Super Black Technology

Chapter 517: Spirit is better than force

(The tragedy, that chapter was "harmonious" just now. This chapter is rewritten. Please look at it again. I wanted to make three changes today, but the result was half harmonized, so I could only make up half of the next chapter. So, try again tomorrow.)

For the war in the Centaur constellation, Ike is not aware of it yet.

He is treating "Wang Xinyue".

In a clean and tidy bedroom, Wang Xinyue obeyed her elder sister's instructions and lay quietly in bed without moving.

Seeing this, Ike closed his eyes.

The next moment, a particle of consciousness left the body and entered the "Wang Xinyue" body.

The particles of consciousness ignore the barriers of flesh and bones, travel fast in the body of Wang Xinyue, and reach the brain after a short while.


"Wang Xinyue" seemed to hear a silent sound, and the space of consciousness between three and four dimensions was broken.

Ike's particle of consciousness got into it, and began to examine Wang Xinyue's special situation.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes ...

All around, everyone watched intently without saying a word.



With a scream, "Wang Xinyue" passed out on the spot.

With the coma of "Wang Xinyue", the bone armor covering its body began to disappear, 10 narrow and sharp bone claws quickly retracted, blood-red eyes began to change color, and returned to the original black pupil ...

After a moment, a lovely little girl caught everyone's eyes.

After doing all this, Ike opened his eyes.

"Well, she's back to normal!"

The Chinese ambassador to the United States was overjoyed and thanked Ike quickly.

At this moment, Alice suddenly asked: "Brother, why is she alone awake from the 10 million people in Hangzhou?"

Ike: "She is in a special situation! It is because of her past experience that she was deeply impressed in her memory area and conscious space, so she was always in a state of consternation."

"The consciousness and spirit of life are very complicated beings!"

"In the advanced civilization of the universe, there is a saying: Spirit is better than force!"

"The consciousness and spirit of the living body is the most powerful, and it can transcend the biological body!"

Everyone was shocked by this remark.

Agent Fbi Morton asked on the spot: "Mr. Ike, how do you know the words of advanced civilization?"


"This, this ... It's because my Scourge Army and the Hangzhou Swarm have a war. I used big watermelon technology to detect their communication waves. So I got to know some."

"Oh!" Morton suddenly realized.

Seeing his relief, Ike was relieved.

Dangerous, almost exposed.

"Little Ike!"

At this time, the Chinese ambassador to the United States spoke again.

"How should another biological weapon in Hangzhou return to normal?"

This issue is not only the most concerned by the ambassador himself, but also the Chinese government. This is because whether China can retain 10 million super-strong space fighters.

After hearing the question, Ike thought for a while and replied, "I have learned the reason for the biological weapon coma. There is a way to quickly wake up other biological weapons and return to normal!"

"What is it?" The ambassador asked urgently.

At this moment, everyone in the audience also looked at Ike.

After all, Ike is so busy that it is impossible to heal every biological weapon in person.

That's as much as 10 million!

"The solution is-the big cucumber technology!"

As soon as this word came out, the audience was shocked.

"Fruit of life ?!"

"Yes, one per person is enough!"

The sound is down, but after hearing the "Song Tong" sound, the Chinese ambassador to the United States was scared to the ground.

One per person, that is a total of 10 million fruits of life!

It's over, it's over, we in China are going from big tyrants to poor ghosts!

"God, is there any other way? The price is really too great!" Mr. Ambassador wailed his face and begged him to think of another way.

Unfortunately, Ike shook his head.

"There is no other way! Biological consciousness and spirit are areas that human technology has not yet touched. Only the tree of life can wake them up. Of course, your country can also give up treating them!"

give up?

how can that be? !!

That's 10 million super-strong space warriors, the weapon of the country!

"Okay, thank you Ike!"

Mr. Ambassador thanked the Great God again.

"You're welcome! OK, let's go out first, she won't wake up tomorrow!"

After hearing Ike's words, everyone exited the bedroom.


China. bei jing.

After receiving reports from the ambassador to the United States, senior officials of the central ministries collectively worry.

Wake up Hangzhou residents, need 10 million fruits of life?

This is too expensive!

One fruit of life is sky-high, and 10 million fruit of life are unimaginable. It is estimated that the Chinese government has sold it in packages, and it cannot buy so much.

Moreover, even if the Chinese government wants to buy, it may not be available.

Because every fruit of life produced by the tree of life now belongs.

Even if it is China's own leaf of life, the fruits produced every month also have owners, which are the remains of elders contributed by the nationals themselves.

How could the government plunder?

It's almost equal to killing people directly.

Once exposed, 1.5 billion Chinese people will be upset.

How to do? What should I do now?

Subsequently, the Chinese government held an emergency meeting of the Ninth Committee.

After three days of fierce discussions, an executive order was issued from the State Council of Wu and sent to the whole of China.

"Since today, the fruits of life belonging to serving officials and party members have been turned over to the state treasury for the treatment of millions of people in Hangzhou."

As soon as this executive order was issued, the whole country was uproar.

The ordinary people clapped their hands and praised the decision of the Central Government. Officials at all levels were extremely angry.

On the same day, a local official even publicly declared in a high profile:

If the central government wanted to do this, he resigned immediately.

These remarks aroused the approval of many officials. However, at this moment, these dissident "public servants" could never have imagined that a storm was hitting them.

It is better to go home and raise pigs if you are not the master of the house!


local. A county. Civil Engineering Bureau.

A fat-headed director is calling. He has made an appointment with a "friend" and resigned today.

Anyway, I have enough money, and just use this excuse to step down.

Just then, the knock sounded.

The head of the fat head quickly hung up the phone and made a responsible office gesture.

"Come in!"

The sound fell, and the door to the office was pushed open. Several men in suits came in.

"Zhang Wei, we suspect you are corrupt and take bribes, please come with us. This is a summons!"

The fat head was shocked.

"No, this is slander! I am not corrupt, and I am going to resign today!"

Hearing the suspect's ridiculous sophistry, the Commission for Discipline Inspection was not surprised.

The head whispered softly, "Oh, is that it? You really resigned today?"

"Yes, yes, I have written my resignation!" Director Fatou even said.

"Ha ha!"

But with a chuckle, the disciplinary inspectors turned and walked out of the office.

Seeing this scene, Chief Fatou was so surprised that he was puzzled to the limit.

what's going on? The Discipline Inspection Commission just let me go?

Does it mean that the central government wants officials like me to leave their posts, or else we will double-check and investigate us?

Thinking about it this way ~ ~ Director Fatou overjoyed.

Unfortunately, he thought too much.

At this time, the office door was pushed open again.

Several men in military uniform broke into the office with guns.

"Zhang Wei, we suspect you are treasonous. Please follow us. This is an arrest warrant!"


The Fat Chief was horrified, with an incredible expression in his eyes.

Am I just greedy for some money, when was treason?

This is a stigma, this is a stigma of eating fruit, and I am an administrative officer. What is it that you send soldiers to arrest me? When did the military and government begin to become one?

Facing the question of the Fat Chief, an officer resolutely replied:

"It is wartime! The Central Government has not officially announced the end of the Hangzhou War!"

As soon as this remark came out, Chief Fatto was stunned.

At this moment, he finally thought about what the chairman said before going to Hangzhou:

"From today, China enters the war period. If the Chinese soldiers die, the officials and party members will carry guns to the battlefield. If the official party members die, then I will go to the battlefield myself!"

In other words: all serving officials and party members in the country are still a soldier!

It's over, it's over, what's waiting for you will no longer be ordinary judgment, but--

Military court!

At this moment, Chief Fatou was paralyzed in his seat.

"Take me away!"


The special military officer dragged the fat director directly out of the office ...

At the same time, many similar things are happening across China. Some officials were invited to the Discipline Inspection Commission to explain the problem. For some serious cases, they went to military court and were charged with treason.

Waiting for them will provide energy for the tree of life and turn into green leaves.


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