Super Black Technology

Chapter 511: This woman will become a great tool in the future


A sad cry came out of the little girl's mouth.

With the sound of this voice, the little girl rushed, hitting the special forces in all directions, and then suddenly waved his hands, grasping the inner wall of the cabin ...


The inner wall of the airport burst instantly, and the outside air suddenly poured in ...

"Do not!"

"Wang Xinyue, no, don't!"

During the hurricane, the little girl remained motionless and looked away. Blood-red eyes were blank.

"Mom, where are you?"

"Wang Xinyue, come back soon, come back soon!"

"Wang Xinyue, no ..."

The little girl jumped forward and jumped straight from the sky.

Seeing this scene, all the people clinging to the fixture were shocked.

This is 1ooo meters above the ground!

Several F-2o fighters immediately turned around and dived towards the ground.

They don't know how to deal with this situation, they just have to keep up.

The special military military headset called out:

"Front cabin, front cabin, report to the front command: Wang Xinyue ran away! She jumped straight from the transport plane!"


Hangzhou suburbs. Frontline Command.

"What? What did you say? You say it again? Fuck Nima, you wait for the military court!"

Upon receiving the news, Commander Liu directly sweared angrily.

problem occurs!

Something big!

"Come! Position the transport plane coordinates and display it on the combat screen!"


In the center of the lobby, a huge electronic screen instantly displays a high-precision military map of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Map, several red dots are flashing red light.

It is a transport plane and a fighter 2o!

"Where is that position?"

"Reporting Commander: It is 75 kilometers northwest of Qinshan! There are no towns below, but ... Oh my god, there seems to be a hospital below, which is the military hospital under our 6 military headquarters!"


Commander Liu was shocked. If "it" was rushed into the hospital, the consequences would be unimaginable!

"Which hospital is that?"

"Inquiring ... found! Code T-333 Military Hospital!"


This code seems familiar, I seem to have heard it somewhere. Commander Liu recalled urgently.


Endless fear poured into the heart of Commander Liu, and he remembered:

Isn't the T-333 military hospital the same hospital that the Minister of National Security said to himself last time? In the ninth bureau of their department, a very special and important patient was in that hospital.

Before coming to Hangzhou, the Minister of National Security had called himself specifically and asked frontline troops to help take care of T-333 Hospital. If there is a bad situation in the Hangzhou battlefield, he will have to draw a pumpkin battleship to transfer the patient in the hospital.

"Her name is Cui Mingmei, a national hero."

This is the original word of the Minister of National Security!

God, it's over, it's over!

Now, there are no pumpkin warships and transport ships under my command, and none!

"Contact their dean immediately and tell all doctors and nurses to evacuate immediately!"

"Order the bomber formation and the J-2O squadron to take off immediately! Stop 'Wang Xinyue' and fire air-to-ground missiles if necessary!"

The officers raised their hands and saluted, "Yes, Commander!"


United States. new York. Roosevelt Lodge.

Ike was waiting patiently for a Chinese come in the living room.

Beside him, Morton frowned and kept looking down at the watch.

It has been 12 minutes, but the colleagues and the Secretary of State waiting in front of the New York Space Portal did not receive any news.

How is this going?

The Chinese Foreign Minister clearly promised personally: to New York within 1o minutes, but there is no news yet.

What is this behavior?

This is a very serious diplomatic incident.

Based on this, the federal government can completely submit a diplomatic protest to China, and the little prodigy can refuse to rescue the tens of millions of humanoid weapons in the coma in Hangzhou.

"Ting Bell!" "Ting Bell!" ...

Just then, Morton's cell phone rang. He answered the phone in an instant and handed it to Ike after a few words.

"Ike, Mr. Secretary calls!"

Ike nodded and took the call.

"Hello, Mr. Secretary of State!"

"Hello, little Ike! The Chinese Foreign Ministry called and the patients they transported were awake midway and then jumped off the transport plane ..."


Ike got up in shock.

This is impossible!

After the destruction of the Great Cucumber, those humanoid weapons will never wake up halfway. It was a micro-level attack involving the fields of genes and cells. At this moment, if you did not make a mistake in estimating, the consciousness space of those humanoid weapons has been closed.

How could a creature wake up without consciousness.

"What about everyone else? What about other unconscious humanoid weapons in Hangzhou?"

"Others are still in a coma, only this special case! According to the Chinese Foreign Minister: She is a five-year-old girl named 'Wang Xinyue'!"

Wang Xinyue?


"I see. Thank you for your news!"

"You're welcome, bye Ike!"


Ike hung up.

At this moment, an inexplicable magical induction surged into Aike's heart.

In the deep, he seemed to understand something.

At this moment, Ike spoke softly, like a great **** shouting a shocking prophecy:

"This woman will become a great tool in the future!"

This remark shocked the audience.

Morton asked in horror: "Sir, you mean ..."

"Yes! In the near future, a great figure will emerge in China!"


The FBIs drew in the air, terrified.

Since the little prodigy debuted, he has never praised a person so much, no one has. Including former president Obama with outstanding achievements, including Mr. Hughes, the spearhead of the Watermelon Alliance, a rich country, and all scientists in the scientific community.

No one has praised him personally, but now he actually ...


China. Northwest of Qinshan ~ ~ Boom! "

A black dot fell on the ground like a meteor, soaring into the sky. The ground shook and sank several feet.

After a moment, a terrifying humanoid weapon climbed out of the pit.

His eyes were scarlet and scary, and his body was covered with bone armor. His ten fingertips were as sharp as a knife.

"Mom, mom, where are you?"

"Mom, afraid ... afraid ... afraid! Crescent is so scared! Mom, where are you ?!"

The stern roar continued to accompany the children's voices, and the sound shook all directions.

The next instant, it moved and ran in a certain direction.

It's fast, ten steps away.

As the road passed, trees broke and rocks were destroyed.

The terrible power can be clearly felt by people ten miles away.

Ahead. Ten miles.

The T-333 military hospital sounded the alarm.

Armored tanks drove out of the secret place, and a soldier rushed to their posts frantically. The Central Guard bodyguards transferred from Zhongnanhai hurried to the top floor, preparing to start the helicopter on the top floor.

The hospital director and leaders evacuated the crowd anxiously.

"Come on, everyone runs backwards!"

"Stretcher, stretcher, bring the patients you are responsible for!"

"What about Miss Cui? Arrange her on a helicopter!"

However, it seems too late now.

"Mom, mom, where are you? Mom, ohh, afraid ... afraid ... afraid!"

A loud roar came from the jungle ahead.

With the sound of this voice, a humanoid weapon rushed out of the jungle in front. Behind him, there are a series of afterimages.

It was an optical illusion that was fast enough.

It's here!

Waiting for this military hospital may be the end of the world.


(Coming soon, sister Cui Mingmei is about to die, what should I do? What to do?)

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