Super Black Technology

Chapter 454: Heaven, heaven


According to the regulations of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, after the founding of New China, humans are not allowed to become gods, and animals are not allowed to become elite.

Therefore, this name cannot be taken.

Besides, what are we?

We are Communists, proletarian revolutionaries, and materialists. How can we get that official title of feudalism?

This is necessary. Opposing materialism is the leadership of the opposition party.

Opposition parties are against the state and against ourselves. No matter what the reasons are, you can't do that.

So, let's take the Dragon Group and Fengge.

Heaven and our Communist Party are two ways!

At this moment, the Chinese President shook his head and said, "Thank you for the suggestion of the little prodigy. We Chinese government will seriously consider it."

Hearing this implicit word, Ike didn't say anything, just smiled slightly and turned to look at the other side.

On the other side, there are multinational leaders of the European Union.

At this time, seeing Ike looking over, the leaders of the 26 EU countries were all startled.

Damn, it ’s not our name and it does n’t sound good!


In everyone's astonished eyes, Ike spoke again:

"Continental Europe also has a splendid civilization and many myths and legends. These myths and legends have been circulating for thousands of years. Among them, the most famous is the Nordic mythology, which has formed a complete myth system."

"In this system, there is the supreme **** king: Zeus, there are twelve main gods: Hera, Poseidon, Apollo, Athena ... they all have powerful powers like the extraordinary life in the universe!"

"And the place where they live is called by mortals—"


"So, I think your Knights of the Round Table might as well be more domineering and even more awesome. It's better to call them" Name of Heaven ". If you encounter aliens in the interstellar space, you will be scared to death with their names."

As soon as this remark came out, the British Prime Minister was killed; the French President was killed; the German Chancellor was killed; the EU 26 leaders were all killed.

Nima, that's a superb heavenly kingdom that stands above heaven and earth.

They can fill a book with their **** names, but what about us? Still mixing in this small ditch of the earth!

Can this be compared? Can this be named randomly?

Do n’t you fear the world will kill us? !!

And, and ...

Little guy, do you think that a single name can scare aliens?

Well, even if you want to brag, you will make a draft anyway!

At this moment, the leaders of the 26 EU countries collectively shook their heads.

"Heaven" is so awesome. This name can't be chosen casually. Let's continue to call it the Knights of the Round Table.

Seeing this scene, Ike smiled dumbly and still said nothing, then looked at the Russian President.

Smile back and wait for the little guy to speak.

"Dear President, as far as I know, Russian Orthodox Church is a branch of Christianity. In the mythological system of Christ, there are also many extraordinary lives."

"For example, the supreme existence of the three nothingnesses-God: omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent."

"And Seraph, Power Angel, Wisdom Angel ..."

"The place they live in is called-heaven!"

"I think your Templars will be renamed" Paradise "! Mr. President, do you think it sounds good?"

Yin Luo, the president with the reputation of "The Iron Blood Emperor", was also tragically speechless.

Is "Heaven" nice? Nonsense, of course!

But does Russia dare to take that name? Definitely not!

If Russia names the domestic organization today, does it mean that tomorrow, someone can call themselves "God"?

Damn, this sin is too big, too big.

The Russian President, who is so large as to control the world's largest territory, cannot bear it.

If you dare to do this, hundreds of millions of Christian believers on the planet will definitely kill him, and maybe it may also trigger "religious jihad."

"Little prodigy, thank you for your kindness! Our new human organization in Russia will continue to be called the Knights Templar. Heaven, we can't afford it!"

Yin Luo, 88 leaders nodded in unison.

Can't afford it!

Heaven, heaven, heaven!

These three names represent the three most mainstream myth systems on the planet, and each one possesses the extraordinary power of the universe.

For example: the fairy army of heaven.

For example: Heaven's Angel Army.

For example: Bronze Saints, Silver Saints, Gold Saints ...

From these three major mythological forces, just pull out one, and all of us can be turned into dogs.

Although they are all fictitious, we need to know ourselves as human beings!

At this moment, seeing the reaction of the crowd, Ike asked softly.

"Don't you want that one day? Really don't?"

A light sentence, however, strikes the hearts of the leaders of various countries like a hammer.

Yeah, do we really not want to have that day?

Do not!

We think, we dream all the day!

Seriously, if we human beings on earth can develop to that point in thousands of years, we will respect you as the common owner of humankind.

You are the Emperor, God and Zeus of our universe.

At this moment, the leaders of the 88 nations looked at Ike together, with bright eyes.

At this moment, Ike laughed.

He finally sowed a seed of the future in the hearts of humans on earth. Although the seed is small, it will one day, like the tree of the universe, take root, sprout, and thrive until it covers the entire ninth universe ...

At this moment, no one knows what "today" means; nor does anyone know how extraordinary it is.

Even Ike himself was ignorant.

Ten thousand years later, when Ike looked back, he was extremely grateful for what he did that day.


From that day on, Earth: an extremely small primitive civilization in the ninth universe opened a whole new chapter.

Appearing in front are three brilliant Tongtian Avenue.

The earth belongs to technological civilization!

Heaven is a fantasy civilization!

Heaven and heaven represent magical civilization!

When science and technology civilization, fantasy civilization, magic civilization, three systems are united, civilization will reach its peak.

By that time, Ike will be promoted to the eternal dimension and achieve immortality.

At this moment, the light ball "Cross" also felt a kind of vibration from the soul.

It emerged in an instant, blooming with thousands of bright lights.

"In energy statistics: 110 trillion!"

"Pay 50 trillion energy and load the magic civilization module!"

"Loading ... loading complete!"

"Pay 50 trillion energy and load the fantasy civilization module!"

"Loading ... loading complete!"

At this moment, the seventh universe is infinitely far away from the earth.

The star mark on Sophie's wrist suddenly burst into glorious masterpiece ~ ~ blooming bright green light.

That was the ray of consciousness that Ike remained here was shaking!

At this moment, high dimension.

The three Cosmic Kings lowered their eyes, and the consciousness fluctuations covered the entire universe ...

"It (Ike) 's civilization has begun!"

"Our investment is not wrong!"

"That civilization has great potential!"


(Here is explained: 110 trillion energy was obtained from the 7th universe in the last two months, and only 20 trillion was left before! So, this is not a mistake written by Yuewu.)

(In addition, the climax is coming, and the back is getting more and more exciting. Ask for tickets, subscribe, and reward.)

(thank you all!)

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