Super Black Technology

Chapter 508: Destroy you on behalf of the moon

Is there any stronger, more terrifying existence on earth than the Zerg?


And there is only one, it is--

Big cucumber!

In front of it, even Ike has to give up; even the light ball "Cross" from the first universe must be obedient and must pay back.



The once small tree has grown into a giant tree. Perhaps the towering giant tree cannot be used to describe it. At this time, the diameter of the tree body has reached more than 1o kilometers, which is not the diameter but the height.

As for its trunk, it even reaches into the sky to accompany the sky.

If it were not for the Hangzhou Star Wars, its style could cover almost all the news in the world, including Ike, who occupied the front page every day, and had to make way for it.

This tree is simply amazing.

It took only over a month to reach the sky. If this continues, even the sky will be broken by it.

The capital of Ecuador, over the city of Quito.

Every day, many pumpkin transporters come from all over the world, and then leave the human remains of natural or unnatural death ...

They are all food, the food that the earth's civilization supplies to the tree of life.

More than 190,000 per day, no less.

This is the iron law!

Even Earth War is no exception!

Because no one knows what the consequences of the food of this horrible tree will be. However, everyone understands that the consequences are absolutely unbearable for human beings, even the great **** Ike.

Therefore, even during the war, governments and major confederations of the world have also separated their own transport ships, which are used to transport corpses to ensure the "small tree" thrive.

In this regard, Xiaoshu is very happy.

Every day, when the sun rises, it shakes its branches and leaves, as if saying:

Ah, the sun rises, it's another day.

The baby is so happy that the baby can eat again.


By the way, I heard that there is a place in the east called China that is fighting.

Um, what's the matter with the baby?

Babies are still in their infancy and need to rest and eat more to thrive.

The little guy (Ike) who brought the baby here also said:

The world is big and the meal is the biggest.

That's very good!

Alas, there seem to be a few little dots flying in the sky. What is it?

Yeah, it's food, it's baby's breakfast.

It's great, it's great, and there's something to eat again. Hurry down and hurry up!

At a high altitude, several large pumpkin transport ships broke through, then descended to the height, opened the bottom hatch, and threw hundreds of human remains from the cabin ...

The tree of life was so excited that it shook its branches vigorously.

The next moment, the endless roots broke through the ground, wrapped around the corpse, and disappeared.

As these human corpses dragged into the ground, deep in the core of the earth, the dense roots and beards began to produce a strong suction. The endless stellar energy is sucked out, and then transmitted to the trunk of the tree of life through the roots ...

Yeah, the baby is eating!

A human corpse, surrounded by magical powers, began to melt strangely, and then merged into the trunk of the tree of life.

Above the sky, a new piece of green leaves magically appeared, blooming green streamers.

It is a treasure bred from the core of the star as a sacrifice of human corpses.

The price is huge and the cost is huge.

At this moment, if the earth has spirit, it will definitely yell at the small tree:

Sucking, sucking, paralyzing you, Lao Tzu will be sucked to death, do you still suck?

Unfortunately, the earth is spiritless.

And even if there is spirit, this scary tree born before time will not care so much. It is just like a human baby that is a few months old, crying when you are hungry, it is useless to coax anyone.

At this time, Xiaoshu was very happy and very happy.

The streamers constantly linger on its entire body, the roots and branches are moving in the wind, and the streamers are colorful and gorgeous ...


Asia. China. Central area of ​​Hangzhou.

Huge maggots are surging constantly. In the invisible depths of the ground, thousands of burrowing worms continue to devour dirt, rocks ...

They are very fast.

Within 1o minutes, the Earth's upper mantle had been pierced.

In 2o minutes, the earth's lower mantle layer was cut through and reached the core.

At this instant, the endless heat of the nucleus of the star lost the shackles of the mantle and began to spew up frantically.

What a terrifying energy is that?

That is, it can make a star weighing 6o trillion tons and stably rotate 50 million years of terror kinetic energy and thermal energy.


The earth shook violently, the ground shook, the rivers and seas roared ...

The end of humanity is here!

At this moment, the alien commander in Hangzhou Center smiled with satisfaction.

I completed my mission and cleared the war potential of earth civilization for the follow-up dragon army. Now I can die with peace of mind.

At this moment, the alien commander closed his eyes, waiting for the arrival of underground magma ...



A huge voice sounded violently, coming from the equatorial land, shaking the earth, reaching hundreds of millions of miles.


Time and space are one ton, and all the stars in the solar system strangely appear to be one thousandth of a millisecond of stillness ~ ~ 咚! "

With the third sound of the mysterious voice, the hearts of all wise life in the entire galaxy suddenly tightened.

At this moment, all beings in the universe seem to feel a throb from the soul.

In the midst of it, it seems that there is a supreme existence, about to be angry ...

The alien commander was startled.

what's the situation? What happened? What about magma? What about planetary energy? Why didn't it gush out?

Could it be ...

it? !!

This is impossible, isn't the tree of the universe absolutely neutral? Why is it helping the earth, and why is it protecting these low-level indigenous peoples?

At this moment, the alien commander panicked, completely panicked.

Unfortunately, it's too late now.


Earth. equatorial.

He has been quietly a good baby, and even the Earth War has not made him take a look at the big cucumber, which has made an unprecedented roar.

It was angry, very angry.

Oooooooooooooooooh, my baby is so good, he never caused trouble from the seventh universe to the ninth universe. You actually want to grab your baby's food (star nuclear energy) and destroy your baby's territory.

Do n’t you, the Zerg, know that this is where I grew up?

Do n’t you Zergs know that the entire solar system and the galaxy will be mine?

Even the photosphere from the first universe didn't dare to grab me, and even the little guy who brought me here promised to give me the earth in the future. How could you, the Zerg who came from afar, still rob me?

Tolerable, unbearable!

Today, the baby wants to destroy you on behalf of the moon!


With the wrath of the tree of life, an earth-shaking killing opened instantly ...

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