Super Black Technology

Chapter 451: Ox party everywhere

(It's Valentine's Day today, and I wish you all single dogs and happy holidays in this month's dance. Don't cry, big ones, and moon dance with you.)

What can so many people and so many countries hear? Is it still a secret?

For this reason, countries around the world have made another sensation.

一次 This time, it is not only the governments and capital predators that are anxious, but also the ordinary people.

What is a big cucumber?

He is life, power, evolution of life in nature!

Who does he not want?

的 What you don't want are fools!

大 The big men of all countries are running around, running the relationship, running the relationship. Nothing, only the money upstarts waving their banknotes and shouting on TV and radio:

"Buy a big cucumber for $ 10 million!"

"$ 100 million for a big cucumber!"

"$ 200 million for a big cucumber!"

"I have 300 million, 300 million!"

"400 million! 500 million!" ...

The price of the big cucumber is soaring at an alarming rate, and the world's people are frightened by these prices.

I want to know that what they want to buy is not the big cucumber stock, but the big cucumber product.

Although it is not known what form the production of big cucumber exists, it is a disposable product no matter what it is.

A big cucumber is now up to 500 million US dollars.

Is this too expensive for him?

However, what people of all countries did not expect ...

More scary prices are coming!

Russian oil giant held a press conference to publicly announce that it is willing to pay more than one-third of the family property and buy 3 big cucumbers!

一 When this news comes out, it is a global sensation!

多少 How much Russian oil has a large amount of property? At least hundreds of billions of dollars, and this does not include the large pumpkin shares and large winter melon shares they once robbed.

If you count these two melons, then the value of a big cucumber is at least trillions.


How crazy!

When the people of the Seven Great Americans of the United States saw the news, they also silenced.

Hey Nima, is this big cucumber too expensive?

Uh ...

谁 When the price of an item is so high, who is not crazy about it?

旅游 Quito, the capital of Ecuador, welcomes the peak of tourism!

Yes, it is indeed the pinnacle.

Because ...

In just three days, this city with a capacity of only a few million people has actually flooded more than 50 million people.

概念 What is this concept?

This means that more than 49.9 million people have sneaked in!

Most of these people are rich and identified. The customs and airport security personnel did not dare to shoot them.

For this reason, the Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry can only urgently call governments to protest their inaction.

Governments unanimously replied that the situation is a bit complicated and is under investigation.

In the face of these hooligans, the Ecuadorian government has no choice.

The 50 million foreigners, like locusts, swept everything around the Ecuadorian capital.

On the fifth day, food around Quito was bought out, drinking water was bought out, tents were bought out, sleeping bags were bought out ...

Everything is bought out!

The Ecuadorian government urgently called for the military to reserve grain, but it did not persist for a week and was eaten up by "locusts".

If it weren't for the strong galactic fleet stationed on the equator, maybe these locusts would hit the equator directly.

Facing such a situation, the President of Ecuador was so angry that he scolded the governments and asked them to immediately withdraw these stowaways.

However, it is impossible.

If I think about it with my buttocks, if there are no governments to indulge, will there be so many people leaving the country?

And why do governments allow so many people to go out to the equator?

There is only one answer: in order to let more people in our country get the magical "green light".

For this purpose, the governments of the five hooligans led by China, Britain, the United States, France, and Germany have even opened up to issue "exit passports." As long as you dare to apply to go to the equator, no matter who it is, you all agree immediately.

It is reported that there are even a few large hooligans who disguised a group army soldier directly as ordinary people and took them to the equator.

说 You said that the immigration control of Ecuador can block it?

Uh ...


Taking the equator as the center and the galactic fleet's defense line as the boundary, the open-air tent stretches for hundreds of miles.

Looking down from the sky, the entire city of Quito is full of tents for stowaways.

政府 Governments use pumpkin transport ships to transport food and water ...

四 Within 50 miles of the equator, countless horns are roaring.

"Sell location, sell location, there is one within 50 miles, can accommodate three people in a family. Who wants? Who wants?"

"I want! I want! I want!" ...

"One million dollars, not two!"

"I'll give it to you immediately!"

"Sell locations, sell locations! Locations within 30 miles, 3 million, no price!"

"I want it, I want it! Transfer it to you right away!"

"Sell location, sell location! Within 20 miles from the big cucumber, 10 million US dollars, there is only one, who wants to transfer money to me immediately!"

"I bought it! I bought it too!"

Uh ...

富 The rich men waved their banknotes and looked for people to buy places. They knew very well that the closer to the big cucumber, the greater the chance of receiving magical green light.

For this purpose, they are willing to give everything!

At this moment, a family was walking forward anxiously on the narrow passage.

They are the president of Mercedes-Benz, a family of three.

Because of work problems, the Mercedes-Benz president came late. So his tent was placed 100 miles away.

At the time, he was almost crazy.

Fortunately, there are always professionals who are convenient for others in this world. They have a nice name, called the ox party.

For this reason, the president of Mercedes-Benz company spent 2 million US dollars, moved from 100 miles to 50 miles, and then paid 10 million, moved to within 20 kilometers.

Now, they are walking towards the tent for sale under the leadership of the Ox Party.

The more I walked inward, the louder the noise.

By 15 miles, the family could not hear any noise.

Wherever I go ~ ~ Countless tents are lined up squarely. Many Asian men sit side by side with their eyes closed.

Seeing this scene, the president of Mercedes-Benz was shocked, and whispered to the ox party, "These people are ..."

The **** just came out, and the ox party suddenly whispered, "Sir, don't talk. They are Chinese soldiers, and those positions cannot be transferred."

The president of Mercedes-Benz understood instantly, and quickly pulled his wife and daughter forward silently.

After an hour, they reached their destination.

The oxen party gave him his tent and left alone.

After the Mercedes-Benz president arranged his family, he took out his mobile phone to locate his distance.

"It's 11 miles from the equator. It seems that I have to find a way to get within 10 miles!"


A familiar man caught his sight.

He is the president of BMW!

Seeing this person, he rushed forward.

"There is no place in it, buy one for me, I owe you a favor!"

BMW president rolled his eyes: "I'm still looking!"

"Okay! Then let's go inside and see!"


Uh ...

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