Super Black Technology

Chapter 623: Send New Earth

The media have broadcast this image one after another.

Not only that, but also many critics and historians were invited to explain the historical background in the video to the audience on television.

"These killed were civilians of the Ming Dynasty. The woman should be only 17 years old. The baby is about 2 months old and she is a baby girl ...

"Ah, so miserable, so cruel!"

"As a historian studying the ancient history of Asia, I can no longer comment on the army in the image in words!"

"As a matter of conscience, if this war is on our earth, I will definitely join the army and kill the beast army!"

"Too cruel, too cruel ..."

China. Hong Kong. Phoenix Television.

"Professor Qin, as a history professor at the University of Hong Kong, do you have anything to say?" The beauty host asked the guests.

After hearing the words, the guests shook their heads and looked pale.

He has nothing to say about this massacre.

Because of the relationship between Hong Kong and the Mainland, as a public figure, it is even more inconvenient to express opinions.

Who knows how the mainland government will handle this?

Is it shelter? Or revenge?

mainland. General Administration of Radio, Film and Television.

"Let the local television stations stop broadcasting the New Earth image immediately! Quick, quick!"

"Yes, Secretary!"

The staff immediately went to call through the radio stations.

No one expected that such a thing would happen. Originally, everyone was still happy to discover a new earth. What happened?

It turned out that the aliens of the new time and space are brutally slaughtering the Chinese!

It's too bad, it's too bad!

Upon receiving an order from a superior, even if local TV stations are not willing anymore, they can only cut off the broadcast.

Ministry of Culture.

"Block foreign websites immediately and try to delete the scene on the domestic network! Quick, quick!"

The Minister of Culture was so anxious that he kept yelling.

However, where can I hide it now?

Upon hearing the minister's order, technicians in China's network information industry sector shook their heads.

"Secretary, sorry, we can't do it!"

"What?" The Minister of Culture was startled. "Why ?!"

"Minister, in 2016, the country has abolished the Great Wall firewall, and domestic netizens are free to browse any foreign website. We can no longer block foreign networks as before!"

"This, this ... what should I do ?!"

The Minister of Culture was stunned. It was at this moment that he remembered that it was true.

China is no longer the former republic. The republic has become the superpower on this planet and the sole hegemon of the Asian continent. It has become a triad with the European Union and the United States, and even Russia must stand by.

Have you ever seen a super-powerful Congress afraid of foreign opinion?


The strong are not afraid of any challenge, only the weak are afraid!

Because of this, in 2016, the National Academy of Sciences announced the abolition of the Great Wall firewall to completely connect the domestic network with the world.

This decision has won the unanimous support of 1 billion Internet users in China ...

However, I did not expect that such a thing happened today.

It's over, it's over!

"Call the Central! Call the State Wu Academy!"

"Yes, Minister!"


The Ninth Committee meeting was convened urgently, and this matter can no longer be hidden!

The anger of the people is being bred. Perhaps it will take a day and a half for the land of China to set off a raging tide.

What should I do now?

The leaders discussed anxiously, hoping to discuss a good solution.


I have to say that the wise Chinese leaders guessed right!

1.7 billion people are really furious, and in the major cities, many people have begun to take to the streets and march toward the municipal government.

"Severe punishment for beasts! Severe punishment for beasts!"

"Get justice for history! Get justice!"

An angry slogan growled on the land of China ...

In modern China, the people of all ethnic groups were almost miserable by the Manchu government.

What great dynasty, what eternal emperor, all fart.

According to historical data, the population of China declined sharply in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, and some provinces even became an out-of-the-ordinary hell: famine, plague, and war. The people of all ethnic groups suffering in this land.

What ethnic integration is also farting!

During the 200 years of the Qing government's administration, there was no ethnic integration policy at all, but harsh isolation.

Manchu is not allowed to marry, write prison, and Yangzhou for ten days, Jiading Santu, staying without leaving hair, staying without leaving hair ...

The crimes of the Qing Dynasty are beyond description!

During that period of the 17th century, the entire population of Beizhili lost 1/3, Shanxi lost 40%, Shanxi lost 50%, and Henan lost 26%. The worst is Sichuan, with a population loss of 90% ...

Thousands of miles are uninhabited, with more deaths than during World War II.

In modern times: the national policy of giving gifts to friends and refraining from domestic slavery is even more hateful.

"Severe punishment for beasts! Severe punishment for beasts!"

"Get justice for history! Get justice!"

"Bloodbooks of thousands of people, asking the Central Army to send troops to save our fellow citizens!"

In the face of such a situation, the local governments did not do anything to stop them. They just dispatched police officers to maintain the order of the scene, so that no mob would be looted.

According to a local official:

The times have changed, and the entire planet is becoming more unified. Freedom of speech is a right that every citizen should have. If the government is still afraid of speech, it is reversing history.

These words came out and won praise from countless people.


"How is the situation everywhere?"

"Chairman of the report: The people marching everywhere are very orderly, and no vicious incident of smashing and robbing happened. It's just ..."

"Just what?"

"It's just that the people of the whole country have unanimously requested the central government to send troops to rescue the Daming Empire. Among these petitioners, there are even, um, many Manchu compatriots!"

what? !!

The leaders were shocked. How is this going?

"According to the feedback from the local governments, many of the Manchu compatriots were also very dissatisfied with that army. How can people be born to that extent?"

Leaders: "..."

12 o'clock noon.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences held a press conference, and the distinguished Chinese Premier personally stepped onto the podium and addressed the country:

"The citizens of the country, as well as the global Chinese and overseas Chinese, the dignity of the Republic cannot be violated. On behalf of the Party Central Committee, on behalf of the People's Republic of China, I declare that the new empire of the Daming Empire is protected by the Republic."

"The Republic has all the sovereignty of a new space-time country!"

"In addition, the republic does not recognize the alien army and is a member of my Huaxia tribe!"

"I'm done, thank you!"

With the fall of the Prime Minister's speech, the whole world has noticed the official Chinese word-"foreign"!

It's not Manchu ~ ~ It's not Manchu, it's— "Interracial"!

The attitude of the Chinese government is very clear!

At this moment, cheers rang out on the 9.6 million square kilometers of land.

"Long live the Republic!"

"Long live the Central!"


at the same time. Korea. Seoul.

The new South Korean president stepped out of the Blue House and held a press conference to officially announce:

"The Korea of ​​the new world is blessed by the Republic of Korea. In order to save the Korean people under the iron ride of the alien race, this country will send 100,000 troops tomorrow to the new earth.

Like China, the official word of the Korean government is "interracial"!

With that said, the world was lively.

Britain also immediately held a press conference to announce: "The Charlie regime in the new time and space is blessed by Britain!"

France also held a press conference: "France in the new time and space is blessed by us, and we have all its sovereignty!"

Russia: "The Tsar Empire in the new space belongs to Russia, and no country or organization is allowed to invade the Tsar territory!"

United States: "The Americas are ours! The United States will send experts and scholars to lead Indians into the beautiful age of civilization!"

Yueben: "In the hope of liberating the indigenous peoples, Yueben will send a million soldiers tomorrow and set sail in the new realm of Southeast Asia."

This is the insidious purpose of the Prime Minister.

Promote war and encroach on uncivilized areas.

According to the theory of parallel space-time, there are still many unmanned sites on the new earth, especially Central Asia and Southeast Asia ...

With the statement issued by the 88 governments of the Pumpkin Alliance, the cake of New Earth has been divided up.

The huge military power of mankind is about to go to a new time and space!


(I hope this chapter will not be harmonious!)

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