Super Black Technology

Chapter 519: Plan X: Pave the Future

By 10 pm, the results of the meeting came out.

"Abandon the aid of extraterrestrial civilizations and wait for the results of the war!"

When the Pumpkin Alliance announced the decision, the whole world was shocked.

Many enthusiastic experts and scholars have questioned the decision of the Pumpkin Alliance, and some serving officers have also questioned it.

"Why? Why don't we help that mechanical civilization? Doesn't the Pumpkin Alliance know the truth of the cold lips?"

"Even if you politicians don't know that your lips are cold, do you still not know how to defend your enemies from the country? Fighting in other starry sky is better than fighting at your doorstep!"

These reasons for questioning aroused the recognition of countless ordinary people.

Who wants to fight at their doorstep, or even at home? No one, even enthusiasts who care about the military, don't want war in their own home.

After all, that would be fatal!

People in troubled times are as cheap as a dog!

So that night, many enthusiastic people from western countries gathered.

They sat silently at the gates of governments, asking for a reasonable explanation from the Pumpkin Alliance.

In the face of such a crowded situation, the Pumpkin Alliance held a press conference.

At the press conference, the scientists of the Pumpkin Alliance research team explained this:

"The alliance understands everyone's doubts, and we also understand the reason of" cold and cold ", but ..."

"Centaurus is too far away from the earth! Even if a beam of light departs from the earth, it will take more than four years to reach Centaur. So we are really powerless!"

For this reason, global silence.

At this time, an American journalist raised his hand and asked, "As far as I know, didn't the little prodigy of Aike give a new plan for the door of space three months ago? Haven't your pumpkin alliance made a breakthrough yet?"

Hearing this, the scientists nodded.

"We have completed the dematterization of helium atoms, and we are currently preparing to build a space gate from Earth to Mars, but mass production of anti-helium atoms will take time. In addition, larger mass iron atoms, plutonium atoms, and even the heaviest Uranium atoms are still in the experimental stage and no breakthrough has been achieved. "

"So, there is really nothing we can do to help mechanical civilization. We can only wait for the outcome of the war."

That's it!

After listening to the scientists' explanations, the people finally understood why.

Hey, now Earth people can do nothing but pray, and pray for the Star Wars of Centaur to fight longer. Only in this way can we get enough time for the breakthrough of the technology of space gate.

After all, the time for the earth to give the tree of life to humans is really running out. If you don't build a real "Stargate" earlier and move humans to the new planet of life, then everyone will be finished.


White House.

At this time, Ike was not sleeping.

He was asking the light ball something in a soul way.

"Cross, in your estimation, can that Centaurus mechanical civilization win the Zerg 5 billion flying dragon army?"

The huge metal electronic sound immediately rang the soul of Ike:

"How is that possible? Aboriginal, you think too much, that mechanical civilization must be defeated!"

Although there was speculation in his heart, Ike was still shocked at this moment.

The Zerg is so powerful that it's no wonder it can fight everywhere.

However, how long can the Centaur's mechanical civilization last?

"Up to 5 years!"

Five years? so long?

Hearing that Ike was surprised for a while, then was overjoyed.

That mechanical civilization is awesome. It can actually get us such a long time. If a half-seat war can really last for five years, then the earth civilization must be well prepared for war.

Our warships will be more, our mechs will be more, our soldiers will be more ...

Moreover, as the war progresses, that mechanical civilization can certainly eliminate a lot of Zerg dragons for us. By that time, it will disappear, haha ​​...

At this moment, Ike laughed.

However, he thought too much, really thought too much.

At this moment, the huge metal electronic sound resounded through Ike's soul.

"Aboriginal Ike, you are wrong! You have miscalculated the strongest advantage of the interstellar Zerg: As the war progresses, mechanical civilization will be defeated, and the entire planet of Centaur will be occupied by the Zerg. What we are facing is no longer the 5 billion flying dragon army, but ... "

"50 billion, even 100 billion!"


Ike vomited blood and fell to the ground, unable to climb for a long time.

Damn, 100 billion flying dragons, how can he fight?

No matter how powerful our modern industrial capabilities are, there is no such exaggerated violent capability of the Zerg. And my big pineapple processing plant can only copy up to 30 billion Scourge Corps soldiers.

Tragedy, what should we do in the future? Can it only run?

But where should we migrate? There are no planets near the solar system suitable for human survival!


the next day.

Ike, who has been in the White House for a month, rarely walks out of the White House and prepares to stroll around.

People will get moldy if they don't go out again.

Seeing the Great God coming out, media reporters who have been waiting for news outside the White House were ecstatic and all surrounded them excitedly.

"Big God, what's your opinion on the emergence of 'Extraterrestrial Mechanical Civilization'?"

"Little prodigy, can that mechanical civilization win the Zerg? If not, how much preparation time can they get for our Galaxy fleet?"

"Mr. Ike, when are you planning to re-run your wedding?"

In front of the door of the White House, the noise became a vegetable market.

At the sound of these gurgling sounds, Ike only felt his head wide.

"Be quiet, ladies and gentlemen, please be quiet."

The words of the Great God immediately calmed down the scene.

"Everyone, I just came out to shop this time!"

As soon as this word came out, a beautiful blonde female reporter immediately shouted:

"Little prodigy, I am very familiar with the surrounding environment, and I know where there are many beautiful sisters to watch. Should I show you around, shall I?"

what? Do you know where there is a beautiful sister?

I'm dizzy, and in the public, you say such things, you will see Sister Alice back, I will kneel on the keyboard.

"Little prodigy, I'll take you there, I know where there is a more beautiful sister."

"Little prodigy, choose me, choose me! I'll take you to the New York Model Fashion Show, where the model sister is pretty."

"Little prodigy, I have a beautiful daughter, even more beautiful than your sister Alice. Otherwise, would you go to my house to be a guest?" ...

Hearing these words, Ike's head got bigger.

Damn, why did n’t these reporters become wolf-like for a month ~ ~ At this time, with the help of a companion, an Asian woman crowded out the crowd and came to Aike not far . Subsequently, the female hand disabled interviewer asked loudly:

"Little prodigy, I am a journalist under Tencent. Can I ask a woman a question?"

As soon as this question was asked, the audience was quiet for a moment.

what? Female topics? There are some mistakes. Ike is a man. Do you actually ask women about topics?

Are you sure you didn't take the wrong medicine?

Or, do you want to get the attention of the gods deliberately, and then do an interview?

At this moment, Ike was stunned.

what's the situation? How can I find a female topic? God, when did I become a friend of women?

Is this bad? !!

"Little Ike, shall I ask a question? Please, please, please!" The beautiful female reporter of Tencent pleaded.

For the sake of the pretty girl, Ike nodded.

"Well, you ask! You can only ask one question!"

The beautiful female journalist was so overjoyed that she thanked her quickly, and then in the attention of the audience, in the attention of audiences around the world, she smiled and said:

"Little prodigy, we all know that you are 16 and a half years old this year, and you are about to marry Miss Alice. Excuse me, do you plan to have children after marriage? If so, do you like boys or girls?"


This problem shook the world like a thunder, shaking the world.

The US government was shocked, the British government was furious ...

Tencent, the world's top 500 company, which has been quiet for half a year, has once again shot.

A shot is a shock to the sky!

It seems to pave the way for a certain mysterious character.


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