Super Black Technology

Chapter 492: Want to go? Not so easy

After receiving a report from Morton, President Trump categorically yelled:

"No, absolutely not!"

All senior officials in the president's office nodded in unison, approving Mr. President's decision.

Anyone can go to China, except small national treasures.

This is not a political issue, but a matter of personal safety. The swarm is now in Hangzhou, who knows what will happen.

"Mr. President, the White House must not allow the little prodigy to go to China! If the little prodigy insists on going, I propose to make this news available to the public and let the American people choose!

Along with the White House's actions, the news that Ike wanted to go to China was instantly sent to the United States.

There was an uproar throughout the country.

The major US powerhouses have called the White House and urged the White House and the federal military to organize Ike's idea.

Then came the American middle class, and many elites contacted the media to ask for their opinions on television.

On television, everyone loudly called for the little prodigy not to go to China or Hangzhou.

new York. Roosevelt family mansion.

Ike has changed into a casual dress and is planning to follow the Chinese Foreign Minister to Hangzhou.

The fact that flying mosquitoes are exploding is too serious. If you don't go there, the consequences will be unexpected.

Maybe you should talk to that abominable alien commander.

"Little prodigy, you can't go! Everyone at the top and bottom of the White House has sent me a message, you can't go to Hangzhou!"

Morton wailed, and kept admonishing.

Unfortunately, Ike was determined.

Morton was helpless and could only watch the little prodigy walk out the door.

God, come and stop him personally!



After a crisp sound, the door of the mansion was opened.

At this instant, Ike was stunned.

Because the door was full of people.

Mr. Hughes's father, mother, siblings, and young third-generation children are even more surprised by Ike. There are also several children aged 3 or 4 who are also in the crowd.

They are the youngest four generations of the Roosevelt family.

"Brother Aike, don't you go?" A little baby said milkily.

Who taught him to think so?

"Little Ike!"

An old man nodded to Ike, and then said, "It is your gift that our Roosevelt family can have today. We can't just watch benefactors take risks. There is an old saying in China: gentlemen do not stand under a wall ! "

"Yes, Mr. Ike!" A middle-aged man also said, "Please see that in your personal relationship with my cousin (Hughes), give up your plan to go to China!"

"Yes, Mr. Ike, it's too dangerous there!"

"Brother watermelon, don't you go?" ...

The entire Roosevelt family has come, from top to bottom, from old to young, everyone is persuading Ike, and everyone is looking at Ike with a pleading look:

Great God, please stay!

Feeling the eyes of everyone, Ike shook his head slightly, then bowed deeply to them.

"Thanks for the care of the Roosevelt family, but I must go to Hangzhou, China! Really, must!"

In the presence of a child, Ike did not explain the terribleness of the swarm, nor did he explain the reasons why it was necessary to go.

However, from the voice of the Great God, the adults still heard each other's decision.

Not much to say, but the heart is determined!

No one can stop it!

The old man had no choice but to bless this little guy: "Little Ike, may God bless you!"

"Thank you, Patriarch!"

Everyone was reluctant to give way.

Ike bowed to everyone again, then went out.

Morton and the Chinese Foreign Minister keep up with ...

At this moment, in the heart of the Chinese Foreign Minister, it was both happy and worried.

I am glad that the greatest genius of mankind is going to Hangzhou to help solve the problem of swarms. I am worried that if something goes wrong in the middle that causes this genius to be injured or even die, it is not a national blessing!


At this point, the FBI's bulletproof car had been driven out of the garage at the gate of the mansion.

The three got on quickly. The vehicle started instantly and drove towards the outskirts of New York.

There is a space portal that can reach China in just 10 seconds.

What surprised Ike, however, was ...

Just then, the vehicle stopped suddenly.

what's the situation? !!

Molton quickly asked the members of the security car in front of him with an agent headset.

"What? What did you say?"

Morton was shocked and quickly opened the door and went down.


Agent Morton, who had always been silent, exclaimed rarely.

Hearing this voice, Ike opened the door of the car in doubt and went down.

At this moment, Ike was equally shocked.


Ahead. On the road.

Thousands of people are sitting on the ground. Among them are white people and black people; old people and children; men and women.

At this moment, no one spoke.

The atmosphere of silence extends from here to the end, until the end of sight ...

The urgently produced banners were held up by the people:

"Big God, don't go!"

"Big God, don't go to China. The United States needs you, we need you!"

"Big God, don't go, please!"

At this moment, Ike was stinging again, really stinging.

Is this ... a sit-in demonstration?

Obviously, Ike was right!

At this moment, in front of the meditation crowd, a middle-aged white man stood up, bowed respectfully to Aike under the protection of the FBI, and then said, "Little prodigy, I am not a high-class person. I am like them, both Is an ordinary American! "

"Today, our purpose of sitting here is to ask you not to leave. Without you, the United States has no future; without you, there will be no security for the Federation ..."

"Little prodigy, please don't go! Please!"

The sound fell, and the man bent his waist heavily. Thousands of people rose in an instant and then bent their waists similarly.

"I beg you!"

"I beg you!"

"I beg you!"

Dao begged the sound to shake the earth, and to shake the Quartet.

The next instant, all the petitions came together in one sentence:

"Little prodigy, if you are determined to leave, please walk on the bodies of all of us!"

As soon as this word came out, Ike was shocked; the Chinese Foreign Minister was shocked; all FBI members were shocked!

Oh my god, the FBI headquarters didn't arrange this kind of thing in advance. We just disclosed the news that the little prodigy would leave the United States to the surrounding people in accordance with the White House order.

But now, now ...

God, is this what people ’s livelihood wants? Is this the hope of sentient beings?

At this moment, the Chinese Foreign Minister behind Che Long was silent.

Can Ike go now? Can he still go to China?

It shouldn't be possible!

As these Americans have said: If the little prodigy insists on leaving ~ ~, then leave on everyone's body!

How many people are there?

The Chinese Foreign Minister looked out with the naked eye: about 7000.


How many people are on the other roads hidden by tall buildings in the distance that you can't see?

I do n’t know, I really do n’t know!

"Maybe, that's the number of residents in New York!" Thought the Chinese Foreign Minister.

Unfortunately, he was wrong.

This time, it ’s not just New York, it ’s just the United States, but the entire Western world ...

(Trailer preview: Dawn of the Earth-a gift from the Prophet!)

(Ike: Shiver, universe scum bugs, I'm going to start a big move again!)

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