Super Black Technology

Chapter 521: neat

2o18 years.

June 7.

The sun is shining and the earth shines.

China. bei jing. People's Liberation Army General Hospital.

9 am.

A Chinese man in formal clothes walked into the hospital.

His eyes were sharp, his hands full of majestic strength.

He is the current leader of the Chinese Dragon Group, Chen Jiang, and is called by the global public-China's "water god".

Chen Jiang went through the inspections and went towards a certain floor in the hospital.

There was a special care unit in that building, which contained a beautiful pregnant woman.

Her name is Chu Yuner!

1 o'clock in the morning.

The roar of armed helicopters rang in the sky, and the special forces of the Beijing Military Region were ordered to come and deploy the fortifications around the hospital.


Zhongnanhai Central Police Corps guards stationed in this hospital to receive internal security work.

12 o'clock noon.

Ten large melon mechs came from the air, opened the combat mode, and closely guarded all suspicious characters from approaching.

The People's Liberation Army General Hospital announced martial law ...

Under the protection of this specification, Chu Yuner was pushed into the operating room of the obstetrics and gynecology department.

Subsequently, the operating room closed its doors and the red warning light came on.

At this moment, nine senior citizens in Zhongnanhai let go of their work and waited patiently.

At this moment, many outstanding generals in the Ministry of National Defense of China gathered together and anxiously waited.

China. Ministry of National Security.

The smoky atmosphere in the minister's office showed the uneasiness of a group of intelligence officials.

In this smoke, a young charming woman kept walking back and forth.

She is the sister of Chu Yuner and the ice goddess-Cui Mingmei!

At this moment, Cui Mingmei kept praying in her heart:

"Holy blessing: I hope my sister's mother and daughter are safe!"

Time passed minute by minute, 1o minutes, 3o minutes, 5o minutes ...


"Ting Bell!" "Ting Bell!" ...

A harsh bell rang violently, waking everyone up instantly.

Cui Mingmei turned suddenly and was about to run over to answer the phone. However, faster than her-the Minister of National Security, who has been standing by the phone.

The minister immediately picked up the phone and asked about the hospital.

After an instant, the endless ecstasy came to Mr. Minister's mind, and he shouted with excitement.

"Success! Our" x "plan is successful! Mother and daughter are safe, and the little one weighs 5 pounds and 8 pounds!"

The sound fell, and everyone cheered with excitement.

"Quick, report to the Central!"

In fact, at this moment, it is necessary to report by the Ministry of National Security.

The moment the baby was born, the obstetrician-gynecologists who belonged to the military informed the news.

Half an hour later, a line of cars drove into the People's Liberation Army General Hospital.

Among the soldiers' attention, a number of high-level Chinese government personnel stepped down from the car and headed towards the obstetrics and gynecology building.

For the Chinese President and wife, behind them, there are several CCTV interviewers.

Seven in the evening.

In the curious attention of the people around the world, CCTV's "News Broadcasting" started again on time.

"Dear friends, good evening. This is China Central Television's" News Broadcasting ". Today is 2o18, Thursday, June 7. The main content of today is ..."

"China's high-level leaders collectively inspect the General Hospital of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and have a cordial conversation with patients there!"

"Please see the details below!"

Different from the content introduction of the previous days, the global audience is instantly refreshed.

Here, here, the news network, which lasted for several days, has changed today.

What changed? What secret is hidden in that military hospital?

In the eager attention of the people around the world, the pictures on TV are directed to the hospital:

The distinguished President and his wife arrived at the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army and inspected the work of the hospital with the enthusiasm of the hospital director.

Pediatric clinic, emergency department, medical imaging department, internal medicine, surgery, Chinese medicine ...

The Chairman spoke highly of the achievements of the PLA General Hospital and hoped that they would take it to the next level.

The president and leadership of the academy thanked the chairman for his guidance and made a commitment ...

Seeing these pictures, many viewers yawned, and some interest calmed.

Today's "News Broadcast" does not seem to be different from the content of the previous days?

What is the Chinese government saying? Why didn't you disclose it?

Just then, in the eyes of the people around the world, the picture on the TV suddenly changed and turned to the obstetrics and gynecology department.

It was a ward. A young and beautiful woman was leaning on the pillow, and she was chanting the poem with a charming voice:

"Goose Goose Goose, Qu Xiang Xiang Tian Ge, Bai Mao floating green water, Anthurium wave green waves ..."

A little baby was lying beside her, sleeping peacefully with poetry.

United States. White House.

Aike, who was also watching "News Broadcast" on the Internet, suddenly felt an inexplicable telepathy in his heart.

In the midst of it, there seemed to be a magical thread that was connecting Ike with the sleeping baby.

The name of the silk thread is bloodline!

At this moment, Ike suddenly stood up, his face horrified.

"This, this is ... Chu Yuner? Then who is it ...?"

At this time, the picture on TV changed again.

Chu Yuner stopped reading poetry.

A group of people came in, respectful Mr. Chairman and Madam, and the leaders of the hospital.

Seeing them, Chu Yuner was so excited that she wanted to immediately get up and salute the chairman and his wife.

The chairman stopped her with a kind smile.

"What is your name?"

"Hello Chairman, my name is Chu Yuner!"

"Is this your child?"

"Yes, it's a girl!"

"Is there a name?"

"Yes! Her name is-Chu Chu!"

With Chu Yuner's voice falling, at this moment, the name "Chu Chu" resounded around the world.

The US government was stunned, the Russian government was stunned ~ ~ All governments around the world were stunned.

At this moment, these fine politicians finally reacted.

It turned out that this baby named "Chu Chu" was the main content that the Chinese government wanted to announce. To this end, they hesitate to pave the way with the seven-day "News Broadcast".

God, who is this mysterious baby? What political significance does the name Chuchu contain?

"Hurry up, find China Connect experts!"

"Let's check the 'chuchu' sound right away. What does it mean?"

Governments in various countries have acted one after another.


Countless netizens are also discussing this matter fiercely online. They don't need to check any information because they are Chinese.

The word "chuchu" is very easy to explain in a person's name.

It only has two meanings:

One, touching!

Second, pitiful!

So here comes the problem.

Is this mysterious baby on the "News Broadcast" really touching? Still pathetic?

If it's "beautiful", then there is no need to discuss it. Because that's the best compliment to a girl. but……

What if it is the meaning of "poor and miserable"?

So, where is the pitiful baby that made the Chinese government hesitate to pave the way for seven days of News Broadcast?

Could it be ...

In a heated discussion among the people around the world, the host of a Russian TV station suddenly asked:

"Who is her father?"

This question is like a thunder, which instantly shakes the world.

Yes, who is her father? Why do n’t I see the child ’s father on TV? And, and ...

Why does she follow her mother's last name?

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