Super Black Technology

Chapter 476: Zerg? Alien?

2017. December 24.

A scientific seminar is held in New York, USA. This is a world-class scientific seminar sponsored by the Great God.

Governments from all over the world are eager to register, and all the top scientists from all countries attended the meeting.

new York. Cornell University (Alma Mater, former President Obama).

The huge playground was full.

When Ike stepped onto the rostrum, all the scientists in the audience got up, and leaders from all countries who came to the Quartet to watch were also up.

"Good little teacher!"

Top scientists from all nations bowed together.

"Hello everyone, please sit down!"

Ike responded, and then sat down.

"Ladies and gentlemen, because the situation is urgent, let's go straight to the topic! Within 10 years, we must enter the Milky Way or find a new living planet!"

The sound fell, and the audience burst into an instant.

After being broadcast by the media, the people of all countries were instantly stunned.

ten years? In just ten years, will we immigrate to interstellar?

God, has been talking about conquering the interstellar and marching into the galaxy, but did not expect this day would come so fast?

Only 10 years!

What happened?

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry for one thing: our planet, our solar system is about to be occupied by the tree of life! Because it has swallowed too many corpses, it has extracted a lot of geothermal energy. The earth will stop spinning and die in 10 years. "

When the words came out, the world was quiet.

On the one hand, it is the dream of national evolution, and on the other, it is driven out of the birthplace of human beings.

The former represents the future; the latter represents history.

Should we forget history and choose the future? Or give up the future and choose history?

At this moment, all human beings are thinking.

At this moment, everyone is choosing.

After a while, a scientist from Russia stood up and shouted, "Little teacher, we humans can come to this day because of your selfless dedication. Now that the tree of life needs earth, let us give it We are willing to follow in the footsteps of the little teacher and enter the galaxy! "

"Yes! We believe in little teacher!"

"All of our scientists believe in little teacher!"

"So are we Koreans!" ...

The audience was boiling!

A famous scientist stood up and expressed his willingness to believe Ike.

Outside, people from all countries cheered.

What earth has only a 10-year life span, they will not care at all, nor will they be able to care. They only know one thing, that is--

Since the debut of the Great God, global technology has developed rapidly, and those once-enviable science fiction movies have become a reality.

In the past, when everyone mentioned the universe and the interstellar, there was both hope and fear in their hearts.

What I look forward to is that the infinite universe contains unlimited resources and wealth.

The fear is: how can the earth people be so small and small, how can they survive in the dark universe. What if you meet those evil aliens?

And now?

When it comes to the universe and the interstellar, both scientists and ordinary people are confident.


Earthlings have a powerful galactic fleet, which includes:

A city of sky, 188 large pumpkin battleships, 800 large pumpkin destroyers, and up to 30 million large winter melon second-generation mechas.

The military technology includes:

Stellar cyber warfare program (big watermelon technology); anti-matter space cannon (pumpkin cannon); biological consciousness control technology (big winter melon infinite explosive) ...

In this regard, the confidence of governments and peoples of various countries has exploded.

The Galaxy fleet has the power to destroy everything!

Are we afraid of meeting aliens? !!

Oh, I just want to meet them!

"Support the little teacher to lead us into the galaxy!"

"Support the great **** to lead us into the galaxy!"

"The galaxy is ours!"

"We are pests, we are pests ..."

At this moment, the scene sang a joyous song; at this moment, human beings all over the world cheered.

The long-anticipated interstellar era is about to truly arrive!


On the edge of the solar system, when the earth ’s humans rejoice.

An inexplicable communication wave suddenly appeared in the Oort Nebula, and the quirky cosmic communication wave passed between the nebulae.

Immediately, a dead planet received the communication.

Death star is shaking!

A huge meteorite suddenly broke away from the fetters of the planet and flew towards the solar system at high speed.

The solar system. Near Pluto.

A squadron of the Galaxy Fleet's China Squadron is carrying out daily patrol missions.


A large red dot flashed on the large screen in the battleship command hall, and then a huge alarm sounded throughout the battleship.

"Report Captain: A meteorite was found!"

The captain hurried: "Calculate its composition, speed, and direction at once!"


After a short while, the result is out.

"Report: Meteorites are 10 kilometers long and wide. The main body is ordinary rocks. The speed is kilometers per second. Oh, no, 2000 meters per second. Soaring, the direction is ... "


Everyone was shocked.

"Launch the pumpkin cannon immediately to kill it. Don't let it fall to earth!"

"Yes, Captain!"

The battleship main gun began to recharge rapidly.

10, 9, 8 ... 3, 2, 1!




As if there was a silent loud noise shaking the starry sky. At this moment, the starry sky was shaken.

Ahead, the mysterious meteorite that was advancing at a sudden halt.

That's the power of powerful space that's imprisoning it.

After 0.001 milliseconds, tiny particles fell on its surface.

Horrible positive and negative material annihilation occurs instantaneously, and huge energy bursts out.


The entire meteorite collapsed into nothingness.

Detecting this scene, the crew of the pumpkin battleship laughed.

They have dealt with many similar situations. As long as a larger meteorite breaks into the solar system, they will kill it as soon as possible, lest these meteorite hit a certain planet of the solar system.

You know, everything in the solar system is terrestrial.

No one is allowed to mess around!

"Archive what you just said and return to the moon base!"

"Yes, Captain!"

With the return order, the pumpkin battleship that completed the patrol mission instantly turned into endless particles and disappeared into the starry sky.

The starry sky fell into silence again ~ ~ Just then, suddenly!

In the place where only the material was annihilated, a "small thing" appeared strangely.

It was moving, it was creeping, it was flying towards the earth.

The speed is getting faster and faster, 100 meters per second, kilometers per second, 3000 meters per second ...

God, it turned out to be a living thing?


(Sorry dads, I feel so uncomfortable in the past two days and delayed the update. Yuewu apologized to dads.)

(Thank you for your kind encouragement. The moon dance will continue to work hard, not for those who spray me, but for all readers who like this book.)

(Please help us to cast your monthly ticket, "Super Black Technology" is willing to work with everyone!)

(From tomorrow, the book will be updated as much as possible during the day!)

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