Super Black Technology

Chapter 513: Extragalactic Galaxy: Traces of Superman

President Trump hastened to summon officials to prepare for a meeting to discuss the matter.

At this time, Ike was standing in front of a room in the White House, knocking constantly on the door.

"Sister Alice, I was wrong, really wrong. Will you open the door and listen to me explain to you?"

There was no response in the room.

"Sister, I know it wrong. I will never repeat it next time. Will you forgive me?"

There was still no response in the room.

Ike was so helpless that he had been standing in front of the door all afternoon.

Hey, forget it, wait for Alice to die.

"Sister, let's rest first, I'll see you tomorrow!"

With tragedy, Ike turned and left alone.

At this moment, he didn't know.

In the closed door, a beautiful woman was crying silently. Tears moistened the woman's face, and moisturized the towel ...

Ike went back to his bedroom and started business.

"Cross, how is Centaur fighting?"

Along with this question, in the sea of ​​Aike's soul, a dazzling light ball emerged instantly and bloomed.

The next moment, the huge metal electronic sound Che Aike soul:

"Zerg army has captured a tenth of the star field of Centaur!"

Receiving this message, Ike was shocked.

"So fast?"

"Yes, the mechanical civilization cannot stop the attack of the Zerg dragon. Unless ..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless a new force is added! According to the monitoring of dark particles, the mechanical civilization has sent a signal for help in the depths of the Galaxy!"

what? Mechanical civilization is asking for help in the deep galaxy? Are there other civilizations in the galaxy?

What civilization is it?

The direction of science and technology, or the direction of magic, or fantasy civilization?


Centaur constellation.

The Zerg Flying Dragons are fighting with the Transformers, and the star battlefield is extremely fierce.

Endless living body fragments and metal fragments float in the star space, which are the stubbles of soldiers killed on both sides ...


Mechanical civilization mother star-the planet Cybertron.

A magnificent steel palace towers over the earth, which is the highest power center of the Transformers.

Temple of Khan Khan!

Inside the steel hall, a giant metal robot sits on the seat of the god.

Its body is like the same star battleship.

Below the seat of God, there are rows of metal seats, and the leaders of each mechanical legion sit on it.

Among them, two metal robots are particularly noticeable.

One is: Transformers Megatron, the leader of the Decepticon Legion (Mad Faction).

The other is: Transformers Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobot Legion (Bo faction).

"Say, have the Blue Stars of Cancer responded?"

A unique metallic sound sounded from the throne.

Upon hearing this, Optimus stood up and said, "Come over, they refuse to send troops to rescue us."

"What about the Andromeda Lutet?"

"The Lutetians didn't send a message!"

"What about the silicon-based civilization of the Southern Cross?"


The Transformers are desperate. In just 3 months, those terrible Zerg Flying Dragons have captured a tenth of the star field of the Centaur constellation.

If we continue to do this, it will take less than a year, our mechanical civilization will be extinct.

How to do?

What should I do now?

At this time, the unique metal sound sounded from the throne again:

"So, what about the Stars, did they reply? Are they willing to rescue us?"

Where is Puppet Star?

Pleiades is not in the Milky Way, but in extragalactic galaxies thousands of light years away from the Milky Way.

There is a well-known (ninth universe) race in the universe. They call themselves "Superman" and possess the power of breaking a star.

At this moment, the leaders of all the major legions in the audience stood up together and made a metallic sound of astonishment.

"Are we asking for help from the Stars?"

"When did this happen, why don't we know?"

"According to the rumors of the universe: The star people are so proud, they can't rescue us over a distance of tens of thousands of light years!"

In the screams of exclamation, the leaders of the major legions all looked at Optimus Prime, and even a Megatron that was not compatible with him looked at him.

Feeling the audience's gaze, Optimus Prime shook his metal skull, despairing:

"They refused!"

As the words came out, the giant robot sitting on the seat of God suddenly stood up, and the towering palace seemed to be shaking.

"What's the reason? Why should they reject us? Don't the Starlings know that if we fall down, the Zerg will occupy Centaur. Then use the planetary resources of Centaur to capture the entire galaxy. By then, they will stark at the Stars. It's too late to try again! "

All these Transformers nodded collectively, even Optimus Prime.


"They still refused! Superman leaders said: They can't beat the Zerg!"

what? Can the Stars not beat the Zerg? Their strong one can break the star's existence.

This this……

At this moment, all the Transformers are stunned.

Where did this mysterious Zerg come from? Why is it so horrible that even the well-known stars in the universe dare not provoke them?

Facing the doubts of the audience, Optimus spoke again.

"The leader of Superman said: The Zerg are not from the universe, they may come from the eighth universe ~ ~ These flying dragon armies come from across the universe, and they are only low-ranking units of the Zerg. Although the Starlings can destroy them, but ... ... "

"The leaders of the Pleiadians are worried that once these dragons are eliminated, the Zerg will send high-level troops into the ninth universe. It will be a disaster for all civilizations in the universe!

Later, Optimus Prime did not go on. But at this moment, all the Transformers were shocked.

Endless fears are sweeping through their hearts, their electronic eyes are constantly flashing red light, and the super-tech processors in their bodies are running at an overload ...


Extremely desperate!

why? Why do these **** zerg attack us Centaurus, who brought them in?

What should we do now?

Even the Pleiadians of the outer galaxy dare not help us, which civilization in the galaxy dare to shoot?

Natural disasters are really natural disasters.

At this moment, all the Transformers were extremely angry.

They can't wait to stab the zerg!

"Optimus Prime!"

The unique metallic sound sounded from the throne again, and the sound contained boundless anger.

Optimus quickly bowed his head: "Yes!"

"Send another quantum wave to the Pleiadians of the extragalactic galaxy and ask them: Why did the Zerg come across the universe? What is their purpose? Who caused them?"

"Yes, Your Excellency!"

Optimus promised loudly, then transformed into a combat form instantly, and flew out of the hall ...

At this moment, Aike on the earth didn't know about the mechanical meeting that took place in the Temple of Khan Khan.

He is ready to sleep!

My daughter is coming, and she should prepare a gift for her.

A unique gift!


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