Super Black Technology

Chapter 494: Fight now! Earthling

A light appeared on Ike, a light invisible to the naked eye.

Only biological consciousness can see!

Immediately, in the invisible sight of the FBI, in Aike's overjoyed attention, a bright particle flew out of Aike's body and magically suspended in the living room.

At this moment, on the psionic mother star in the seventh universe, a holy and glorious old man received a message from a different universe.

"Her Majesty is not mistaken, you are indeed the ninth universe!"

"Well, this gift will be given to you! Hope that within 100,000 years, you will not disappoint our Protoss, otherwise the army of the Seventh Chamber will break through your galaxy."

With the approval of the prophet, the particles opened their authority instantly.

At this moment, an endless amount of information accompanied the light and shot into Ike's mind.

At this moment, a huge metal electronic sound suddenly sang, resounding on the high-dimensional plane of earth's time and space.

"Enable Scientific Research Recorder!"

"Starting ... starting is complete!"

"Pay 100,000 energy and start recording scientific information!"

"In the record ... 10% ... 20% ... 30% ..."

Ike's fingers were trembling slightly, his eyes seemed to flicker.

That is the light of wisdom!

In the surprised eyes of the FBI agents, Ike suddenly stood up a few minutes later and said loudly, "Call the White House. I need 200 top biologists, 100 top geneticists, 100 top medical scientists, 10 supercomputers! "

As the words came out, the FBIs were shocked.

The next moment, endless ecstasy rushed to everyone's heart.

Is there a new invention for our little national treasure? God, what super weapon will this time be?

"Yes, Mr. Ike!"

Morton raised his hand for a moment and shouted.

"Observe, sir!"

"Observe, sir!"

"Observe, sir!" ...

The FBI promised, and everyone was excited and excited to the limit.

Our planet is saved!

The huge movement in the living room was instantly transmitted outside.

The Chinese Foreign Minister shouted out loud: "China has the right to participate, we have biologists, we have" Tianhe II "supercomputer!"


"Ting Bell!" "Ting Bell!" ...

The telephone in the White House president's office rang.

This is a top-level telephone line, and any call to the White House must make way for it.

Immediately after, the assistant to the president answered the phone.

"What? What? You say it again! OH, MYGOD! God bless America, God bless Ike!"

The assistant immediately put down the phone and went out to look for President Trump.

Military conference room.

But listening to the loud noise of "嘭", the assistant assistant ran into the door and shouted, "Gentlemen, there is a new invention for our little national treasure! He wants a biologist and a supercomputer!"

"What?" "What?" "OH, MYGOD!" ...

All the military and political officers stood up together, extremely excited, extremely excited.

"Come on, get him hired! Now, now!"


Half an hour later, the top biologists and geneticists in Area 51 quietly disappeared.

An hour later, top geneticists at major universities in the United States were "invited" by mysterious people and left the school by helicopter.

Two hours later, in the top 10 medical schools in the United States, all the top medical experts disappeared collectively ...

Such a big US movement has attracted the attention of intelligence agencies in various countries.

When all the intelligence came together, countries were shocked and the world was shocked.

The cucumber **** has a new invention!

He needs a biologist, a geneticist, a medical scientist, and a supercomputer!

God, what super technology is this time? What earth-shattering new weapon is this time?

Please share, ask God to share!

EU countries urgently called the White House and asked for someone to participate.

The Russian President called Trump as soon as possible; the Prime Minister of Japan left Japan urgently and transmitted to the United States through the portal of space; the Chinese Premier left BJ as soon as possible to visit the United States on behalf of the President ...

"Brother America, I am your loyal little brother in Africa-Israel, please bring us!"

"Brother America, I am your younger brother in Asia-South Korea, we also have biologists, please let us participate!"

"President Trump, I am your neighbor Canada. I heard that a new child prodigy has a new invention? Great. We in Canada are also willing to contribute to world peace." ...

For a while, the whole world was turbulent.

The special cars of the heads of state have almost blocked the traffic arteries outside the space portal. Even the Moon Governor Hughes, who was more than 300,000 kilometers away from the earth, put down his military affairs and called back to the earth as soon as possible.

All of them mean the same thing:

Ask for belt, for participation!

Money for money, people for people, computers for computers!


Outside Roosevelt Mansion.

The crowd gathered on the road again cheered.

The great **** is going to invent new technology again, and our planet is saved.

"Big God, please let us invest!"

"Big God, I'm willing to donate $ 10,000, please bring me!"

"Big God, our family is willing to donate all the savings, please share your shares!"

"Big God, last time Cucumber Technology didn't have our share, please don't forget us this time!" ...

Today, the world is crazy again.

That is tens of thousands of times of huge profits. Even if the worm eats me tomorrow, I have to find a way to buy shares in new technology today.

"Fight it, I'll fight it!"

"Go, let's go to Roosevelt Hill!"

"Begging for shares, for investment, for sharing!"

"Come and come and sing with me: we are pests, we are pests, we are pests ..."

Accompanying the singing and singing, the people of the demonstration began to march towards Roosevelt.

Watching this, members of the Roosevelt family panicked.

"Stop, stop! This is a private land, you can't go any further in here! Is it still going, go and shoot again!"

"We are pests, we are pests ..."

The people were crazy, they ignored the threat and continued to march up the mountain.


A huge gunshot rang through the sky, and it was the Roosevelt family's private militants firing at the sky.

However, as soon as the gunfire fell, it was drowned in the pest song ...

Thousands of people were singing, and the voice spread from here to thousands of miles ...

Alas, the members of the Roosevelt family were completely aggressive.

Nima, who did we recruit today? As for you?

Um, by the way, what exactly is this new invention of the Great God?

Please share, please share, we Roosevelt family also need it!

Because Hughes was not there, the old patriarch stepped forward and first arranged for the family women and children to hide, and then all the adults gathered outside the living room.

"Little Ike, the Roosevelt family is your friend, please let us participate!"

"Little prodigy, Mr. Hughes just called, he asked you to look at the past friendship, don't forget our Roosevelt family!"

"Little Ike, do you remember our two sisters? We used to take you over the watermelon on the lawn!" ...

In the living room.

When I heard the voice from the outside, Ike was stunned.

what's the situation?

Is this not the time of the Earth War? Why do you still care about shares? God, have you forgotten those scary swarms?

"We haven't forgotten!"

Agent Morton took a step forward and said loudly: "As long as you are at ~ ~ we are not afraid of any bugs. We always believe that: any bugs are ants in front of you!"

The sound fell, all the FBIs in the living room shouted:

"Yes, the head is right!"

"In front of the Great God, all enemies are ants!"

"Long live the Great God, long live the United States!"

At this moment, Ike laughed.

Indeed, in front of me, the Hangzhou Swarm will be extinct. Even the upcoming 5 billion flying dragon army is a cloud. because……

Lao Tzu is about to have a 10 billion private army!

After this battle, my name will surely reverberate throughout the galaxy!

Um, by the way, what new name should I think of myself? Well, think about it, think about it ...

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