Super Black Technology

Chapter 473: Above 3 leagues

Seeing this scene, Ike's head was big.

I am most annoyed with this kind of distribution of benefits, or flash first!

"Gentlemen, I'll leave 50% of the Great Cucumber Technology, and you will allocate the rest yourself! By the way, the EU 26 countries will no longer participate in the distribution of the equity of the Great Cucumber!"

After speaking, Ike ran away stunned, and in the eyes of the whole world, ran out like a rabbit. Then the big pumpkin transport ship landed, carrying Ike soaring into the sky, disappearing into the sky ...

Now, it's the turn of the US President and leaders to have a headache.

The 8 countries surrounding the Amazon jungle are each 1%, Ecuador leases out 1% of the equator, and China contributes 1% of the Dragon Forest jungle, a total of 10%.

Then, due to the mech fighting competition and LOL game competition, the Great God sent out a total of 20 plastic cucumbers.

Based on 0.1% of each cucumber, the total is 2%.

By the way, the Great God said that the EU 26 countries will no longer participate in the equity distribution of the Great Cucumber. So, how do they count plastic cucumbers in China?

I rely, isn't this too complicated for him?

At this moment, the president of the United States only feels that his head is big.

"You, everyone, let's do this! Let's take a day off today. Tomorrow I will host a dinner at the White House to host leaders of various countries. I will meet by the way to discuss the distribution of the tree of life! What do you think?"

Isn't this an opportunity for the great powers to carry out strong diplomacy?

As soon as the US president's words fell, the leaders of China and Russia immediately nodded in agreement. Later, Ben, Australia, South Korea, India and other countries also agreed ...

It was so settled.

Leaders of various countries have begun to return to China to arrange work on transport ships.

The matter of the tree of life was first handed over to the equatorial staff.

Half an hour later, with the attention of leaders of various countries, the tree of life devoured the body of the executioner. Not surprisingly, the little tree grew a little taller, and the leaf of life became five.

With this situation, governments have become more active.

Tonight, the world is surging.

The foreign ministers of various countries rushed around and began to implement diplomatic means for the first cucumber union conference of tomorrow.

Ecuador. presidential palace.

"Report: The Foreign Minister is here!"

The President of Ecuador chilled in his heart and immediately nodded solemnly: "Please come in!"


Under the leadership of the presidential staff, the Japanese Foreign Minister stepped closer to the president's office.

"Good evening, Mr. President!"

"Hello Foreign Minister! Is there anything important for you here?"

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan nodded his head, and said directly to the local: "I was appointed by the Government of Japan, and I want to buy a 0.5% share of cucumber in your country! Mr. President, please ask for a price!"

As soon as this statement came out, the President of Ecuador was furious and stood up instantly: "Impossible! This is impossible! Our government will never sell any equity in cucumber technology, let alone 0.5%, which is 0.1%, and 0.01% is impossible. ! "

Upon hearing this, the Japanese Foreign Minister disdainfully said, "Mr. President, I don't think your country is aware of the current situation. Then, please allow me to calculate it for you!"

"Dear Cucumber God released 50% of the cucumber technology stock! Because of the Amazon jungle, Shenlongjia forest, and the relationship between the two competitions, 12% have been allocated, and only 38% are left!"

"How many powers are there in the Pumpkin Alliance? 88 countries, in addition to the EU 26, there are 62 countries left. Do you think that our 62 countries only have 38%, and how much can each country?"

"0.5%? Or 0.2? You both have 2% in Ecuador. Will our Japanese, Chinese, American, and Russian reconcile? Do you think this is realistic? Is it realistic?"

At this instant, President Ecuador was horrified, and endless fear burst into his mind.

He finally reacted.

Ecuador's 2% stake has become a hot potato. The Prime Minister's words are indeed correct. All the countries of the Pumpkin Alliance are powerful nations, even small ones like Pakistan.

Because they have mastered the technology of the big pumpkin battleship!

Will a strong Congress be willing to let the weak countries monopolize the most benefits?


This is impossible!

"Hi Foreign Minister, please wait a moment, we will hold a meeting to discuss it immediately."

Having said that, the President of Ecuador anxiously ran out of the door to hold an emergency meeting.

After half an hour, the meeting was over.

The President of Ecuador and the Foreign Minister came to the office at the same time, and said to the Prime Minister, "His Excellency, we agree to sell the cucumber stock, but not 0.5%, but 0.2%!"

Hearing that, the foreign minister of Japan laughed.

"OK, the deal!"

At this point, the transaction is completed. This is an exchange of interests under power interference. This is an unfair exchange.

However, Ecuador has no room for resistance.

Because in the last physical change, Ecuador lags behind, step by step, step by step.

Now even the smallest country in the Pumpkin Alliance has armed forces that threaten Ecuador.

I can't resist!

Today, Ecuador does not dare to expect too much, only hoping to catch the last train of this biological change.

Otherwise, when the next technology of the Great God is born, Ecuador will not be able to participate.

With that in mind, President Ecuador personally sent the Prime Minister out.

After 10 minutes, the two foreign ministers signed the equity transfer document ...

Immediately after the transaction, the Chinese Foreign Minister came to visit him. Then the US Secretary of State, Russian Foreign Minister, South Korean Foreign Minister, Canadian Foreign Minister ...

Every major power has come to dig the corner of Ecuador!

Coincidentally, tonight other countries that have equity in cucumbers are also threatened by these hungry wolves. Even the Brazilian government, which is also a member of the Pumpkin Alliance, is no exception.

You know that God only gave up 50% of the shares, but so many countries have to share it?

Every country can't even share 1%. Do you still want to own 1%?


Do n’t sell it to everyone, even if you are a member of the Pumpkin Alliance, we will also launch an alliance vote to fire you Brazil!

This is the case with politics. With equal power, interests must be balanced.

Otherwise, the world is the enemy!

Do you think everyone is as strong as the United States?

You need to know that even a big country like China needs to be reckless and be a big white rabbit for many years!


By 4 am, the 8 countries in the Amazon jungle had sold most of their cucumber equity.

Now, few of them stay in their hands, only 0.2%!

The eight countries were so angry that they gathered in Brazil to discuss countermeasures.

"Everyone, we, the eight South American nations need to unite! Otherwise, we cannot survive in this cruel state competition." The President of Brazil shouted.

The leaders nodded in unison.

Yes, we need to unite.

Not only must we unite, we also need to find more foreign aid.

"Mrs. I have a proposal: go to Africa to attract some capital-rich countries to come in. Just like the practice of the Far East China. When they faced the blockade of Western countries, they used Africa as a breakthrough point and finally won the seat of the United Nations Director votes. "

"Here, I propose that we will give up 0.1% of each one again and sell them to African countries to bring them into the Cucumber Alliance!"

With this remark, the eight countries in South America were overjoyed.

Good proposal!

This proposal is really great!

According to the distribution precedent of the big pumpkin, no matter whether the shares are large or small, they will be eligible to join the league. As long as you can join the alliance, you can benefit from the super technology of God.

"Okay, that's it! Let your foreign ministers call the African countries immediately and tell them that as long as we support the eight South American countries, we are willing to sell them big cucumber stocks, 0.01% per country!"


"Ting Bell!" "Ting Bell!" ...

A small number of African governments have received diplomatic calls from eight South American countries.

At this moment, leaders of all countries burst into tears.

We have a chance, we have been saved!

As long as we can buy a cucumber equity ~ ~, we are eligible to join the cucumber alliance. At that time, those terrible great powers will not come to us for war.

After all, we are also part of the Great God Alliance!

"Buy, buy, buy! Buy everything you pay!"

"Without cash, use oil, resources, and everything you can!"

"In order to join the Cucumber Alliance, we are willing to pay everything except national sovereignty!"

Because of the greed of the pumpkin alliance powers, the world has changed completely tonight.

A new behemoth is about to take shape.

It is larger than the Watermelon Alliance, Pumpkin Alliance, and Winter Melon Alliance because it stands on top of the three alliances.

Its name is--

The Gherkin Alliance!


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