Super Black Technology

Chapter 487: Long live the Protoss Empire

(Sorry, the chapter number in the previous chapter was wrong. It should be chapter 486!)

The sound falls, and a light shield magically appears, cutting the space-time in an instant, separating Ike into a different dimension.

No realistic attack can hurt the people in the dimensional shield.

Seeing this scene, the members of the law enforcement team were shocked and all stopped.

The captain of the law enforcement team widened his eyes, and his heart was shocked: "This ... this is the dimension shield ?!"

Dimensional Shield: The top talent technology of the Protoss is one of the most powerful individual defenses in the seventh universe.

You can see his existence, but never touch him.

"Who the **** are you? Why do you have the dimension shield of the Protoss?" The captain of the law enforcement team yelled.

"My name is Ike!" Ike smiled.

Hearing the name again, the captain of the law enforcement team frowned.

At this time, a member exclaimed, "Captain, I remember! Isn't Ike the Star Wars master who fought with the Yas Star Fleet a few months ago in the Empire's Southeast Stars? It is said that his aircraft A was given to him by the Governor of Phantasy Star! "

When the words came out, everyone was shocked.

This person is actually associated with the governor-level figures of the empire, and has also fought against the regular fleet?

At this moment, the captain of the law enforcement team felt the seriousness of the situation. He urgently ordered: "Connect Central Intelligence immediately and check his identity!"

"Yes, Captain!"

The light brain on a law enforcement officer's wrist flickered. After a while, the central brain of the Sith Empire was successfully connected.

"Query this person's identity!"

The law enforcement officer pointed the light brain on his wrist at Ike.


"Warning: You do not have sufficient permissions to query you!"

The electronic sound sounded coldly, ringing in everyone's ears.

At this moment, the law enforcement officer was shocked, and the captain of the law enforcement team was surprised.

What is the situation? We are law enforcement officers of the arbitral tribunal. We are under the direct jurisdiction of the Imperial Parliament and have the supreme right to investigate, arrest, and judge any citizen of the Empire.

But now why is this "Ike" checked, but the Central Intelligence Brain says that we have insufficient authority?

God, who is he?

The captain of the law enforcement team was anxious: "Let me come!"

The sound fell off, and the captain of the law enforcement immediately opened his personal light brain and connected the central intellectual brain of the empire.

In the eyes expected by law enforcement officers, in the curious eyes of Sufi and others, the same voice resounded throughout the audience.

"Warning: You do not have sufficient authority to query you! Please raise your authority to the rank of Governor of the Empire!"

Speechless, the law enforcement captain is completely speechless!

Nima, Lao Tzu is not only the law enforcement captain of the Imperial Tribunal, but also a level 10 Jedi. The results of it?

Central Intelligence says that I have insufficient authority? I also want to raise my authority to the rank of governor of the empire.

Sophie looked at Ike, a pair of beautiful eyes flashing, eyes full of different colors.

My lord, where are you from? Why is your information so secret?

Feeling the admiration of her sister, Ike smiled and said nothing.

Pretend to be silently installed!


"Report to the Imperial Parliament!"

"Yes, Captain!"

With the quantum communication sent to the Imperial Parliament, a bright light door appeared in the restaurant. An old man in a white robe stepped out of the light gate.

One of the seven members of the Sith Empire Parliament, the twelfth-level Star Wars master, the twelfth-level Jedi master, and the eternal existence of the human race-"Edmond" MP.

Seeing him, all members of the law enforcement team bowed collectively: "I've seen adults!"

The old man nodded slightly, then looked at the two men who fell to the ground by the wall.

"No, no! My lord, we were wrong, please go around us! I am a first class nobleman of the Empire!"

"My lord, I am a samurai of the Jedi Knights! Please be kind, please be kind ..."

In bursts of begging, invisible waves radiated from the old man's body. The next moment, the wave passed through the two of them, their bodies melted like ice, and they disappeared in an instant.

Seeing this, Sophie and others took a breath of air.

too terrifying!

In the horrified eyes of Sophie and others, invisible waves rose into the sky and shot high.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" ...

At high altitude, the mech group exploded for no reason. In just three seconds, 300 million mechs were completely destroyed.

After doing all this, the old man turned back and looked at Ike.

Sophie was shocked: "Sir, please don't hurt ..."

With the attention of the old man, but listening to the "click" lightly, the dimension shield in front of Aike was broken like a mirror and turned into nothingness.

Ike breaks away from the different dimensions and returns to the real world.

"Ike, right?"

A majestic voice came out of the old man's mouth.

On hearing that, Ike nodded.

"Are you Protoss?"

Ike didn't blush and replied on the spot: "Yes!"

"Who gave you the courage to use the Star Wars mech in our capital ?!"

The old man asked coldly, geologically, the murderous intentions began to converge in his eyes, about to ...

At this moment, an endless, righteous voice rang out all over the place: "It was the law of the Protoss Empire that authorized me to do so; it was the honor of the Protoss that drove me to do so!"

"No matter where I go, the army of the Protoss Empire is my strongest backing!"

At this moment, a sad and generous expression climbed onto Aike's face. Aike suddenly raised his right hand and shouted, "Long live the Protoss!"

Old man: "..."

Law enforcement team: "..."

Sophie and the crew: "..."

They all widened their eyes, staring at the teaser with stuns.

Nakama Nima, who taught you to shout slogans?

When did the Prodigy come out like this, you would buckle your hat and slogan? Do you know that this kind of words cannot be said casually. One is not good, and it will cause diplomatic disputes between the two empires?

At this moment, Edmond, who has been promoted to immortal life, was almost vomited by this teasing.

Promise law allows you to do this? The honor of the Protoss drives you to do this? The army of the Protoss Empire or your most solid backing? To your sister, you will die if you don't brag?

"Who the **** are you?" Congressman Edmond resisted the anger in his heart and questioned Ike.

Aike Mengmeng smiled and said, "You won't know if you check the Central Intelligence Brain!"

Sounds down, the captain of the law enforcement team quickly took a step forward and whispered to Mr Edmond what had just happened.

Hearing that Edmund was extremely surprised.

To know that the central intellectual brain of the Sith Empire is connected to the shining crystal tower of the Protoss Empire and the "sky" of the desert empire, you can query the information of all creatures in the seventh universe.

He is a member of the law enforcement team under the Imperial Parliament, but he has no right to query this person's information? What is the special case?

Could it be ...

At this moment, the anger in Edmond's heart gradually dissipated.

He raised his hand, and a light curtain appeared instantly.

"Check for 'Ike' information!"

The voice of the Central Intelligence Brain sounded instantly: "Yes, Honorable Edmond!"

Sound falls, a top-secret message is presented on the light curtain:

"Ike: Protoss of the Protoss Empire! Age is top secret; experience top secret; for details, please consult the Seventh Chamber in Five Dimensions of Time and Space!"

what? !!

At this moment ~ ~ Mr Edmund's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide.

At this moment, the members of the law enforcement team almost fell to the ground with their chins.

At this moment, Sophie almost fainted.

The endless joy was like the tide, hitting her heart over and over again.

Oh my god, the one you like is actually the prince of the Protoss?

God, is this the reality version of "Prince and Cinderella" in the interstellar fairy tale?

Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, dying, dying, I feel like I can't breathe.

Ooo, ooo ... (to be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to start () vote, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read. )

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