Super Black Technology

Chapter 457: Miracle

In the wish of all peoples, the "seed" is finally about to absorb enough stellar energy.

150 million kilometers from Earth, the sun's burst ceased. It returned to normal, this is the last wave of energy. Energy travels between the stars and reaches Earth.

This is the last 8 minutes of stellar energy. After 8 minutes, the light funnel will disappear and the northern hemisphere will return to light!

Changes in the sun were monitored by national space agencies, and countless astronomers were exclaiming:

"There are fewer sunspots!"

"This represents a 1 billion year reduction in the life of the sun!"

This amazing news is conveyed to the equator.

Everyone waiting here was stunned.

One billion years, the entire amount of solar energy for one billion years has been swallowed by the big cucumber, and it has been swallowed completely, including all light and heat.


Where did the big cucumber made by the **** Aike come from, and why has such a terrifying power?

If it weren't for our solar system that happened to have a sun, no one could afford it.

Equator in situ.

The leaders of all countries looked to the sky together, and everyone felt with emotion.

After the big pumpkin, the second transformation of mankind has come!

5 minutes left!

At this time, Ike also came out of the temporary residence. Followed by his sister Alice.

Everyone crossed Alice and looked at Ike.

It was he who brought the Earth's humanity to this point. This seemingly short-term step requires all human beings to struggle for thousands of years, even thousands of years.

There are no more amazing people like him in this world!

Neither the past nor the future!

Take a look at this huge funnel that stands between heaven and earth. It is an endless collection of light. Looking at it is like looking at miracles.

And its creator exists as God.

The leaders look at each other ...


Everyone turned forward and bowed deeply towards the godly boy.

This is the waist bent for all mankind, this is the gratitude of all mankind, and represents the highest respect of all beings on the earth!

Thank you, Ike!

From now on, you are the **** of the earth's humans!

Seeing this scene, Ike was astonished. He did not evade, but endured the etiquette. Later, he also bent his waist and saluted the leaders.

"Regardless of the future, where we earth people go, I am a member of humankind. Forever, forever!"


The thunderous applause sounded instantly.

After a while, the applause stopped.

Everyone looked up at the sky.

On the sky, the last stellar beam of light came, and it has broken through the atmosphere and reached the equator ...

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 ...


In the lookup of all human beings, the light funnel that lasted for a month disappeared, and all the star energy was injected into the dark green seed.

Heaven and earth reappear, and the sun shines on the earth.

At this instant, the seed moved.

It slowly rose from the pit and was several feet above the ground. An endless stream of water flows fast inside it, faster and faster, faster and faster ...

With the continuous flow of "water flow", the shell of the green seed began to swell.

From the size of a pea, it instantly swells to the size of a walnut, then to the size of an apple ...

The water inside is flowing faster, and even Ike's consciousness cannot capture its speed. They seem to be beyond time and beyond dimensions ...


The green seed made a sound that sounded through the stars, and it inflated again, like a balloon inflated.


The green seeds became the size of a small watermelon.


The green seed turned into a big pumpkin, and it started to change color. From dark green to light green ...

The water in it is not moving, and a trace of roots must be formed inside it, more and more ...



It sounded like the sound of broken glass sounded through the world.

The seed cracked, a green root whisker protruded from its interior, and then two, three, a thousand, ten thousand ...

All roots must go deep into the ground and continue to extend to the ground ...

These miraculous roots seemed to be infinitely long, and after a second they penetrated the outer surface of the earth and penetrated the earth's crust. Two seconds later, they entered the mantle, and three seconds later they reached the core.

There is the center of the earth, with all the energy of this planet.

In Ike's consciousness, these magical roots are deeply rooted in the core of the earth.

Endless planetary energy is extracted and then flows into the seed along the roots.


The shell of the seed was completely shattered, and a huge shock wave erupted around it, like a strong hurricane sweeping all around.

This shock wave hurricane is not in three dimensions, four dimensions, five dimensions, but in an ultra-high dimension that is not even sensed by Ike.

At this moment, Ike was horrified.

"It's not 4D Biotechnology, absolutely not!"

The sound falls, and the huge metallic electronic sound instantly shakes Aike's soul.

"It's really not a four-dimensional technology, but an eternal dimension! Now it is only the first stage of it-the infancy!"

"Its extraordinary ability is beyond your native imagination!"

Hearing this, Ike was silent.

All the leaders of the Quartet, silently watching all this, have been scared by this amazing picture. They can no longer describe this picture in words. Really, no language can describe it.

God, how did Cucumber God create this amazing species? Where was it created from?

It is not what we ants should have!

If the universe exists in this universe, it must belong there, it can only belong there!


In the dazzling attention of all the indigenous peoples of the earth, the seed sank and sank into the pit. A tender bud pit grew, getting bigger and longer, and flew out of the ground after blinking.

The sprouts are still growing and getting higher and higher ...

In Ike's expectant gaze, in the numb gaze of the leaders of each country, a green leaf protruded from its branch, then two, three ...

It stopped growing, like a small tree standing on the ground.

The little tree is young, less than a foot tall.

The tenderness of the tree was as though a gust of wind could blow it down.

However, at this moment, endless ecstasy poured into the heart of Ike.

Ike shouted and rushed to the little tree:

"It's done! I succeeded!"

Seeing this scene, the leaders of various countries were amazed.

what's the situation?

Say good green light shines on the earth? Say good evolution to us humans?

This is the end? !!

Do not!

not yet!

Ike suddenly turned back ~ ~ his eyes crossed the leaders of all countries, looking at thousands of people in the distance.

"Here it comes!"

"A miracle is coming!"

Aike's voice was solemn and solemn.

With this sound falling, in the center of the earth, the endless earth nuclear energy was again violently extracted and injected into the small tree.

At this moment, the world is changing!


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