Super Black Technology

Chapter 514: The baby feels bitter

When Ike came outside the cottage, the soldiers of the 6th Federal Army had already pulled the cordon to prevent ordinary people from coming in to visit.

However, they cannot control the media in the sky.

Those are the media companies of the capital predators.

A huge icicle stood on the ground in front of the wide villa. This spectacular scene thrilled American media.

"Audience friends, what you see now is a humanoid biological weapon coming down from the battlefield in Hangzhou, China. It was frozen in the huge icicle in front of our eyes. Did you see it? Did you see it?"

The photographer hurriedly aimed the lens at the middle of the icicle. Suddenly, a little girl with a sharp ten claws and a body full of bone armor caught the sight of American audiences.

The American people were stunned.

This is Hangzhou residents transformed by Zerg? How terrible!

Is it dead?

"No! Our TV station sent a small life detector. According to the detector's response, it still has biological electromagnetic waves in the icicle. That is, it is still alive."

"Yes, audience friends, it is still alive, alive in strong ice at minus 12o Celsius."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience in the United States was shocked.

This humanoid biological weapon is so powerful that it can survive low temperatures. Doesn't this mean: it can move in space without wearing a space suit.

At this moment, the gate of Roosevelt Lodge opened.

Ike came out under the guard of the FBI.

Once out, Ike looked into the sky, then waved backwards.

Morton stepped forward immediately.

"Go ask those media to stop shooting! She is still a five-year-old girl, don't scare her!"


Morton hastened to call the head offices of the major media.

After a short while, all the helicopters in the sky flew away, and even if the audience urged to continue the live broadcast, they ran away.

No way, the Great God spoke in person, who dare not leave? Are you still waiting for the Seven Officers of the Watermelon Alliance to come to you?


After seeing the reporters leave obediently, Ike greeted the soldiers of the 6th army who continued:

"Gentlemen, please get some muskets and help me melt this icicle!"

As the words came out, the federal soldiers were shocked.

The great **** wants to release that terrible humanoid weapon? God, what if we let it go?

A colonel hurried over and saluted Ike.

"Little Ike, you can't melt the icicles! This will endanger your life! Wait for the mechanized soldiers from the military to come over and melt!"

On hearing that, Ike shook his head and said, "It's okay, I have a sense. You can melt the icicles!"

The colonel had no choice but to do so.

A few moments later, several fire dragons spewed out of the military torch and began to melt the icicles.

After half an hour, the icicles finally melted completely. The humanoid weapon fell from mid-air and fell on the wet ground.

Immediately before the enemy, the Union soldiers raised their guns and aimed at the young humanoid weapon.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths ...

The soldiers' hands were shaking and their hearts were in fear.


A fierce roar sounded, and the sound was startled.


With this sound, in the center of the site, a terrible humanoid weapon was awakened. It slowly got up from the ground, and then looked at the soldiers in all directions with blood-red eyes.

What terrible eyes that are!

Looking at it, the federal soldiers seemed to see a sea of ​​blood.

"Stop! Don't move! Let's fire again!"

Mr Colonel shouted, his voice trembling a little.

Unfortunately, this terrifying humanoid biological weapon ignored the words of Mr. Colonel. It slowly turned his head and looked at the other soldiers.

Fearful, the federal soldiers took a half step back, terrified in their hearts.

Just then, in the eyes of everyone's incomparable fear, a gentle voice sounded.

It's the voice of the Great God!

"Hi! Little guy, are you called Wang Xinyue?"

The words immediately attracted the attention of humanoid weapons. It turned around and looked at the door of the villa.

There was a blue-eyed teenager standing there.

He was wearing an ordinary casual outfit with nothing in his hands and no weapons. But at this moment, "Wang Xinyue" felt a fear from the soul.

This fear came so suddenly, as if it contained endless murder.

"Wang Xinyue" is very scared, the creature's instincts can keep it back, one step, two steps, three steps ...

Just then, "Wang Xin" suddenly burst into tears.

"Mom, where are you? Crescent is afraid, afraid ... Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh since I ’m afraid, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh since I ’m scared, hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh since I ’m scared, hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh since ...

At this moment, the soldiers were stunned and the FBI was stunned.

what's going on?

Isn't it a horrifying biological weapon that kills people like hemp? Why are you crying like a baby? What the **** did God do, which is incredible?

At this moment, Ike was stunned.

Suddenly, I didn't do anything, just smiled and said hello to the little girl. But why did she cry?

This this……

The baby is bitter, and the baby doesn't say it!


At this moment, there was a roar of helicopters in the sky. Subsequently, the helicopter landed and the Chinese ambassador to the United States jumped under the protection of two military attachés.

Upon jumping down, the Chinese ambassador to the United States saw the crying "Wang Xinyue."

At this moment, Mr. Ambassador was shocked and angry.

This little fellow is our national treasure. How can you scare her like this?

Mr. Ambassador looked at Aike ~ ~ and said softly: "Little Aike, would you please don't scare her? She is a child just 5 years old!"

The ambassador's words were euphemistic and gentle, but there was a hint of dissatisfaction.

Hearing this, Ike almost cried.

Oh, what a wrong. I didn't scare her, I really didn't scare her. Don't believe it, you look ...

Ike softened his face, made a self-righteous smile, and walked towards the crying little.

As he walked, Ike greeted with a smile:

"Hello, Wang Xinyue, my name is Ike! Shall we be friends?"

As soon as this word came out, Xiaobudian cried louder, and while crying, he stepped back.

"Mom, the new moon is scared, afraid ... wow, mom, where are you ... wow, wow ..."

Ike was motionless, his face awkward.

He looked at Mr. Ambassador, shrugged, and extremely helpless.

Seeing this scene, Mr. Ambassador, like the others before him, was instantly stunned.

what happened?

At this moment, no one at the scene knew the reason.


That is the inherent fear of the lower creatures of the universe when facing higher creatures.

Just like once, Ike was punishing the naughty little creature in Mrs. Henry's belly. The body of consciousness broke into the consciousness space of the little creature, and then waved it with a slap ...

Scared the little creatures so horrified that they never dared to be naughty again.

"King Crescent" is more sensible than Little Vulcan. She has been transformed by Zerg biotechnology, and still retains her combat instinct and keen identification.

So at first sight of Ike, she understood.

This defenseless strange brother is stronger than any creature she has ever seen.

Can't afford it, this brother can't afford it.



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