautiful sister's space, at least three times a day: sister, I like you so much, can you be my girlfriend? This message has been going on for three full years, and it will not change ...

Aike suddenly raised his head and looked at Chu Yuner.

"You ... what exactly do you want to say?"

Chu Yuner did not speak, she reached out her hand silently, silently held the mouse, opened the webpage silently, entered the address silently, silently ...

In Aike's shocked eyes, in Aike's shocked eyes, a page reflected in his sight.

It was a space, a very concise space. Nothing on it.

No photo, no description, nothing!

Oh wrong, it has!

It has a lot of messages!

"Ike, I am a Chinese preschool teacher! Can you help me?"

"Ike, I am a Chinese preschool teacher! Can you help me?"

"Ike, I am a Chinese preschool teacher! Can you help me?"



Just like Zixiao Shenlei descended from the nine days, he struck Aike Xintian heavily.

At this moment, Ike just felt his heart trembling and his soul shaking!

This, this is ...

She, she actually ...

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