Super Black Technology

Chapter 490: Noah's Ark

The last chapter was eaten in harmony, now rewritten. The mechanical update has the fastest headache. It has been sealed and the plot is not easy to adjust. )

At this moment, the shock in everyone's hearts was beyond words.


The other party is actually the first lady of China!

Oh my god, when the war in Hangzhou was about to start, the central government even asked the first lady to come to the hospital for inspection.

How important is this?

You know, the arrival of his wife represents the distinguished President of China.

At this moment, officers' perceptions of their missions have all deepened.

Their mission is more important than the Hangzhou battlefield, more important than the interstellar war!

"Everyone has worked hard. On behalf of the Chairman, thank you on behalf of the Central Committee!"

The first lady smiled and thanked the moxibustion officers.

It was said that everyone was extremely excited.

"We don't work hard for the people!"

"Ma'am, please here!"

The first lady nodded, surrounded by officers, and walked into the heavily guarded military hospital.

Subsequently, the military hospital was closed again

The following is the harmonious content of the previous chapter: The first lady arranged Chen Jiangshuishen to enter the hospital to protect Chu Yuner. Because Chu Yuner reminded Mingmei's sister) 12 weeks pregnant, she is a daughter. Subsequently, the first lady talked with Chu Yuner. When she learned that Chu Yuner had not named her child, the first lady expressed her willingness to help the unborn child name. )

Chu Yuner overjoyed and thanked his wife excitedly:

"Thank you, ma'am, thank you!"

The lady smiled and waved again, patted Chu Yuner's hand affectionately, and then looked to the west.

That direction is America.

That country has a peerless genius.

Ike, you have a daughter who is about to be born!

Do you admit it? Still, don't admit it?

No one outside knows what happened at the hospital.

At this time, New York, USA. St. John's Cathedral.

Alice sat silently in the church, her expression depressed.

Today was supposed to be the day of the wedding of my brother and watermelon. The Zerg invaded the earth and the wedding had to be postponed.

As for when it will be postponed, it is estimated that at least those **** swarms should be driven out of the earth.

"Alice show, don't worry, our Galaxy fleet will win!"

Next, Mrs. Smith, who was responsible for Alice's security, was relieved.

To be honest, she didn't know.

This is the biggest battle before humans enter the interstellar era.

If you win, then humans rise; if you lose, all 7 billion people on the planet will become food and eaten by swarms.

"Now I can only hope that Xiao Aike can think of a solution and completely solve the insect swarm in Hangzhou!"

Mrs. Smith prayed secretly in her heart.

At this moment, Mrs. Smith, who does not have much authority, does not know.

The current situation is no longer a problem of the swarm of Hangzhou, but a force of 5 billion flying dragons!

A tiny black spot appears between the constellations of Leo, 30 million light years away from Earth.

The black dots expanded rapidly, and endless star energy was transmitted from the eighth universe. After a while, the black dot had swelled to the size of a planet.

It is called the wormhole, and it is the main means for the Zerg to travel across the universe and galaxies.

With the formation of the wormhole, the 10,000-headed Zerg Lord flew out of the wormhole.

It was like a giant worm sac, with thousands of dragons spewing from its belly.

In less than a minute, this interstellar has hundreds of millions of flying dragon troops.

After doing all this, the lords entered the wormhole again and continued to carry Zerg soldiers from the dragon base in the eighth universe.

After a total of 50 times, 5 billion flying dragons took shape.

This dark and icy starry sky welcomes the most terrifying war race in the universe.

Ten flying dragon kings roared in unison, and the biological waves spread throughout the starry sky. The next moment, 5 billion dragons moved, and they flew towards the solar system at high speed.

How far is Leo from the solar system in total?

30 million light years!

In other words, it takes 30 million years for a light from Leo to reach the solar system.

According to the information of the light ball Clos: It only takes three months for the 5 billion flying dragon army to reach the solar system.

Yes, it is 3 months, not 3000 years.

What a terrible speed it is!

What a terrible biotechnological means!

It has completely exceeded the speed limit of light in the three-dimensional world, just like a starship flies in subspace.

Based on this, it can be said that the technology level of the Zerg has almost completely crushed the indigenous people of the earth.

The end of the earth is coming!

The solar system. Moon Governor's Mansion.

In the ceremonies of the generals of various countries, Hughes finally completed the Governor's oath ceremony. From now on, Hughes is the first governor of the moon.

"Gentlemen, generals, I am honored to be the first governor of the moon. Now, as commander of the moon, I order"

"From today, the moon enters military control. All commercial activities are suspended."

"As of today, all mineral resources produced by the Moon must be supplied to the Galaxy Fleet without reservation!"

"The moon is the last barrier for us humans. No matter the success or failure of the galactic fleet, the moon must not be lost."

"Also, gentlemen, I need nuclear bombs, hydrogen bombs, please call your government and contribute all the nuclear bombs. I will use the nuclear bomb silos to fill the entire moon!"

After hearing this, the generals nodded collectively and agreed with the proposal.

As soon as Ike's pumpkin technology was born, the “mushrooms” in all countries were no longer useful. Now, their best destination is to be transported to the moon to protect the Zerg Flying Dragon army that is about to invade.

After all, throwing mushrooms on the moon is better than throwing them on the earth!

Who is he willing to throw mushrooms in his own house!

"America agrees!"

"Russia agrees!"

"EU agrees!"

"The Chinese government agrees that we will ship all domestic nuclear bombs to the moon within half a month."

"Yueben is willing to send military engineers to the moon to build a nuclear bomb silo. In any case, the moon must not be lost, or our planet will be completely finished."

"Yes! Although our Australian government does not have a nuclear bomb, it is also willing to send its own engineering staff to help everyone build the silo. If there are flying dragons breaking through the galactic fleet's defense line, we will let those **** bugs eat mushrooms!"

Admiral representatives from various countries were furious and expressed their willingness to contribute their own strength to the defense deployment of the Moon.

However, despite this, everyone was not half-hearted at this time.

The inter-ethnic war is a cruel and extremely tragic star war.

If you ca n’t even fight with your opponents, everything is useless.

"Hey, I hope the Galaxy fleet can fight for it!"

The generals of the nations silently blessed in their hearts. UU reading books www.uukanshu. com

At this point, the edge of the solar system is on Pluto, the furthest from Earth.

The USFleet of the Galaxy Fleet has arrived here.

An engineering mech unit flew out of the transport ship and began to build pumpkin cannons and antimatter cannons).

Similarly, on Venus, Jupiter, Mars and other planets, engineering mechs of other sub-fleets are also building defensive guns.

They race against time, hoping to build a solar defense system when the Zerg dragon reaches the solar system.

Swap space for space and win more warships for the earth's industrial production.

This is the plan given by the General Staff of the Pumpkin Alliance.

Drag on, try your best, and fight for a year, two, or even three years

By that time, combining the industrial capabilities of all the countries on the planet, and non-stop production, it can definitely create 5 million pumpkin battleships, hundreds of millions of melon mechs, and train 30 million warship personnel. And more mech operators.

If all this fails, the human race on earth will be completely hopeless.

Earth. Everest, China and Nepal border.

一批 A group of engineering soldiers belonging to the Chinese Logistics Armed Forces has arrived here.

Under the orders of the Pumpkin Alliance Asian Military Area and the Chinese Central Military Commission, they will build an extremely large space transport ship here.

The name of this transport ship is still biblical, called Noah's Ark.

If the galactic fleet is defeated and the moon is defeated, then it is the last kind of fire of humankind.

At that time, countries will select a group of Terran elites, send them to Noah's Ark, and then

Run away!

If they can rise in the future, think of ways to avenge the Earth!

If not


A sorrowful sigh, ringing in governments

[Remember the website three five Chinese website]

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