Super Black Technology

Chapter 506: End with the earth


After a month of brutal battle, the entire city's biological resources were consumed.

In the city, let alone trees, there is no grass.

All useless animals and plants are swallowed up by the swarm and used to hatch larvae and bug soldiers.

When the last grass was swallowed by the fungus blanket, the Hangzhou Swarm completely lost its follow-up source.

The Scourge Corps and the Squadron gradually advanced.

Xiacheng District, Hangzhou, Xiaoshan District, Xihu District ...

Victory begins to count down.


What confuses China is that the central area of ​​Hangzhou, Shangcheng District, is still silent, and those terrible humanoid biological weapons have never appeared.

Under the surveillance of a space satellite, humanoid soldiers have been standing around the maggot, and have never left.

Are they protecting worms?

But the swarms are about to be defeated. What else do they defend the worms? Is it possible that swarms and new arms are about to hatch?

China. Ministry of Defense.

The 6 Army Chief of Staff boldly put forward this speculation.

As soon as this word came out, the audience was shocked.

A biological researcher who belonged to the military immediately got up and refuted loudly: "Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! From the photos taken by satellites, all animals and plants in Hangzhou, whether insects, plants or fish in the water The classes have all been consumed. It is impossible for them to have biological resources to hatch new troops! "

"The chief of staff, no matter how the biotechnology of the swarm arrives, it always needs to follow the conservation of energy in the universe. It will never create a new army out of nothing!"

Many generals nodded at the words of the biological researcher.

Yes, this is the real world, not a novel.

No matter how much interstellar civilization is reached, nothing can happen.

But if swarms aren't hatching new arms, what are they doing? From the satellite photos, the humanoid soldiers are indeed guarding the maggots.

What's the point of doing so?

Six districts have now been reclaimed in the eighth district of Hangzhou. It is expected that the seventh district will also be recovered tomorrow morning.

By then, there will be no more soldiers to send, except for the 10 million people-type biological weapons in Shangcheng. How did they withstand the joint attack of our team and the Scourge.

This is not normal!

If you are the commander of the swarm, you will not sit and watch the surrounding swarm die ...

At this moment, the audience was silent.

Everyone was racking their brains, thinking hard about the true purpose of the enemy.

In the midst, many people felt a bad feeling in their hearts. It seems that there is an immense killing power that is gradually approaching.


United States. Pentagon.

The Secretary of Defense is also eagerly discussing countermeasures with a group of federal generals.

The situation in the central area of ​​Hangzhou is really weird and weird.

The huge worms have been squirming since last week, but no new recruits have been created.

What are they doing?

Do they still have some kind of mysterious comeback?

Just then, the commander of the Pacific Navy commander stood up and loudly:

"Mr. Minister, would you suggest to the Chinese side: Use anti-material cannons to directly destroy that area?"

This proposal has been echoed by many military personnel.

As soldiers, their thinking style is based on the victory of the war.

Unfortunately, the Secretary of Defense shook his head vigorously when he heard the proposal.

"No! Mr. President has made a diplomatic call with bei Jing. The Chinese government has vetoed such a similar proposal, and they have not given up the Hangzhou residents who have become biological weapons."

The words of the Secretary of Defense did not surprise the generals.

"But Mr. Minister, the situation is too disturbing. There is always a feeling in my mind that there seems to be something bad going on!"

"Yes, Mr. Minister, the behavior of the Swarm is really abnormal. They are more advanced civilizations than our human beings on earth. How could such a clearly wrong tactical behavior be made?

Sitting on the battlefield and watching the outer forces die, this is by no means a commander's approach. unless……

It has some kind of bigger and more terrifying purpose.

Although the Earth Army has never experienced an interstellar war, we humans on earth are by no means a fool.

"Mr. Minister, please go and communicate with China again! Or ..."

"Go find Little Ike!"

As soon as this remark came out, the Minister of Defense gave a stun, and then his face was surprised.

Right, isn't the Scourge the little prodigy? It's more convenient to find a little prodigy!

"Okay, I'll go now!"

Having said that, the Secretary of Defense hurried out of the Ministry of Defense and ran non-stop toward the White House across the road.

He is going to go to President Trump and then talk to Mr. President to persuade the little prodigy.


"Ting Bell!" "Ting Bell!" ...

new York. Inside Roosevelt Hill, Agent Morton's cell phone rang.

Morton immediately picked up the phone ~ ~ and then forwarded the call to Aike beside him.

"It's Mr. President calling!"

Ike nodded: "Hello, Mr. President!"

"Hello little prodigy! Can your Scourge leg fire anti-matter cannons in Shangcheng District, Hangzhou?"

What? What did you say Are you crazy?

"Little prodigies, in accordance with the high-tech operations of space battleships by the Scourge, they can absolutely destroy all insects in the area!"

"Mr. President, there are still 10 million Chinese residents converted into biological weapons in that area!"

"I know, I know! But now the worms in that area have been surging, but no new recruits have hatched. According to the Ministry of Defense's guess, it may be that the alien commander of the swarm is doing some kind of updating Terrible action. What it is, we do n’t know, nor does China. But we ca n’t wait any longer, really! ”

As soon as this was said, Ike was stunned.

Uncle, the uncle has copied a 200 million army, ready to flood the Hangzhou Swarm with a quantity. Unexpectedly, they were still secretly preparing to zoom in.

Isn't this hitting me?

Okay, great, wait for Uncle.

Ike hung up the phone, and immediately called the light ball in a soul way.

"Cross, use‘ dark light particles ’to help me check the situation in the central area of ​​Hangzhou!”

What are dark particles?

It is the world-famous big watermelon technology that can monitor the entire solar system.

Upon receiving Aike's call, a huge metallic electronic sound instantly resounded through Aike's soul.

"Aboriginal people, no need to check, I know their purpose!"

"Uh ... what's the purpose?"

"The purpose is to annihilate the earth and end up with the indigenous people of the earth!"


oh mygod!


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