Super Black Technology

Chapter 471: kill! kill! kill!

Pumpkin Alliance 88 countries.

The supreme commanders and chiefs of the armed forces rushed to the capitals of various countries to start an unprecedented military conference.

Along with these top military conferences, army assembly orders began to be issued to the entire army.

Under this military order, all vacations for soldiers and officers at all levels of the army were cancelled, and everyone returned to the barracks urgently to begin severe military training.

The Third World War is sweeping across the earth!

At the internal level, civil affairs departments in various countries have also begun to hold emergency meetings to discuss new policies.

Half an hour later, the U.S. Vice President walked out of the senator and announced a new ban on behalf of the U.S. President:

Starting today, cremation is forbidden for all citizens in the United States!

No one can violate!

Subsequently, Russian Prime Minister Medvedev also announced on behalf of the President of the Equator: Russia limits cremation!

The bodies of all dead Russian citizens must be turned over to the state for disposal.

at the same time. Far East China.

The Chinese government, headed by the Chinese Prime Minister, also held an emergency meeting in the absence of the chairman to discuss this new civil policy.

That is: a national cremation ban!

A corpse of a citizen can add a new leaf of life. And a leaf of life can provide a precious fruit of life every month.

For every person cremated, China equates to a loss of US $ 500 billion and a monthly loss.

Still cremation? !!

Cremation you paralyzed!

At the meeting, the Prime Minister and members of various ministries raised their hands collectively, and Qi Qi agreed to issue the order immediately.

New China has been established for decades. During these decades, there may be some abominable subordinate officials in the localities. However, on the highest stand of the country, the top leaders of China have been striving for the rise of the country and the happiness of the people.

The ban is not blasphemy for citizens, but for the benefit of future generations.

An hour later, the Chinese government urgently issued a cremation ban.

In order to dispel the strange ideas of the people, the Prime Minister also went to the CCTV news room and explained the reason for the ban to the national audience.

On TV, the 60-year-old Chinese Premier has a strong heart.

The ban is indeed for the benefit of future generations, he has no selfish thoughts.

Although the body of a dead Chinese citizen will be sent by the government to the equator, the fruit of life from the new green leaves will be given to the relatives of the citizen before his death.

"My fellows, please trust the government! All families who donate their bodies will receive the fruits of life every month, and those fruits will be left to you to arrange freely."

"In addition, what I want to say is ..."

"If there is another citizen in China who does not gain the fruit of life, it will be me! I will be the last person in China to gain the fruit of life!"

"If I don't wait until that day, then I would like to give my body to the country and send it to the equator. The fruit of my life will not be given to my descendants, but to a new born Chinese child!

"This is my promise; a promise made by a Prime Minister of the Republic to the 1.5 billion Chinese people!"

After that, the Chinese Prime Minister stood up and bowed deeply towards the camera.

"That's all for me, thank you!"

The Chinese Premier turned and stepped away from the live broadcast hall.

His pace was firm and steady, just like his heart!

At this moment, weeping sounded over China's 9.6 million square kilometers of land.

Countless Chinese people burst into tears.

"Support the government and support the government's decision!"

"Support the cremation ban!"

"In support of the cremation ban, we elderly people who are dying are willing to use their bodies to pave the way for future generations."

"The motherland will rise!" "China will rise!" ...

With the support of the whole people, China's cremation ban quickly spread.



Through the live broadcast of the media, African countries also saw the collective response of the leaders of the 88 countries of the Pumpkin Alliance.

Ordinary people may not understand what is behind the silence, but they, officials who are also politicians, are very clear.

Behind the silent silence is a **** murderous intention!

The Pumpkin Alliance is going to use the African continent to nurture the tree of life!

With this in mind, governments are anxious.

They held an emergency meeting to discuss the countermeasures, but there was no way to discuss them.

When it comes to diplomacy, the Pumpkin Alliance simply doesn't pay attention to these oil-prone soils.

When it comes to force, the Pumpkin Alliance has the Galaxy fleet that dominates the solar system.

I ca n’t talk, I ca n’t beat, but what can I do now?


Unless someone can talk about the 88 countries of the Pumpkin Alliance, collectively give up this horrible idea.

Who has this qualification?

Only him: the common owner of mankind-the unparalleled Aike God!

At this moment, everyone in Africa, the Middle East, and South America looked at the TV and looked at the great **** Ike who was in the camera.

"God, please show mercy, don't let the Pumpkin Alliance fight us!"

"We are also willing to donate to the remains of citizens to contribute to the growth of the tree of life!"

"I beg God, persuade them! I beg you!"



Ike really wanted to cry without tears. He never thought that such a change would happen.

Of course, he has no opinion on the policy of "cremation ban" issued by various countries.

However, according to the monitoring feedback from Lightball Cross, the national forces of the Pumpkin Alliance are starting to gather.

Crazy, every country is crazy!

They want to start World War III!

Where is the goal?

Obviously, it can only be those non-union countries!

No, this is absolutely not possible!

Although human bodies can accelerate the growth of large cucumbers, they need energy. A wise life can provide me with a little energy every day. One person will die less, and one million people will die 100 million less.

If one billion, two billion ...

Lying, shouldn't I be a dog?

Thinking of this, Ike quickly shook his head.

"Gentlemen, you can't just kill and support the big cucumber! We are civilized, how can we do such a thing?"

It is said that black lines emerge from the foreheads of leaders of various countries. Over his head, a crow fluttered "quack".

Civilized man?

Please, which country or nation is not rising with the corpse?

Still civilized? Civilization ass!

Civilized countries and nations have disappeared into the dust of history!

Of course, there are media helicopters broadcasting live in the sky, and we can't express this idea.

To this end, leaders of various countries nodded, as if to praise the little guy's remarks. However, in his heart ...


"Gentlemen, I am serious!"

Ike repeated again, showing his immutable attitude.

Heard that everyone was silent collectively.

They could not oppose the opinions of the Great God, and were reluctant to abandon the dream of universal evolution. So they were silent again.

Just then, Hughes, who had kept the cucumber, ran over.

He hurriedly asked, "Ike, can the death penalty be?"

When this remark came to an end, leaders of various countries were overjoyed.

Yeah, if we do n’t go to war, will we not be able to support the big cucumber with the death penalty? This is our internal affairs, you ca n’t interfere with the Great God!

Hearing Hughes' words, Ike was speechless and nodded.

He is not the Virgin, is he going to rescue the death penalty in various countries? Anyway, to die, it is better to use the waste.

Seeing the big **** nod ~ ~ the leaders of all countries laughed.

They already know what to do.

Immediately afterwards, the Chinese President promptly instructed his special training personnel to pluck the fruits of his own country and send them back for safekeeping ...

Everyone was watching China's actions absently.

They don't care about it anymore, everyone is thinking about how to get the death penalty in their country. As for the President of the United States and the European Union, they are considering and returning to China to promulgate a new criminal law to add the death penalty to their criminal law system ...

Just then, suddenly!


Huge gunshots rang violently from outside the equator.

Everyone was shocked.

What is the situation? Who kills people outside?


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